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  1. S

    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    Seems I'm not the only one frustrated and thats understandable. I'm not trying to get a rise out of anyone, and the entire military is short-staffed. The rollarcoaster ride of being loaded on course, not loaded, new course coming up, course cancelled, is not easy on anyone. Could be worse, I...
  2. S

    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    Does anyone know what the hell is going on at CFFA? They keep making courses and then delaying or cancelling them. I've been waiting since January for the Aug course, only to hear that it's cancelled for semi-skilled. I'm getting frustrated by this, I put in my paper work for change trades April...
  3. S

    CAF Specialist Pay [Spec Pay]- All Trades [MERGED]

    There was some talk back in April about Firefighters getting spec pay. With the new 170+ day QL3 course just brought in, has there been an update on going to spec 1?
  4. S

    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    ok, found it. Seems to be 15 Feb 09 is the next 169day QL3.
  5. S

    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    Hello to all, Does anyone have any information on the next QL3 course? I've just been accepted to the firefighter trade, (remuster from sigs) and I'm pretty anxious to begin :)
  6. S

    Afghan Roto in Aug 06

    To speculate further, would that be RCD as the main battlegroup? Also, A more stupid question what medal does Archer get? Athena was the star like medal, is this the same or is it the general service ISAF? kinda curious. . .
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    Afghan Roto in Aug 06

    Does anyone know which bde is/if being deployed? Also, would this be Roto6? Thanks
  8. S

    St Jean, needs changes?

    I don't know about St.Jean, but I just finished my PLQ in Shilo and I have to say, I feel sorry for the future of the Canadian Forces. People on my course who should not have been there, failing mostly everything and generally bad leaders/soldiers passing. Look out, its all downhill from here. I...
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    Soldiers who smoke

    And to the people at NDHQ who lean up against the NO SMOKING signs and lit their cigerettes, what makes you so fucking special? There is a reason why you can't smoke beside the doors, we don't want to breathe that crap!
  10. S

    Soldiers who smoke

    If you don't want to hear me preach about how fu*king distgusting smoking is, don't smoke in front of me. Smoking in front of non-smokers is inadvertently preaching them so smoke. If you guys want to get your break every 10min, fine with me, just keep that sh*t to yourselves.
  11. S

    Deploying with other countries?

    Curious, are we able to deploy with the British Military as a Canadian? Say an exchange program or something... I've done a tour in Bosnia (who hasn't) and will be finished University in 3yrs. (i'm a reservist) Its not that I don't want to go to Afgan or Golan, I just want to know options. I...