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  1. M

    How to size yourself for a beret

    when you get sized up for your beret, can you let whoever is sizing you up know, how you would like to wear it. for example, just above the eyebrows or in the middle of your forehead??
  2. M

    MERGED BMQ thread - 7 Nov - 10 Feb serial

    same date, PPCLI. see you there :cdn:
  3. M

    Wait times for 031

    my testing went excellent. i was told that i was an above average applicant............hope i'm in the same boat as you my friend!!
  4. M

    Wait times for 031

    i'm wondering the same thing. i got a call from vancouver letting me know that as of TODAY, i am merit listed!!  i'm also going 031 and am good to go!!
  5. M

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    well i guess i stirred the pot enough to get some answers..............emailed the PO1 that interviewed me and let him know what was happening, he replied to me, told me he would look into what was happening.......all said and done, security clearance has been signed off, file will be going off...
  6. M

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    well since the last time a post was made on this subject, i have been granted security clearance, did updated pt(passed), medical(passed) and interview(passed), now have been told today when i called that my file has to go to Ottawa (again) for another security clearance?  i am not sure why if i...
  7. M

    basic training through x-mas

    does anyone know if they run basic training through x-mas?
  8. M

    light infantry or mech battalion

    has anyone had or heard of an experience when asked your "choice" of where you would like to "work"? i ask because i am wondering if you say you prefer to join a "light" battalion as opposed to a "mech" battalion if that can usually happen? thx :skull:
  9. M

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    hi, are pets (small dogs) permitted in military housing if your family moves into such a thing? thanks
  10. M

    Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

    thanks again Parasoldier :skull:
  11. M

    Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

    thanks Parasoldier, you've been very helpful. any other advise, comments etc regarding the para coy, jump and recce courses? :skull:
  12. M

    Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

    Parasoldier, that is the plan my man. what can you tell me about the mock tower? also, have you seen first hand, soldiers that have been able to skip the Jump Coy and go straight to Recce? thanks bud. GO!!, thanks for the info. :skull:
  13. M

    Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

    what would you have to do the cooper's test for? :skull:
  14. M

    Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

    GO!!, i hear what you're saying. thanks, it does help. :skull:
  15. M

    Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

    GO!!, would you know if you have previous skydiving / freefall experience, and are a "switched on" fully trained and qualified infantry soldier, if you would have an advantage to get into the jump coy if they had an opening and the timing was right etc.?? :skull:
  16. M

    Criminal Records Check - CRC (Merged)

    GrahamD, maybe you can answer this best.
  17. M

    Criminal Records Check - CRC (Merged)

    i am going through this identical situation myself right now. just waiting to get my court docs, probation records and have gathered all my reference letters. i would like to know if anyone besides GrahamD and i have gone through this and what happened during the rest of their application...
  18. M

    Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

    are your chances increased if you have previous skydiving / freefalling experience previous to the military??
  19. M

    Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

    yes, you are correct, it is a side interest that I'm trying to find out as much info as i can about........i definitely realize there are other great/challenging jobs other than receiving your jump wings. thanks.
  20. M

    Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

    just to answer combat_medics statement....it's not that i am fixated about becoming a paratrooper, just trying to gather all information with regards to this matter, along with any other information i can gather. enough information to make an intellectual decision on which trade within the army...