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Re-enrollment in reserves?


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Hi i was in the reserves less then a year ago ive been honorably discharged and i wanted to go back. Would i half to go threw the whole application again or do they still have my file witch i can just pledge my legance again?
  Yes - the original recruiting centre will have your original file.  They will need any updates since they last saw you - education and employment and medical.  You will need to go through the interview, medical and Reliability Check again, and the CFRC will pull your previous military file to confirm release item, and any qualifications that could be recognized. 

  Wish it was just a matter of showing up at the CFRC, but these are the checks the system has put in place and the CFRCs need to do to get someone back in. 
so pretty much all of it again, accept physical test and CFAT. Why would i need to do the interview again? and i can understand medical but ya that sucks they cant just bring me back with my file.
Seems like you have to adjust your attitude and ask yourself why do you want to go back again .
the reason i left was because im in college for Police foundation i didnt think I would have time for both but turns out I do.
hopefully They schedule me soon enought because last time it took me 6 months to get everything done, Ill talk to my previous battalion and maybe they can get me in faster. But thanks alot for the info, its greatly appreciated.
Don't worry you will fine. I have a Son in his 4th year University and he has very good marks,  as well he has proven himself at his regiment. My second Son has just joined to do the same at 16.
ya i realised the work load wasnt that big in my couses and ive never had a better job then the forces. seems like every job i get never compares to it.