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The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

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Should I go to the unit, or the armoury at which the unit is based? It's just that most of the units and armouries are located quite a distance away, and I really can't just "drop in", especially if I was told 'not to bother' by the CFRC. To drop in, I'd have to take a whole day off of work or school.  So is it possible to talk to recruiters with the units based at Denison Armoury if I visited *it* and not each unit individually? Would they be too far from the armoury in the first place?

Thanks for the quick response, by the way. :)
To Echo Mr. O'Leary's comment. I've been in contact with 30th Field Regiment since September 2010 and I was just recently turned down for an Officer cadet position. They also told me that all NCM position were filled as well. I then contact the Cameron Highlanders and the GGFG and their Officer Cadet positions were also filled. I was told to try again in November of this year.

Officer Cadet and NCM recruit positions are rare indeed in the NCR.

* Edited for typos
Hate to burst your bubbles, but its been like this since...09'-10'. I was caught  right in the middle of the wretched "freeze" right after my CFAT. they recently began processing the last of my bunch, even talked with a few potential recruits in a similar situation like me. Now I may not have concrete evidence of the situation, but I believe its similar to last year's situation (no surprise). What convinced me that they were indeed finishing off my "era" was the fact that my fellow potential recruits were also scheduled on similar dates as me.

Don't take above for Granted its just speculation.

Good news is with Harper's majority government and his "Canada First Defence Strategy"  the situation will most likely result in a higher demand of personnel thus higher hiring quotas. So the future looks bright for potential candidates.

Heres the link: http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/pri/first-premier/index-eng.asp
Made me jump when I saw it.

Just a Disclaimer: above is all just speculation.
I wanted to join the reserves today and do my basic training during the summer (Im in university) and I first went to the CFRC det in oshawa to see if i could join the reserves there, and i got a list of the units around the GTA so I went down to the ontario regiment place to talk to the unit recruiter but on the door it said unauthorized entry prohibited and i was kinda hesitant to go through so I tried calling the sgt but he never answered either, and it just seemed pretty quiet.
My question is how to i get in contact with the unit recruiter lol will he only be there during training hours on that one day of the week or should i just knock on the door?
I also just read the post by otis and helped alot so would leaving a message or sending an email be best?

ok i guess im talking about the first step - application how would i apply to a unit?
Not really an answer to your question, but you don't join the reserves in one day.  There are several things that need to be done first, application (if a position is open), CFAT, medical, physical fitness test, etc.  There are several threads under the "Recruiting Process" sub-forum that will outline the steps required to join.

Keep in mind that some units have very few positions open at this time.
While I can't speak to how every reserve unit allocates their recruiting budget I would imagine that it is not a full time position.

Your best bet is to first take some personal initiative and look through the unit's and what trades they offer, decide what you want to do, nothing is more frustrating to a unit recruiter than setting aside 30 minutes for an interview out of a 3 hour parade night to have the person come in and have no idea what they want to do. Once you have decided what trade/unit you would like call/email the unit's recruiting office, they might not get back to you right away but they will.

They will be able to guide you through the process from there.

On another note, if you are looking to join for summer employment you should start looking elsewhere. There are no BMQs being run in Meaford this summer.
Hey guys,

First time posting here and would just like to say this site had really helped me understand the process and the requirements it takes to be in the Canadian Forces, be it regular or reserves. It gave me the motivation and confidence to take the first step into a life of great experience and learning. In saying that I finally took that first step and applied online for the Primary Reserve NCM for the Infantrymen position.
However, one of the sections of the application process asked if I had graduated.. I put no but still filled out the spaces by putting in post-secondary diploma and the day I last attended (2012/11)

The issue here is that I am still in College working for a Police Foundations diploma. I wasn't sure what to put in that section so I went with No as official transcripts are requested and unofficial ones will not be accepted (it's the middle of the year going on to the last semester, Police Foundations at Humber is a 2 year program)

So, my three questions are
Should I have waited until after I had graduated to join and fill out a more competitive application?
If that is the case, do you think it would be advisable for me to call and cancel my current application and fill out a new one upon receiving my diploma?
or would it not be an issue?

