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Recruiting Process of naturalized Canadian


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Hi there!
I want to share my experince.I was not born in Canada.I came here 4 years and a few month ago.
a few weeks ago I received my citizenship card and decided to do application in CF.
Starting Process
I took with me :
1.  4 Application Forms.
2. Citizen card
3.Evaluation of my University Diploma from Minister of Education Of Quebec.
4.My Canadian College Diploma ( I did study here in Canada,after I immigrated here).
5.My ID with photo
People were friendly there (CFRC Montreal) as ussual.Officer checked  my papers,did copy of my cards and diplomas.And after that he said that process can take about 6 months.
First call from CFRC

After less then 1 weak after I gave my application to CFRC my references people received phone calls to give  reference about me.
It is OK.But today my boss was giving my paycheck and he said :"Hello Mr. Colonel!" And after that he explained that somebody called him and ask about me according my application for Canada Forces. I was really shock, because I was not going to tell my boss till process will finish.I even marked in my application form about it.But they called.After that I recived phone call from CFRC to visit them and give additional information.
So I visited this evening (they work on Thursday till 21.00) and gave all additional information.
hey were surprised that I didn't live in Canada last5 years.I lived only 4 years and a few months in Canada.They are not sure how much time security check ( from 1 to 18 months!!!! >:() can take.BUT,there is not information on the website and anywhere that you must live 5 years in Canada, before doing application.
You do not have to have any time in Canada to put in an application. Just be a Canadian Citizen. They did not refuse your application they just told you that because you did not have 5 years in the country you would have to have a background check done on you and your family. It could take up to 18 months depending on how fast your home country gets the info back to us. We need to make sure we are not letting people into the military that are not more patriotic to a country that could do Canada  or Canadians harm.

If you looked at ALL the papers in your application package the first one should be "Pre-enrolment Security Clearance Pre-Assessment Questionnaire"

Right on the top it says "A security clearance Pre-assessment is necessary if an applicant:

Security Clearance Pre-assessment is necessary if an applicant:
a. Is not a Canadian citizen.

b. Has resided outside Canada in a country other than Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom (includes England, Scotland, Wales
and Northern Ireland) and the United States in the last five years.

c. Has traveled or studied outside of Canada in countries other than those listed in para b. in excess of 180 continuous days.

d. Has worked outside of Canada in countries other than those listed in para b. for a non-Government of Canada Agency in excess of
180 continuous days.

e. Has immediate relatives who are currently residing in a country other than those listed in para b.
They are not sure how much time security check ( from 1 to 18 months!!!! )
Don't count on it taking only a month ;) I think mine took 8 months to go through, and only lived outside the country a couple of years at that time.
Thanks FDO for all explanation.
In my case  I have lived in Canada since 2005.Before I lived in Eastern Europe(non member of NATO,but country is going to be in NATO).
My parents  are dead, but  I have parents-in-law who live in my country of origin.
So I have 2 points for check. :crybaby:
I got a call earlier this week, a job offer in CF.  I was surprised the whole process took "only" 11 months (including 3 months waiting for laser eye surgery), since I am a naturalized Canadian.  I have lived almost 8 yrs in Canada, got my citizenship in 2007.  I was told that I have to undergo security clearance that may take up to 2 years!  I learn from the recruiter that Ottawa decided not to do that lengthy security clearance on me.  But again, everyone's process is different, so please don't generalize.

Can't wait to start!  I have been loaded to Jan 25th BMOQ, but I might have to delay my enrollment.  I cannot just walk away from my current job immediately. Time to intensify my :pushup: and  :PT:
Turkey is no longer in that list. If you have a immediate family member in Turkey, you do need pre-clearence.

goldenhamster said:
I got a call earlier this week, a job offer in CF.  I was surprised the whole process took "only" 11 months (including 3 months waiting for laser eye surgery), since I am a naturalized Canadian.  I have lived almost 8 yrs in Canada, got my citizenship in 2007.  I was told that I have to undergo security clearance that may take up to 2 years!  I learn from the recruiter that Ottawa decided not to do that lengthy security clearance on me.  But again, everyone's process is different, so please don't generalize.

Can't wait to start!  I have been loaded to Jan 25th BMOQ, but I might have to delay my enrollment.  I cannot just walk away from my current job immediately. Time to intensify my :pushup: and  :PT:
Good luck and thanks for sharing experience.
I am in waiting process for 4 months- waiting for security clearance.
Thanks Sky777

Good luck on your application too.  The waiting game surely tests our patience  :nod:
Well, I got a call for my medical... When I asked if my pre-clearence came back, answer was no. And actually according to their records, my pre-clearence form was never sent off even tough I submitted 1.5 months ago. When I asked for explanation, I was told that I was lucky and he was not sure as well but my application was moving forward... Oh well, I am not complaining!
MasterInstructor said:
Well, I got a call for my medical... When I asked if my pre-clearence came back, answer was no. And actually according to their records, my pre-clearence form was never sent off even tough I submitted 1.5 months ago. When I asked for explanation, I was told that I was lucky and he was not sure as well but my application was moving forward... Oh well, I am not complaining!

Hi there,
Just my  :2c:
keep in touch w/ your recruiter, particularly checking the status of that pre-sec regularly and updating your current contact info.  Sometimes slip up does happen

good luck for everything
I continue to inform how is going application process.
I received phone call today from CFRC.
My Security Check is in process.It can take additional  6 to 18 months .I started my application 5 months ago.
So minimum can be 5 + 6= 11 months?
Hey anybody is in the same boat?
Hi there,

Things move very slowly in my case.

A few months ago I was asked to give papers that I don't have criminal records in my country of origin. I got this paper and gave it to CFRC.

This week I received letter with request to fill SECURITY CLEARANCE FORM 330-60.I was surprised a little bit because when I  was given  my Application Form recruiter told me that I don't need to fill l 330-60,And after 6 months they decided to ask me to fill.So I did it. (Did I loose 6 months?)

I just think about my last 10 years of life.It was much easy to fill information about my Canadian  life.But I came here from Eastern Europe where economical situation is not stable and I am not sure if companies where I have worked still  are exist. Or my supervisors still work there.
sky777 said:
I am not sure if companies where I have worked still  are exist. Or my supervisors still work there.

It doesnt matter. Put down the places you were working and all the information that is requested as it was at the time you worked there.
CDN Aviator said:
It doesnt matter. Put down the places you were working and all the information that is requested as it was at the time you worked there.
You are right.I did  the same.I hope it takes no too much time....(pre-assessment).
I am still waiting for CFAT ....
Today I had security interview according my security clearance. ( I didn`t live in Canada full 10 years).
It was really not big deal.
I felt very comfortable with this.I just answered questions and all.It was very friendly atmosphere like kind of job interview.
If you have security interview - just relax and answer questions about yourself.
2010newbie said:
That's good to hear Sky! Good luck with the rest of the process!
Thanks 2010newbie.
Now I am waiting for decision and hope to get the invitattion for CFAT.
Almost 2 months have gone since I have had security interview .Worker of CSIS told me that my file will be sent during one month. But there aren't news for now .Or season of vacation can delay files or something different?
sky777 said:
Almost 2 months have gone since I have had security interview .Worker of CSIS told me that my file will be sent during one month. But there aren't news for now .Or season of vacation can delay files or something different?

Your interview is not the end of the process.