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Reserve BMQ and BMQ-L


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Hello, I am considering joining the Army Reserve when I turn 16 at the end of the summer, and have some questions. Can I contact the unit I'm planning on joining early, and get all the paperwork and everything now, so when I do turn 16 I can get my applications in as fast as possible, but would it be better just to chill out and wait 'till I'm 16 to call? Also, I have read on this forum that if you take BMQ on weekends it is every weekend. I have also heard that it is every other weekend. Could someone please shed some light on this? Also, is it a good idea to take BMQ-L during the summer or on weekends? I have read on here that some think that the weekend course is not intensive enough, and I can see why, but I'm not sure if I want to wait the better part of a year until I can do it, because it would be nice to get qualified ASAP.

EDIT: I have already looked for the answers to my questions, but if I have missed something, please let me know.
Gonna need more info. What city are you in, and what trade/occupation are you going for? I'll try to shed some light for you- a lot of things are shifting right now and courses are affected.
I'm in Pickering, a suburb of Toronto, so I'm going to try for one of the units in 32 CBG. I'm still deciding what unit/trade, but it's most likely Queen's Own Rifles (Inf) or 32 Combat Engineer Regiment, with the Governor General's Horse Guards  (Armoured Recce) as a backup.
OK. Well, any units that aren't infantry still do BMQ - BMQ(L) - DP1 for the trade. Infantry (Queen's Own Rifles) do BMQ, that then DP1 Infantry broken into two chunks. Functionally similar.

They won't touch any of your paperwork until you're 16, and you'll probably need to demonstrate that you're still a full time high school student in order to qualify for the recruiting category of those who are 16, not yet 17, but full time students. That seems to be how the reserves are working under the new recruiting standards. Don't be hesitant to talk to a recruiter now, but do it with the intent of getting information. In the meantime, get yourself in physical shape so that when you're 16, you're more prepared for it.
Thanks for the info! What have you heard about the schedule of the courses like BMQ? Is it every weekend, every other, or something else to further confuse me?  :P
There are two options that are common. One is the pure part time- that's roughly two weekends a month (not necessarily on a regular cycle, but usually-ish about every other weekend) for about five months. Say early October to later February, and mid Jan to May/June. Another option is the high school co-op option, which usually gets combined with the second course- but I'm fuzzier on that, and I don't know if it's been adapted to the new system yet. That's a question for local reserve recruiters.
Another thing, is the BMQ-L 5 day FTX held over a period of 5 consecutive days if I'm taking it on weekends, or is it held on weekends in bits and pieces? If it is the latter, doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of the 5 day thing?
Ok, thanks anyways, hopefully someone else will chime in, or I'll manage to find the answer somewhere.
I thought that you couldn't do part time BMQ-L courses?

Also, I think you should still contact the units before you're birthday, I know some people who have had their paperwork done before they were of age. All they can say is no.

From what I've read on here, you can take BMQ-L on weekends. In your opinion, would it be better to take BMQ-L during the summer or DP1 Infantry? I know there's an option to do both, but I'm not sure I want to give up most of my summer.
2ndChoiceName said:
From what I've read on here, you can take BMQ-L on weekends. In your opinion, would it be better to take BMQ-L during the summer or DP1 Infantry? I know there's an option to do both, but I'm not sure I want to give up most of my summer.

If you're going infnatry, you've got it somewhat wrong.

BMQ is almost always done part time on weekends, and will very occasionally be done full time either in the summer, or as a high school co-op.

For INFANTRY ONLY, there is no more 'BMQ-L'. There is only a two month DP1 Infantry course, split into two modules, mods 1 and 2. Mod 1 can be run either part time or full time. I've seen scheduling for both. Mod 2 will almost certainly be run only full time.

Plan on doing your BMQ part time in the school year, and both halves of DP1 infantry the next summer, for two steady months of course. If you cannot commit to giving two months in your first summer in the reserves in order to get fully trade qualified, you should reconsider joining anyway.
Thanks for the reply, I didn't know about the DP1 thing for infantry. I am still deciding on whether the Reserves are for me, and you have given me a lot to think about. I can assure you, my decision to join will not be a hasty one.
Not a problem.

For what it's worth, I've been reserve infantry for 8 and a half years now, and I cannot imagine where I'd be in life without the experiences I've had as a reservist. As much as the job can suck sometimes, I consider it well worth it, and most of the people are top notch.
2ndChoiceName said:
Another thing, is the BMQ-L 5 day FTX held over a period of 5 consecutive days if I'm taking it on weekends, or is it held on weekends in bits and pieces? If it is the latter, doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of the 5 day thing?

When I did mine, our FTX ended up consuming something like 4 or 5 weekends in a row. Regardless, just like those who did it full time in the summer, we got very little sleep.
Know this is a little late, but I thought I'd offer my two cents.

I went through the entire recruiting process with the unit at fifteen, did the CFAT and other associated tests at CFRC Toronto right after I turned sixteen- the timing was perfect. 32 Svc Bn, my unit, didn't seem to mind that I was fifteen at the time of recruitment. Can't say if it's still the same now, but it's only been a year.

As for BMQ and BMQ-L, you will almost definitely be doing BMQ on alternating weekends, and BMQ-L in the summer as a one-month course. I do not think they offer BMQ-L on the weekends anymore, as there is a field portion involving sleep deprivation, and that (along with other technicalities of the course) doesn't work too well on weekends. Hope this helps.
Very interesting, Vyscaria. What did you do for your references, since they have to have known you since you were 16?