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  1. goldenhamster

    Shuttle Run Calculations

    A bit info for shuttle run http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-stage_fitness_test My  :2c: be careful not to hurt your ankle when pivoting.  At later stage people needs to pivot quite fast to keep up with the beep sound.
  2. goldenhamster

    Car insurance expired during Basic Training

    As Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore said, there will be times that you will have to choose what is right or what is easy.  I never have any intentions to commit fraud.  The source of my problem is my nomad condition in Canada, where I don't have a place I can call home and insurance company...
  3. goldenhamster

    Car insurance expired during Basic Training

    Folks, I have done research around this matter since I know I have to deal with it before Basic @ Brasidas I currently rent an apartment; I have to break the lease before I leave for Basic and thus my current address (in Ontario) means nothing in the future, i.e., I don't want my mail to go...
  4. goldenhamster

    Car insurance expired during Basic Training

    CDN Aviator, Yes, that's my solution actually.  That 'friend' happens to reside in Quebec.  I have other personal reason why I will change my residency to Quebec.  Of my 8 years I spent in Canada, I was a Quebec resident for 7 years, and Ontario resident for 1 year.  So it is pretty much...
  5. goldenhamster

    Car insurance expired during Basic Training

    Thanks for the suggestions, folks. Anyhow, things are not that simple.  I don't have a place called home in Canada, literally.  Every time I have to move to another town, I have to carry all my belongings with me.  My parents reside outside Canada, exactly half a globe away  ::).  I have...
  6. goldenhamster

    Car insurance expired during Basic Training

    I plan to drive my old car to St. Jean.  My course will start on Jan 25th 2010 and if everything goes well I will graduate in early May.  However, my car insurance (Ontario) will expire in March 2010.  I have inquired to insurance company that technically when I move to Quebec I should get...
  7. goldenhamster

    Recruiting Process of naturalized Canadian

    Hi there, Just my  :2c: keep in touch w/ your recruiter, particularly checking the status of that pre-sec regularly and updating your current contact info.  Sometimes slip up does happen good luck for everything
  8. goldenhamster

    Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

    Oh, okay, Thanks for the explanations.  Now it makes sense to me  :salute:
  9. goldenhamster

    Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

    Does experience count at all?  For example if two people enter as DEO with bachelor degree, one is a fresh graduate and the other has 10 years of related work experience, will the IPC be different?
  10. goldenhamster

    Monthly Pay after deductions - Questions [Merged]

    Quote by Meridian in 2007 All, I was able to find a fairly old topic that covered the deductions at BMQ for a basic Private, the sheet that is included apparently in the Joining Instructions (though I don't see it on CFLRS website).  While I know where to get the gross monthly pay, I'm...
  11. goldenhamster

    Fitness for Operational Requirements of CAF Employment ( FORCE )

    It will never be a cake walk, I believe.  Just by watching Basic Up Reloaded, I can see the challenge of PT.  Those folks shown in many episodes passed CF express test and thus reasonably fit, but look on how many of them almost cried when MCpl. Vaters led them doing push ups.  I just find...
  12. goldenhamster

    Enroll Permanent Resident / Naturalized Citizen

    Hedvig (is this spelled like Harry Potter's owl Hedwig?) Immigration processes can be daunting (most of the time anyway).  Just make sure when you are given your appointment date for citizenship test, you be there.  Request for another date can mean months of delay.  Cheers,
  13. goldenhamster

    Sgt.'s Miok & Taylor, Cpl. McCormack, Pte. Chidley and Michelle Lang-Dec 30/09

    I was shocked to read the news this morning.  My condolences to family and friends to the slain soldiers and journalist. RIP soldiers RIP Michelle Lang :'(
  14. goldenhamster

    Recruiting Process of naturalized Canadian

    Thanks Sky777 Good luck on your application too.  The waiting game surely tests our patience  :nod:
  15. goldenhamster

    January 2010- BMOQ

    Hi Folks, I have created Facebook group "BMOQ 25th January 2010".  Good to know each other a bit before heading to the Mega! Cheers, GH :cdnsalute:
  16. goldenhamster

    Basic Up

    Folks, do you realize that the "Basic Up Reloaded" was filmed 3 years ago?  The recruits as seen in episode 1 or 2 arrived in St. Jean by the end of October 2006!  In 3 years many things can change (for better, I believe)  :camo:
  17. goldenhamster

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    This problem looks like one of those in GMAT. I think it is easier/more logical if we make a table for this type of problem. So let's assume that their age (in years) are: Angela  = A Barry  = B Carol = C AGE        3 years ago      today        4 years from now Angela          A-3   ...
  18. goldenhamster

    Recruiting Process of naturalized Canadian

    I got a call earlier this week, a job offer in CF.  I was surprised the whole process took "only" 11 months (including 3 months waiting for laser eye surgery), since I am a naturalized Canadian.  I have lived almost 8 yrs in Canada, got my citizenship in 2007.  I was told that I have to undergo...
  19. goldenhamster

    Application Process (Completed-Officers)

    Recruiting Center: CFRC Kingston Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM:  DEO Trade Choice : Construction Engineering Application Date: February 12, 2009 First Contact: February 17, 2009 CFAT completed: March 10, 2009  Interview: March 17, 2009 Medical:  March 24, 2009  Deemed medically fit...
  20. goldenhamster

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    :christmas happy: Just an update Recruiting Center: CFRC Kingston Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM:  DEO Trade Choice 1: Construction Engineering Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: - Application Date: February 12, 2009 First Contact: February 17, 2009 CFAT completed: March 10, 2009 ...