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09/10 Budget Impact on PRes - Unit stand-downs, Class B Freeze, and so on!

Crantor said:
Some things are. 

I realise you have no sympathy for what's been going on, but comments like that don't help.

CDN Aviator is just practicing to take over as the site curmudgeon after I retire. He has a seemingly ferocious bark, but his gummed bite is harmless ;D :-*
Crantor said:
Some things are. 

I realise you have no sympathy for what's been going on, but comments like that don't help.
He was just generalizing a bit...
He meant to say that the real culprit of the whole mess is the Air Force...


WhoooHooooo!!! It's that time of year ...  8)

ArmyVern said:
WhoooHooooo!!! It's that time of year ...  8)


I'm not even sure I'd want mine back...... Not after the way 2 ASG basically Strong-Armed us out of our positions....

Eliminating B/A positions at outside units before canceling B posn's within their own... 

Laying off Two Members from B/A positions while they are off on Medical leave one post surgery, and one about to go in for surgery,  for On-Duty Injuries....(Apparently this is Illegal, and apparently they dont much care...)  Then Denying them the opportunity to apply for any other Employment due to being on a TCat..... 

I Understand a need to trim the fat... but our Entire BOR is now being staffed by 1 Cpl, and a Part time Civy HRMS Clk...

Bringing whatever Class A mbrs in that they can to help manage the work...

Even at full staff we were undermanned....  Gaff is in the sewer for most of the unit (part and Full time) and our RegF Cadre cant wait to get as far away from anything involving PRes Svc Bn's and 2 ASG as soon as they Can.......

All I know is that for the Past 11 years, I have been proud to be a soldier. and Damn proud to serve my Country.... 

After the way I've seen this handled... and seen the way that Higher Command has tried to Kick our unit to the Curb, I'm having a very very hard time feeling proud of anything to do with the Canadian Forces... Nor do I have much faith in them or their commitment to us....

READ: My unit is good... And they are doing everything they can to fight for those getting let go... Especially the Broken troops.... I support and flat out Love my unit for Standing by it's members.... But I have some choice words for the CF, the Army, and LFCA.... especially the Area CWO who actually had the Gall to Yell out to all of us at a Town hall back in fall '09 that it was "A Great Day to Be a Soldier..."

Maybe back then... and maybe for you Sir... After all... You're still getting paid....

Now that we are 10 days into April I am just curious if any of the reserve units have had their budgets or Class A days restored.  What about Class B positions?  Any change?  Summer training?  I would be interested in hearing feedback from reservists across the country.

Tommy said:
I'm not even sure I'd want mine back...... Not after the way 2 ASG basically Strong-Armed us out of our positions....

Laying off Two Members from B/A positions while they are off on Medical leave one post surgery, and one about to go in for surgery,  for On-Duty Injuries....(Apparently this is Illegal, and apparently they dont much care...)  Then Denying them the opportunity to apply for any other Employment due to being on a TCat..... 

Not quite.  They are not required to keep the members employed but if the injuries are due to military service and the dr has declared them temp disabled then the members can apply for compensation.  If proven to be valid they may be paid up to the same as their full time pay while "disabled". 
Part 3 orders ( I.e. the "Duty Rumour" ) has the Army reserve units being attrited down to 70% of auth str by restricting new enrollments.

CanForceOfficer said:
Now that we are 10 days into April I am just curious if any of the reserve units have had their budgets or Class A days restored.  What about Class B positions?  Any change?  Summer training?  I would be interested in hearing feedback from reservists across the country.


Oversight on class A days is still happening.  And frankly should stay that way.  No new class Bs as far as I know and units are limited to recruit new numbers.  I think 33 CBg has 80 positions for recruits total.  I'm pretty sure that includes some people enrolled and waiting for courses.  That amounts to about 8 new recruits per unit for 2010/2011.  Daytime staff at my unit is overworked.  They are giving the same level of service with half the staff.  Some have dropped some of their secondary duties to handle it.  But honestly they are getting burned out a bit.  Summer training is broken up due to OP Cadence.  There was  a call to fill some positions on that.  I said thanks but no thanks.
As an aside, some clown from some area HQ (says he's "MWO no names no pack drill) wrote to the latest Espirit de Corps and lauded the CLS for cutting Class B reservists.
I have a few issues with this.

1. If you want to call us out, don't hide behind your "nom de plume" That's a coward's way out.

2. Know what you're talking about.

3. If the Reg Force could fill the RSS positions, I would think there would Class B contracts.

This isn't the first time Scotty's done this. A while ago a sh*th#ad went by the name "Carl Gustav" wrote an artcle decrying...you guessed it... Class B reserves.

I find these "articles" and "letters" to be infuriating.  :rage:
You know darn well that said sh*th#ads are usually first in line for a Class B when they are facing retirement.  Ain't Karma a B_____.
George Wallace said:
You know darn well that said sh*th#ads are usually first in line for a Class B when they are facing retirement.  Ain't Karma a B_____.

Yeah it is isn't it? The latest Espirit de Corps has this cr@phead spouting off about stuff he knows nothing about.
Mid Aged Silverback said:
Yeah it is isn't it? The latest Espirit de Corps has this cr@phead spouting off about stuff he knows nothing about.

And his opinion should be different from the rest of the rag why? :P
Espirite de what?

Oh, that "look at me, I am so knowledgeable, I love me" rag.

My experience, those that call us "toons" out, and are openly prejudiced against us are, in a few words, suffering from inadequacies themselves. Rarely are they at the top of any merit list, and more likely where they are today because someone likes them, not because of tactical acumen (this goes both ways I warn, as some of us in the P Res do go on at length about the incompetence of the regular force too...).