Any answers and/or feedback would be greatly appreciated and thanks for your time
I'm currently attending college and I am in the process of applying to the Reserves as well. I was talking to my recruiter last week and when I brought up an addition to my Education history because I was accepted to an university for next semester, the recruiter told me that it doesn't matter because they are only looking for the basic requirements.
Hey guys, i'm joining the reserves tomorrow. I know i'll find out everything tomorrow and all that stuff, I know it might be a tad silly to ask, but just basic things is there anything i should keep a head up for? I know to bring my SIN card to my reserve unit, high school transcript and all that stuff, but will there be an interview as well? I'm also 17, so should i bring a parent with me or should i go alone? Or like do I go, they give me a form to take home, and then i get it signed? thanks guys, have a good day :)  :cdn:
kylereserve1 said:
Hey guys, i'm joining the reserves tomorrow. I know i'll find out everything tomorrow and all that stuff, I know it might be a tad silly to ask, but just basic things is there anything i should keep a head up for? I know to bring my SIN card to my reserve unit, high school transcript and all that stuff, but will there be an interview as well? I'm also 17, so should i bring a parent with me or should i go alone? Or like do I go, they give me a form to take home, and then i get it signed? thanks guys, have a good day :)  :cdn:

Welcome to the site......Just a tiny bit of reading would have answered your questions.  The Recruiting documentation required for the Reserves is the same as for the Regular Force.  You are processed through the same CFRC after you have received an acceptance letter from a Reserve Unit.
kylereserve1 said:
Hey guys, i'm joining the reserves tomorrow. I know i'll find out everything tomorrow and all that stuff, I know it might be a tad silly to ask, but just basic things is there anything i should keep a head up for? I know to bring my SIN card to my reserve unit, high school transcript and all that stuff, but will there be an interview as well? I'm also 17, so should i bring a parent with me or should i go alone? Or like do I go, they give me a form to take home, and then i get it signed? thanks guys, have a good day :)  :cdn:

FYI there are girls/women/ladies here too.  ;D
kylereserve1 said:
Hey guys, i'm joining the reserves tomorrow. I know i'll find out everything tomorrow and all that stuff, I know it might be a tad silly to ask, but just basic things is there anything i should keep a head up for? I know to bring my SIN card to my reserve unit, high school transcript and all that stuff, but will there be an interview as well? I'm also 17, so should i bring a parent with me or should i go alone? Or like do I go, they give me a form to take home, and then i get it signed? thanks guys, have a good day :)  :cdn:

Based on your post, I would be inclined to say that more than likely, your NOT joining the reserves tomorrow.  You only just recently submitted your online application, you haven't done the Reliability Screening, Medical, CFAT, Interview, etc, etc.....so you have a long long way to go.

I am sure that whom ever you are seeing tomorrow, will provide you with all the information that you need inorder to eventually join the reserves.
kylereserve1 said:
Yes i meant i am heading to my local reserce unit* My mistake.

That's okay.  Go down and have a good look around.  I am sure they will be happy to show you what goes on at their unit.  Be sure to ask questions, even if you think it is a "dumb" question, ask it anyhow.  There is no such thing as a dumb question when you don't know anything about the CF and they have probably heard it before.

Will do, do I need to bring a parent for parental consent? Or do i just need a parent for a signature. I'm also going to see the available positions with the recruiter.
kylereserve1 said:
Will do, do I need to bring a parent for parental consent? Or do i just need a parent for a signature. I'm also going to see the available positions with the recruiter.

I would suggest that you print off a copy of the CF Employment Application --->  http://cdn.forces.ca/_PDF2010/CF_application_form_demande_emploi_FC.pdf  OR if you printed a copy of your online application, to have your parent sign that and take it with you.

Heck, why not take them with you anyhow as they may have questions of their own!  That could alleviate any concerns that they may have and make them more comfortable with the idea.  It sure doesn't hurt.
Hey bro how did you get the call? I submitted my online application but no call back!! Also, did you mail them parental consent???
well, i went in today! basically the recruiter did all the talking, showed me around the unit. had all my questions answered. gave me all the forms and paperwork i need even with a checklist. bring your dad or parent if you want, i did and would suggest it to a minor. i start parading in september and my weekend BMQ in november!
Oh yeah, after you sign all your forms you need to bring it back the following week to your recruiter and he'll sign something for you and you bring it to this place to get your dates for your screening, physical test, etc. and then you start parading to get your feet wet until the next weekend BMQ date.
I've worked in Recruiting before and if I may make a few suggestions :

Do some soul searching. Find something you enjoy. Research every aspect of the trade you are interested in and don't settle on the first Recruiting pitch you hear. For example, Infantry is an easy sell but if you have an interest in auto mechanics you may be interested in becoming a Veh Tech. A good Recruiter will direct you in the right direction rather than filling his positions. No sense recruiting someone in the Infantry if he's going to realize 8 months down the road that he could of gone Veh Tech and now wants to change trades.

Find something you want to do longterm. Don't be affraid to ask questions and visit several Reserve units to compare. If a Reserve Recruiter tells you you're in the right place to jump out of planes, become a sniper or blow sh*t up...he's telling you half-truths. Go to several information sessions and compare what they each offer. The info sessions should all be similar only the trade training differs so if you're hearing wild stories of firing AK-47s or leading patrols behind enemy lines, be wary.