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  1. C

    Previous service

    Thank you everyone I will pass on the info to him and I am sure he can work out whatever issues he has.  This has all been a great deal of info (more than I could have produced).  Thanks again
  2. C

    Previous service

    OK I have a question from a friend that I can simply not answer as it is not in my area of expertise, and hopefully someone on here can help him.  Now a little background from what I know and what he has told me.  My friend aka Dave has a previous service in the Army res, and is attempting to...
  3. C

    Visiting a Recruit - questions

    No bad things will happen but Grad day is proud moment may not get a lot of alone time with him but he will definately be on cloud nine that day.  It will be the first of many accomplishments to come.
  4. C

    Third time's the charm

    Congradulations glad to see you stuck it out with a winning attitued like yours i'd be happy to be in the field with you anyday.
  5. C

    Travel experience in 10 years on the DND application form

    Do the best you can and the only advice I can offer is give as much detail as possible of where you have been and how long you were there this should help avoid delays but this is a process and delays do happen.  The only for seeable problem could be if you have visited a scheduled country in...
  6. C

    Quick Question.

    It is unlikely they will call you previous employer but this is the army they have been known to do it from time to time, but I wouldn't stress about it.  For future reference if something like that ever does come up let your recruiter know being straight forward is the only way to go.  Good...
  7. C

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    I would also have to agree with Piper on this one.    You call it cutting corners I call it saving time for other things that may require far more attention than worrying wether my shaving cream can is going to leak (as they always will) I would rather spend the extra few hours cleaning my...
  8. C

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    Don't worry. You don't need 2 of everything. If you did, the instruction would have said, bring 2 of everything or, buy 2 of everything. Very true the instructions would say bring two of everything but let me tell you I have been in for years and still have a second set for inspections.  I am...
  9. C

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    I would suggest get the plastic soap dish x2 and toothbrush x2 and shaving cream x 2 (one for use and one for inspection) and get them before hand.  Everything you can buy now simply put buy now why risk that the canex is out because everyone else waited and bought their stuff last minute plan...
  10. C

    SQ training starting in July 2009?

    I don't mean to sound harsh but ask your unit!!! Go and see your CO and simply ask when the course date is he/she should have all that info for you and if they don't they can get it a lot faster and it will be far more accurate than asking a bunch of people who aren't in your unit or on course...
  11. C

    What's in the Brown Envelope?

    Who cares what is in it there will lots of times where you do not need to know why something is done you just have to do it.  You are now a sworn member and under orders not to open it so follow those orders and life with be peachy
  12. C

    sittin here at BMQ week 9

    If it were me I would forgo the skateboard for a couple of reasons 1.  The risk of injury is greater (and could possibly delay or completely destroy your career)  2. It is an extra item to carry around on your first day up all those flights of stairs.  3. Spare time is next to none on course...
  13. C

    July 2009 BMQ

    Rick, As long as you can do the standards you will be fine, however what you should have already learned is that you are always striving to be better, so if you think that running 3.5-5km is all you can do than great be happy. If you think you can do better strive to do a little more each time...
  14. C

    Friendship and social life in the CAF

    I can't speak about non combat trades as I am infantry but if things haven't changed from back in the day, BMQ is geared towards building comradeship and that continues on throughout the whole of the forces.  Whatever trade you are in teamwork is essential which is why it is instilled from the...
  15. C

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    Don't worry about visiting a lawyer you will be filling out a will (one of many in your career) so save yourself the money.