recceguy said:
Personally, I think it about time the Reg force had to put their own people into the positions they created. They've had the best of both worlds too long. Times are tough all over this country. No one is owed a living.
Ahhh - this is the Pandora's Box. Put what people in those posns? We aren't recruiting purple trades --- our focus for years has been on zero trades, so sayeth the former CDS. Many many BClass purple types holding up the Army RegF system these days.
You see, the "Army" is at war and has thus grown itself substantially over the past 9 or so years with huge increases in recruiting ... of hard army trades - rightly so. Many of the zero trades are now "overstrength" in the RegF. But, we are at war and therefore they are needed.
Purple trades, however have not seen a posn added to their authorized strength levels since pre-9/11. These trades, because the "Army" has not been vigorously recruiting into them are now very very "red" - some at only 72% manning levels - others far worse off than that.
YET, the very growth of the "teeth" by such high numbers has seen a corresponding increase in the workload on those 72% of purple workers left to do the jobs. The support workloads have increased by approx 200% over the past couple of years, yet we are only manned at 72% of circa year 2000 manning levels.
The Army (in the Reg F) had ZERO choice BUT to hire B Class pers to assist the RegF get that very dirty business of supporting war done.
If not for the sp of BClass ... the Army's sky would fall at some of those "low priority" manning Units (you know, those Pri 6 Units supporting the pri 2 Reg F Army training system). CTC certainly wouldn't be able to train a single RegF Army zero trade candidate were it not for the augmentation of BClass pers into the Reg F Units holding up that particular tree branch right now.
And thus, at 72% manning, the purple trade exodus continues because people have to actually sleep sometime.
You want to stem the use of BClass? Then someone had best come of with some form of incentive to "keep the RegF that you've already got!!" <--- And despite it all, doing
that would seemingly be much more cost effecient in the long run.
Times could certainly get very very interesting around there with this freeze.