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  1. K

    Denmark Turns To The Right

    OK you got me on the typographical error . I'm really sorry,  I thought I had Army .ca not Girlguides.ca I'm finished now girls. Ken
  2. K

    Denmark Turns To The Right

    Go away a spell and grow up some , is all the advise I can give you. You are a fine example of our modern liberial more tolerant educational system . This is tiring,  normally I'd rather meet you in the alley .... when done with you .... shake hands . Ken
  3. K

    Denmark Turns To The Right

    And more often than not these immigrants often do something positive for their adoptive culture, as in the case of this Chinese immigrant who became an MLA in Northern Ireland; I am curious as to what your comments are on this headline from last year, IIRC: Cougardaddy .... get out a map of the...
  4. K

    Denmark Turns To The Right

    He ( Savage ) has one of the sharpest minds I have seen . he is also the best read person I've listen to . When you are at least 50 and raised a couple of kids.... then you'll get it. Best Regards , Ken
  5. K

    Denmark Turns To The Right

    Gimpy / Wimpy... keep following the sheep in front of you . It takes courage to be an independent thinker and I have finally had it with political correctness . I'm calling a spade a shovel from now on . I'm not prepared to let my Country go. By the way my son dates a Muslim who we adore but she...
  6. K

    Denmark Turns To The Right

    As the great Micheal Savage says " Liberalism is a brain disorder ". Better to start getting your act together when you smell smoke,  instead of when the flames are licking your arse. Ireland does not have this problem because they only allow immigrants that understand democracy and want...
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    Inspirational Letter to an Editor

    That one choked me up . I'll bet this young man has great parents.
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    Eyes Right

    This young Belgian lad, outfitted in a minature Black Watch uniform of WW II vintage, waits for the arrival of a Canadian platoon as it marches up the road toward him. In the final approach, the young lad salutes. The Sgt. in charge of the platoon honours the boys salute with an "Eyes Right"...
  9. K

    The Crucible Of Passchendaele (video)

    Avary thanks so much for taking the time to post this . Very powerful for a short video.
  10. K

    28 Oct 07 CBC "Cross Country Checkup" on AFG Caveats

    We are taking a leadership role this time around but in the past we too have hung back and did not fully pull our weight , thanks to the Liberials. I think what is at stake here is NATO it's self ....and the apathy that is prevalent in the political world  today . No one except for the Americans...
  11. K

    Who'll be the next CDS? Speculation here, please!!

    "Or, is there a chance that he was purposely fed that information, so the resulting story could tell the "my way or the highway" general that he had better start toeing the government line, or he could easily be replaced " Knowing Gen. Hillier he would tell them to shove the job up their arse then.
  12. K

    Who'll be the next CDS? Speculation here, please!!

    I'm sorry but I think we shouldn't roll over for this one, rumors like this in Ottawa are always right . Gen. Hillier is the best thing that has happen to the CF in a long time . I like PM Harper but they want to put in another lap dog as CDS. This is wrong headed because we have the right man...
  13. K

    Forage Cap polishing

    Used vaseline for ten years with no problem , my experience only though,  key is small amount.
  14. K

    Forage Cap polishing

    Try Windex and a soft cloth , then a very thin smear of vaseline . You can not touch the visor  you must remove your cap from the top with both hands . You will have to do this daily . Ken
  15. K

    RMC and French for an Anglo

    NCdt Lumber;  Thank you very much your words are extremely reassuring , I really needed to hear from someone like you on campus with their ear to the ground . All the best in your career. Ken
  16. K

    RMC and French for an Anglo

    MedTech Thank you . Did do a search but could not find exactly our situation . Your post is valuable will print it out and hang it on the fridge . This kid is incredible has very strong leadership skills as remarked by all his teachers also well liked in school . Well , we will forge ahead ...
  17. K

    RMC and French for an Anglo

    No . You can be 16 with a parent signature .
  18. K

    RMC and French for an Anglo

    On behalf of my son at age 16 I have this question , being in his 11th year of high school he did not take French this year and will not take it next year, reason being he is only average at best with french ( 68% ) and feels it will really pull down his 85 to 89 average . Wanting  to go to RMC...
  19. K

    Re-enrollment in reserves?

    Don't worry you will fine. I have a Son in his 4th year University and he has very good marks,  as well he has proven himself at his regiment. My second Son has just joined to do the same at 16.
  20. K

    How Do Liberal MPs Feel About Dion Attacking Them?

    Yes it was absolutely priceless , I could not believe I was watching CBC . Mansbridge finally exposed Dion's under belly