I have no problems calling anyone who is ignorant out on their ignorance. Amazing what a few polite, and respectful words can usually accomplish.
I attempted... (key word: Attempted) to have a debate with one of the RegF guys I worked with overseas about why he had such a hate on for "F***ing Toons" as he referred to us....

His argument "Well you dont got the same training that we do.. so you dont really help us"

My Response " We begged, ranted, and yelled up to the heavens for training and qualifications that you could have given us during work-up... instead you stuck us in a corner and ignored us most of the time......."

Him "........"


Most of the RegF guys were pretty good and we had very few problems... at least nothing on the surface... They may have hated us to the core, and there were times I got that impression from my Section Commander, but they were at least professional enough not to bring it into work with them... 

Essentially we also worked our asses off and showed them we were competent Soldiers... Just like a newbie to battalion we had to prove ourselves... once we did, we got on swimmingly with them for the most part.

CountDC said:
Not quite.  They are not required to keep the members employed but if the injuries are due to military service and the dr has declared them temp disabled then the members can apply for compensation.  If proven to be valid they may be paid up to the same as their full time pay while "disabled".

It's still a Dick Move.... Not all units are as supportive as mine... had our unit not had someone good at their job, who knew what they were doing, and actually gave a damn about the members, there would be two members collecting EI at best, and at worst spiraling into debt trying to pay their bills.... 

Not to mention from what I heard about all of it, my unit got a lot of resistance from higher up about getting the members their money.

and yes. both members had Duty related Injuries to their Backs... Both requiring surgery.

They are being taken care of yes.... But I have little faith in My units Command at any level higher then my CO right now.... I still think 2 ASG just sees us as a Giant Budget toilet and the more they can save, the better....

Move away from the Reg\Reserve bullshit. It's been done to death here, and won't be tolerated anymore. Your posts have nothing to do with the thread. Leave it go and don't bring it up again.

Milnet.ca Staff
13 Apr 10 - the question and initial answer:
Hon. Roméo Antonius Dallaire: Honourable senators, my question is for the Leader of the Government in the Senate. On several occasions, the Leader of the Government in the Senate, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defence have made the point that we are able to carry out dangerous operations abroad thanks to reservists, who sometimes account for as much as 25 per cent of the personnel involved and who have been killed and injured in these operations.  Could the minister explain why the budget for militia regiments was so massively cut after the reservists returned to Canada last fall, having served in the regular force? They are barely able to return to their regiment one day a month to stay in touch and maintain their knowledge and skills, which could be of use in civilian life. Will things continue this way?

Hon. Marjory LeBreton (Leader of the Government): Honourable senators, as I have responded to the honourable senator in previous answers, the overall budget of the Department of National Defence was not cut.  I took the honourable senator's last question in this regard as notice. I apologize if I have not provided a delayed answer, but I hope the honourable senator noticed that, with regard to our military people serving abroad, we have introduced legislation, as reported in the media. That legislation is to extend parental leave to our service-men and service-women who are overseas and not able to take advantage of the Employment Insurance parental benefits because they are in a theatre of operation.  That benefit is one good thing we have done for our men and women in service. With regard to the reserves, I will take the question as notice.

Senator Dallaire: Honourable senators, the budget for reservists, which is an integral part of our operational capability, is managed as part of the operations and maintenance budget. This budgeting approach is unlike the regular force, which has a set budget line in a vote. It is structured in person years, and done in a rigorous fashion. The reservists' budgets are dependent on the O&M allocation, and absorbing budget cuts.  There was a massive budget cut, and I can provide figures. In as much as the leader is taking a look at protecting the reservists and the continuity of the reservists by making their personnel budgets — their salaries and so on — can she respond by making the reservists' budget a firm vote within the Department of National Defence and not part of O&M, like rations, ammunition and fuel?

Senator LeBreton: The honourable senator has me at a decided disadvantage with acronyms since he held a high position in the Canadian Forces and has a much better working knowledge of the ins and outs of the Forces than I will ever have.  I thank the honourable senator for the question. I will take it as notice and provide the response.

10 Jun 10 - the official response:
(Response to question raised by Hon. Roméo Antonius Dallaire on April 13, 2010)

    Our reservists are a vital part of the Canadian Forces, and the Government of Canada is committed to ensuring they have the resources and personnel they need to undertake their missions.

    The Canadian Forces have been experiencing an unprecedented operational tempo both internationally and domestically. Maintaining this high level of readiness comes at a cost, which can create internal fiscal pressures. As a result, approximately $80 million of the army's budget was reallocated last year to support Canadian Forces operational priorities to replace critical equipment and infrastructure. These reallocations affected, among other things, reserve and regular training, building maintenance and the civilian salary wage envelope.

    However, these were temporary reallocations and for the 2010-11 fiscal year, the army reserve budget remains on track. Overall, the army has received a steady increase in funding for the reserve program, from $257.2 million in the 2005-06 fiscal year, to an anticipated program allocation of $457.6 million for the 2011-12 fiscal year.

    Canadians have demonstrated an overwhelming degree of moral support for their troops and supported the government in the assignment of additional financial resources to the Canadian Forces. For example, last summer, the government announced a commitment to acquire new and refurbished armoured vehicles that will ensure soldiers have the tools and the protection that they need.

    The government is committed to implementing the Canada First defence strategy, which will ensure the Canadian Forces have the people, equipment, infrastructure and expertise required to defend Canada and Canadian interests now and well into the future. To achieve this, our strategy sets out a predictable, long-term funding framework and vision for the Canadian Forces.