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  1. jmbest

    Word association (just for fun)

  2. jmbest

    Getting nervous

    Well you've already left, but just wanted to say best of luck to you.
  3. jmbest

    About to go on my bmq next week, questions

    :o So did they send you off to the Canex to buy some?? I didn't know they did an undies check when you go to BMQ! /joke  ;D
  4. jmbest

    Happy Canada Day

    Happy Canada Day everyone!  :cdn: Just finished watching the Canada Day parade/celebrations here in St-Jean and it was wonderful, though the turnout to show support was rather slim. The band and troops gave a wonderful show for everyone - thanks to everyone serving at home and abroad.
  5. jmbest

    For Sale: Combat Shirt & Pants, Belts, Toque, SMG Mag Pouch

    Is the toque in the OP still available? As well as the  combat belt with side buckle? If so, I'll be sending you a PM.  :)
  6. jmbest

    Word association (just for fun)

  7. jmbest

    Too Easy "The Mega" week 5

    Welcome home and thanks for sharing your story! :cdn:
  8. jmbest

    Killing Canadians 'best way': student

    Dangling him over a pool of blood thirsty sharks, perhaps?
  9. jmbest

    Word association (just for fun)

  10. jmbest

    Word association (just for fun)

  11. jmbest

    "Worst Movie Of All Time"

    I agree. I was excited to see it because I love me some Viggo Mortensen but what a slow moving movie - although the scene on the stairs was...entertaining  :nod:
  12. jmbest

    Word association (just for fun)

  13. jmbest

    You're in the Army now

    Congrats to you!
  14. jmbest

    Clint Eastwood's "Gran Torino"

    Agreed. It's an excellent movie.
  15. jmbest

    Montreal Anglos almost snubbed

    T'was sarcasm, but I guess it fell short.
  16. jmbest

    What song is stuck in your head?

    Conjunction Junction, what's your function? Hooking up words and phrases and clauses. Conjunction Junction, how's that function? it will not get out of my head!
  17. jmbest

    Montreal Anglos almost snubbed

    Nope, doesn't apply in Quebec. Insult a Frenchmen, though, and you'll get  the crap beat out of you..funny how that works here.  ::) "Quebec is alomost 20% english" - Perhaps but that percentage sure seems to be dropping at a fast rate. I'm jsut glad the two bands won the battle in this.
  18. jmbest

    Word association (just for fun)

  19. jmbest

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Putting together my list of references, which is turning out to be quite difficult.
  20. jmbest

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    These are all such excellent tips everyone - thanks for sharing!  ;D