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  1. Vyscaria

    Word association (just for fun)

  2. Vyscaria

    Standardizing duties regardless of physical ability + Failing courses for PT?

    Thanks everyone for the feedback. I think my original intentions were badly worded; I was a little ranty. I'm not looking for a 'free pass' to anything, and I apologize if I came off that way. I tried to make the distinction, but I suppose there really is no discussion about it. I'm sorry for...
  3. Vyscaria

    Standardizing duties regardless of physical ability + Failing courses for PT?

    Thanks, dangles. And yes, I agree that I was in terrible shape when I got to BMQ. But now I can generally keep up on ruckmarches if the pace is manageable. Sometimes I have to run because I'm short. As for exercise, I think it was more a paradigm thing; I didn't really /get/ exercise until I...
  4. Vyscaria

    Standardizing duties regardless of physical ability + Failing courses for PT?

    I've been reading a lot of posts on this forum and have heard things from troops. Though I agree that standardization is key for morale, organization, etc, it also seems to me illogical to give everyone the same duty? Sorry if it sounds like a stupid question, but I'm honestly trying to...
  5. Vyscaria

    Word association (just for fun)

    wife (...don't judge me...)
  6. Vyscaria

    Reserve BMQ and BMQ-L

    When I went through the process at the actual recruiting centre, I was sixteen. They said they'd take any references I could give them, so I gave them three people to contact, two of them being teachers at my high school and one of them being my Yoga Instructor. I actually got the distinct...
  7. Vyscaria

    More and more funnies.. vol: something...

    http://s16.postimage.org/qb2tnnxcj/How_CF_trades_react_to_snakes.png I made this a few months ago as a joke after completing BMQ... Some of text this is based on is probably floating around here somewhere already, though I did add my own personal flair. ;) I only showed it to members of my...
  8. Vyscaria

    Word association (just for fun)

  9. Vyscaria

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    Hahaha... I wore Lululemon to PT once on BMQ. Never. Again. Not. Recommended. At. All. It must be code for "give me more laps and pushups".  :facepalm: -- Back to the topic; I think most of what should be said was already said... But upping your cardio through any means possible will pay...
  10. Vyscaria

    Officer at 16/17?

    I want to talk to you about this officer/NCM thing. I'm getting this idea that you see officer as the only path to go down, and I want to tell you something. When I was fifteen, I also wanted to become an officer. You can probably even trace my posts back to that time less than a year ago when...
  11. Vyscaria

    Reserve BMQ and BMQ-L

    Know this is a little late, but I thought I'd offer my two cents. I went through the entire recruiting process with the unit at fifteen, did the CFAT and other associated tests at CFRC Toronto right after I turned sixteen- the timing was perfect. 32 Svc Bn, my unit, didn't seem to mind that I...
  12. Vyscaria

    Do serving members have eye examinations?

    Congratulations! But how often are medical reviews held? Once per year? Since I am already in a V4 trade (Supply tech), if I slipped to V5 there would be no other possible careers for me to OT into. Does that mean the CF has to release me? Will they keep me if I agree to get laser eye surgery...
  13. Vyscaria

    Do serving members have eye examinations?

    Hey all- I suppose I've graduated a bit and will no longer ask questions about APPLICATION medical procedures! I was wondering if the Primary Reserves will check your eyesight from time to time. When I applied, I had a high V4. Because myopia runs in the family, I understand that I could hit...
  14. Vyscaria

    Toronto Reserves

    With the 32 Service Battalion? If you are applying for a job in the PRes with them, they should have referred you to Corporal Currie or Corporal John. You can actually visit at any time the Armoury is open. When I went in June, I was referred to CFRC Toronto, but I stood my ground and explained...
  15. Vyscaria

    Misinterpretation + More papers to take to the doctor?

    Thanks, MM. I'm thinking that things should go smoothly, as I really have practically no history of illness (yet, being just 16). I'll definitely be more vigilant on the history questionnaire so I don't end up suffering for misinterpretations again. Again, I cannot thank you enough for your...
  16. Vyscaria

    Misinterpretation + More papers to take to the doctor?

    Thanks MM- but how recent should the prescription be? I have a prescription from my last eye exam, which was in March. Should I get tested again just to be safe? And I meant could the PT form be used to cover any medical concerns that occur during the Medical Examination? For example, if the...
  17. Vyscaria

    Misinterpretation + More papers to take to the doctor?

    I went in for my PT test today, but couldn't get tested because I checked "yes" to chest tightness and dizziness. After a few moments of speaking with the PT professional, I realized that I misinterpreted the form, and I really shouldn't have checked those boxes. (For example, I only experience...
  18. Vyscaria

    A tiny show of unexpected kindness that changed everything.

    Thanks, everyone. TiredofSitting, that story is so beautiful, and I hope that I experience something even close to what you've described. Anyway, I came back from my trip to China two days ago, and went to the recruiting centre yesterday. Everything went very smoothly, and the recruiter was...
  19. Vyscaria

    A tiny show of unexpected kindness that changed everything.

    In a nutshell, this is an account of struggle, desperation, and hope. This is something I was (personally) amazed by, and wanted to share. I don't know if this happens all the time, but thank goodness it happened to me. Joining the Canadian Forces was a dream I'd had for a very long time...
  20. Vyscaria

    The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

    Should I go to the unit, or the armoury at which the unit is based? It's just that most of the units and armouries are located quite a distance away, and I really can't just "drop in", especially if I was told 'not to bother' by the CFRC. To drop in, I'd have to take a whole day off of work or...