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  1. Black Ops

    Will Someone in the CF check out this ebay link! JTF-2 Insignia?

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6552829725&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEBI%3AIT&rd=1 I guess this guy doesnt know he is selling an illegal item.
  2. Black Ops

    The Going To Esquimalt Thread- PAT, PMQ, Etc.- Merged

    Sidney is beautiful.. 30min drive to the base.
  3. Black Ops

    More new uniforms.

    Military hopes new camouflage uniforms will make soldiers invisible to heat sensors Canada's military is spending $500,000 to develop chameleon-like camouflaging. The two-year project aims to create a material that mimics the temperature of any terrain, thus preventing enemies armed with...
  4. Black Ops

    What Bases should stay open and which Bases should be closed

    North Bay's Underground Complex is soon to be closed. Theyre is a new complex being built above ground accross from base HQ. North Bay will be around for yearrrrrrs to come .
  5. Black Ops

    Comanche Helicopter up for sale on eBay.

    I know this. I just thought it would be interesting to see the replies.
  6. Black Ops

    Comanche Helicopter up for sale on eBay.

    See for yourselves. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=1467&item=5531729561&rd=1
  7. Black Ops

    Computer Shopping-

    I would disagree with the "essential floppy drive".. I would consider using a compact flash drive instead (or an external usb flash drive).. They are just as cheap, hold alot more data and can be used with digital cameras, mp3 players etc.. Alot more interchangable. Floppy's are obsolete.
  8. Black Ops

    Computer Shopping-

    I would recommend going to NCIX.com and check out their deals. They are one of the top distributors in Canada.
  9. Black Ops

    mon site internet

  10. Black Ops

    Online Computer games[Actually All Things Gaming]

    All of you Battlefield: Vietnam guys should check out the Point Of Existence mod. Its very similar to DC, Except its a Fictional conflict that takes place in 2008 or something. Between the USA and Russia.. Has all of the newest military weapons and technology. F-22, F-35, Su-47, XM8, Commanche...
  11. Black Ops

    Incredible New Armour (Video)

    The video was made the summer of 2004. I live in the same city as Troy and actually live less than 5km from where the tests were done. http://baytoday.ca/content/news/print.asp?c=3303 http://baytoday.ca/content/news/details.asp?c=3796
  12. Black Ops

    Incredible New Armour (Video)

    I really dont know why people think he is crazy. Alot of people thought his bear suit was very stupid, But the man had an interest in studying bears, so he made a suit to protect himself. Not crazy if you ask me. I will admit he is very excited, but who wouldnt be excited to develop 3 products...
  13. Black Ops

    Saving Silverman

    I just noticed this evening, While watching the movie "Saving Silverman". That when jack black and his buddy there (name? haha) break into Judith's home. The fella in cams is wearing a Canadian Forces OD Combat shirt.. Not a big deal but thought it was interesting.