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Incredible New Armour (Video)

Wow, very impressive.

Very interesting prospects for my line of work as well...Vehicle armour for normal cars tends to be very heavy already...This stuff could be easily layered in the doors of most cars you'd want to armour against attacks of different types.

Something to look into.

There is another point I was thinking about with respect to armour and the G-Wagen.

If you compare the G-Wagen hard-top armoured version to the G-Wagen open version and ask which gives greatest protection to the occupants, it seems to me that the answer requires another question: to what threat.

A soldier standing in the back of the armoured hardtop, head out, is pretty well protected against rifles and machine guns.  He is better protected than a soldier in the back of the open SOV version.

But what happens if you ask the same question about RPGs.  Is it not possible to argue that the soldier in the armoured vehicle is at greater risk than the soldier in the open vehicle?

Risk of death or injury is a function of the lethal effect of a round, the probability that it works correctly and the probability of hitting the target.  An armoured hard top G-wagen appears to make a bigger target thus increasing the likelihood of a Grenade hitting the target and detonating.  Once the round is detonated then the probability of catastrophic effects is pretty high.

On the other hand, a low silhouette with an open roll-over cage presents less surface area on which the Grenade can impact and detonate.  Put briefly, an RPG round is more likely to miss the open SOV version than it is the Armoured hard top version.

As A-Majoor points out, there isn't very much that is all singing - all dancing.
i remember watching a video of this guy and his bear suit in high school, we all thought he was  :dontpanic:
looks like he still is, but the ammount of fire those things took was incredible. i dont know a lot about armour but what he had still looked very "home made" definately room for improvement, especially if he got funding
anywhoo, thats my tuppence worth
I really dont know why people think he is crazy. Alot of people thought his bear suit was very stupid, But the man had an interest in studying bears, so he made a suit to protect himself. Not crazy if you ask me. I will admit he is very excited, but who wouldnt be excited to develop 3 products that save lives? I have had the pleasure of meeting this man, and I must say he is one of the kindest men I have ever met.. And a genius none the less. This guy should be given some sort of award.
The Canadian Forces would be stupid to just throw away this idea like I believe they have.  This video was made back in 2002 and if they would have picked up on this they can easily refine the techiniques of how he made the stuff.  Specially the Fire paste, because if he could layer it in a way the fire paste could be refined to stop the molten core of an RPG element from getting through armour.  It's just a matter of time, the guy spent years it looks like refining that bear suit.  Give him time with this armour and surely something good will come of it.
The video was made the summer of 2004. I live in the same city as Troy and actually live less than 5km from where the tests were done.


Inch said:
The fire paste amazes me, pure genius. I saw an episode on discovery channel about it, unbelievable stuff.
Was that the one were he made a hat and they put a torch to his head and F'all happened ?
I've been watching him over the last two or three years and no he is not a nutter all's it is is that no one is taking him seriously.
I would like to see his material in bomb suits!!
Spr.Earl said:
Was that the one were he made a hat and they put a torch to his head and F'all happened ?
I've been watching him over the last two or three years and no he is not a nutter all's it is is that no one is taking him seriously.
I would like to see his material in bomb suits!!

Aye, that's the one. I thought it was pretty neat to see, the stuff was even cool to the touch seconds after taking the torch away.
I don't think any kind of 'Damn!' even begins to cover it.

Now, we saw thsoe panels take the brunt of 20x a grenade blast, or 10x an RPG blast. I think we can safely say that an RPG hitting a soldier would kill him by concussione ven if shrapnel and flame didn't get him, so why would the panels need to be as thick? Narrow it down so ti can stop maybe 2-3x a grenade blast or several .50 cal rounds, see if it can be made more space efficient. Now incorporate that into new ballistic armour. Since it's such a light material, perhaps it could even be made flexible for 'soft' armour in traditionally uprotected spots on a soldier, such as pelvic region, and even arms and legs for some things.

Either way, there could be tons of applications for thsi that people much smarter than me will think of.
I honestly don't really know how expensive armour is, but I bet $300.00 for the size of one of those bags is MUCH cheaper than the equivalent size of armour on a LAV... New types of armour (reactive etc) are quite advanced... The materials I imagine aren't expensive but the fabrication process is probably.

For example the stuff on the M1A1 Abrams. Chauff armour I think they call it, invented by US+Britain. Apparently that stuff is made from porcelin (toilets, lol) and steel! How the HECK you mix those two I have NOOOO idea... Seen a special on that on discovery channel couple years back.

But those bags are wicked.
Recruit Joe said:
I honestly don't really know how expensive armour is, but I bet $300.00 for the size of one of those bags is MUCH cheaper than the equivalent size of armour on a LAV... New types of armour (reactive etc) are quite advanced... The materials I imagine aren't expensive but the fabrication process is probably.

For example the stuff on the M1A1 Abrams. Chauff armour I think they call it, invented by US+Britain. Apparently that stuff is made from porcelin (toilets, lol) and steel! How the HECK you mix those two I have NOOOO idea... Seen a special on that on discovery channel couple years back.

But those bags are wicked.
Toilets? Not that far off. Laugh all you want, but the original discovery of this was with enamel just like on cast iron bathtubs before the days of fibreglass.

Ceramic armour is actually a pretty simple concept where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It's basically just a steel plate (or other tough material) with a ceramic layer over top. The initial impact with the hard ceramic deforms the projectile, and helps to shear some of the mass off (less mass means less energy to stop). Ceramics suck at absorbing energy though, as anyone who has put anything through a window can attest to, thus the thougher steel. With a deformed projectile energy is absorbed more readily (less steel needed, therefore lighter armour).  

Put another way, picture a sharp knife vs a dull knife with less force applied to it. Which cuts better?

It looks like he's just taken the time to expand the 1+1>2 concept to include more than two materials. It's not the first composite armour to be studied. You got it bang on that the make or break issue will be finding a viable manufacturing process. Proving that it's more effective than other developments in armour will also be key.
Troy has done it again........I know his brother......very inttelligent verry well spoken........and even though some may think he's out there........he does not BS
There was a movie/doccumentary about his bear suit on this afternoon.  It was pretty funny and also incredible the dammage that thing could take.
Incredible Stuff. Being tougher than Kevlar, and more Fire Resistant than Nomex.....what more can we ask for?
Those rifles Capt (Ret) Keith Cunningham was using are TOP quality rifles too. Used on Provincial, National, and International Matches. You can bet no BadGuy over in Afghanistan is going to have a weapon like that. Or be anywhere NEAR a good shot as Keith for that matter.

[modified not to offend]
:o Wow.... just, wow. All I can say is, when I'm done all my training, and if I ever get deployed anywhere, I hope I'm riding in something protected with that stuff!
Sorry, my Bad. BadGuy is definitely the..err..appropriate word. Sorry about that.