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  1. wack-in-iraq

    Afghanistan: Why we should be there (or not), how to conduct the mission (or not) & when to leave

    Usually if an IED goes off and a terp is killed and Canadians are injured it will make the news. As for you describing your IED attacks as awesome... this makes me question you ever having encountered one.
  2. wack-in-iraq

    Afghanistan: Why we should be there (or not), how to conduct the mission (or not) & when to leave

    ''my uncle, Casey, is one of those soldiers over in Afghanistan. Every day for him is like a lottery ticket, you never know what's going to happen, whether you're going to win or lose, live, or die. My uncle's military vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb two weeks ago. His Afghan interpreter was...
  3. wack-in-iraq

    Canadians Give US Troops A Lift

    Regardless of the Afghan mission, Im sure these will be put to good use. Having a real airmobile company in the light units should be a consideration.
  4. wack-in-iraq

    1 VP deployments ?

    So, after about a year or so of kicking and screaming to get back in I have been successful. I have passed the security(that was the big problem) and all the other tests, and am now on the merit list.   I went down to the recruiting centre today and spoke with the clerks, who informed me my...
  5. wack-in-iraq

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    Just to clear the air, I was released on good terms. Obviously it is the Iraq thing that is holding me back. All I want is some advice that people might have to speed up the process. Please, lets not turn this into a flame thread.
  6. wack-in-iraq

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I figure this is the right forum for this, if not please move it where it belongs. After leaving the army in 2004 I took a job offer and went to Iraq for a year and change. I did my time there, and managed to make it out with a few pretty cool scars, and a fat load of cash. Now that I have...
  7. wack-in-iraq

    U.S. troops shoot at Cdn. diplomats' car in Iraq

    I highly doubt it, if anyone knows the rules it would be the guys who have laid a lot of the ground work for the rules that are now in place. Besides, I havent seen too many of the black hiluxs' driven by the USSF in downtown BGW, might stick out just a bit and defeat the purpose of being...
  8. wack-in-iraq

    U.S. troops shoot at Cdn. diplomats' car in Iraq

    Well this wasnt a convoy, it was a car with a sticker on it. The stupid thing is that most of the Iraqis here put stickers all over their cars, some of religious icons, some of patriotic stuff, and a lot put on stickers of their favorite countries.... ie Canada If it was an actual military...
  9. wack-in-iraq

    U.S. troops shoot at Cdn. diplomats' car in Iraq

    A few things that are common knowlege on the streets of Iraq: Never pass any convoy, EVER. The signs on the back of PSD and military convoys dont need to be readable, anyone who has been here more than 2 days knows to stay well back. 100 metres ? They start shooting at 150. If you get shot...
  10. wack-in-iraq


    These are the best I could find, kinda hard to take photos while driving though so they arent too great.
  11. wack-in-iraq

    I Just Wanted To Say.....

    Merry Christmas to everyone back home. It was actually fairly quiet in the big town on Christmas.
  12. wack-in-iraq

    Deployment duration

    Year long tours are a bad idea, the main operational reason is complacency. the troops i deal with on a regular basis over here admit to it, and i can see a big change in the group that got here around the time i did, especially the guys on gate duty. when they first arrived they were aleart...
  13. wack-in-iraq

    What would keep you in the army?

    agreed, a resigning bonus would be great !  is it true that CF members are no longer paying tax on overseas pay?
  14. wack-in-iraq

    Rememberance day Iraq

    Wow, i wish i were closer to the British AOR. i tried to find a ceremony on one of the Baghdad camps but nothing was to be found, not even on camp victory where there are quite a few brits...
  15. wack-in-iraq

    What would keep you in the army?

    Money is not an issue to me. In my decision to come to Iraq it was not a deciding factor, in fact if the truth be told i am paid quite poorly by Iraq contractor standards. I took the job so i could go do something i know i will never be able to do in the CF, have a hell of a lot of action. The...
  16. wack-in-iraq

    Canadian Army music video

    I didnt watch the others, but the infantry one is a bit outdated. a video should show the newest and coolest of all the gear, not stuff that was used back in the 80s. by the way, great work on the video you are making, makes me wanna rejoin !
  17. wack-in-iraq

    Regimental Birthdays

    23 December, if i recall.... is that right ?
  18. wack-in-iraq

    Tomb of Unknown Soldier

    no im not joking. ask your average canadian anything about the canadian army, or its history and they will give you a blank look, ive met canadians who dont even know we have an army. do you think these people have the slightest idea about the histories of any other nations military ? so what...
  19. wack-in-iraq

    Tomb of Unknown Soldier

    is that such a bad thing ? why should they learn about other countries military history ?
  20. wack-in-iraq

    Misconceptions abound...

    its funny, canada is not a 'coalition country' but i have met more canadians in uniform over here than many other nations that supported this stupid war. most recently i met a LCol who was a major in 3VP up until about 6 months ago, now he is over here with 3ID. its not just comissioned guys...