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  1. Griffin

    Harper's first year results & prospects

    Wasn't Lawrence Martin the news reporter that authored the biography on Jean Chretien? 
  2. Griffin

    Where to post RIP notices concering former CF personnel?

    I am not quite sure where R.I.P. notices are to be posted here.  Please advise as I have one to post. Thanks
  3. Griffin


    The book is about 440 pages in length, including photo's and graphs, and covers not only shortcomings in government policy, but also makes a wide variety of comments concerning manning levels, funding, and new equipment of sufficient quality and number to return the CF back to prior levels of...
  4. Griffin


    Stoney, thank you for the reasoned comments.  How anyone could suggest that pointing out government failures to support the CF was an attack on the troops is utter nonsense.  Indeed by the time any reader had reached that portion of the book should have readily seen the support being given to...
  5. Griffin


    In BC there was something in the order of 70-80 fires operating at the peak of the season that ranged from the Kootenays to north of Kamploops and in between.  The comments made indicated that the numbers of troops deployed initially and for weeks thereafter were inadequate considering the scope...
  6. Griffin

    Implications for Canadians in Afghanistan if Iraqi Insurgents Win

    Well since your title seems to indicate staff, you should or your boss here should have access to the exact date I joined here.  I note you ignored all the other data so I guess I've got you pegged too! 
  7. Griffin

    Implications for Canadians in Afghanistan if Iraqi Insurgents Win

    Good question. I only became active with this forum in the last month.  No prior involvement, although I have been involved in other forums, including military ones for years.  For those so interested in profiles, I will add that I served with the GGHG for about 3-years, a member of the GGHG...
  8. Griffin

    Implications for Canadians in Afghanistan if Iraqi Insurgents Win

    While I understand why some would be wary of trolls, I would hope that new members to this forum, such as myself, would be given at least a fair opportunity to get acquainted with a new venue and be judged on their posts over a reasonable period of time.  Jumping on the newbies isn't a good way...
  9. Griffin

    Implications for Canadians in Afghanistan if Iraqi Insurgents Win

    Here you go; just a few comments. 1.  Cdn. troops in Afghanistan? If Iraq falls to Al-Qaeda, it will be a natural launching point into Afghanistan, hence problems for our troops.  As the zealots that are now in Iraq will be looking for more of the same, and the close proximity to Afghanistan...
  10. Griffin


    How about re-reading the original post.  Tell you what, I will repost the relevant part.  Note the FREE part of the comment. "CANADA UNDER ATTACK: How Government Policies Threaten Canada's Military, Public Safety, Sovereignty, and National Unity Is free for downloading from the Internet in...
  11. Griffin


    Considering you give no evidence to support your statement, while the author used extensive research throughout the book, I wonder what your hidden agenda is here.  I know you  would like to ignore the fact that in developing this submission numerous resources were used ranging from DND news...
  12. Griffin

    Implications for Canadians in Afghanistan if Iraqi Insurgents Win

    I have a few thoughts, however would be interested in hearing others comments first, hence the question rather than an outright statement.  Not playing games, just interested in other perpsectives.  Not to worry, I will probably weigh in. ;)
  13. Griffin

    Why can't more aid flow more quickly in AFG?

    The problem todate has not been that we haven't been spending money in Afghanistan, but how and where. CIDA has screwed up severely by not putting the majority of its $$$ where our troops are.  Recent questions by the Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence that tried to...
  14. Griffin

    Implications for Canadians in Afghanistan if Iraqi Insurgents Win

    Considering the way things are going in Iraq, with the apparent loss of public support in the US/Britain for the Iraq mission, what do you believe will be the implications if the insurgents win in Iraq, regarding: 1.  Cdn. troops in Afghanistan? 2.  The impact on the region? 3.  More global...
  15. Griffin

    Al-Qaeda Renews Threats on Canada - National Post story

    tlg, I applaud the Post for printing the article for a number of reasons. 1.  It underscores what despots the Taliban and al-Qaeda are.  When al-Qaeda makes such pronouncements about us fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, it is a reminder that the two are indeed allies, so our fight is a good...
  16. Griffin

    Al-Qaeda Renews Threats on Canada - National Post story

    The National Post ran a front page story about the latest video release by the propaganda arm of al-Qaeda.  In its diatribe, they called our soldiers, "Second Rate Crusaders".  Well, since the video came out in early summer, our troops have helped some of their Taliban buddies find a new 'path'...
  17. Griffin

    3rd of 3 Senate Reports Now Out

    The third of three reports by the Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence is now out.  It is titled: MANAGING TURMOIL: The Need to Upgrade Canadian Foreign Aid and Military Strength to Deal with Massive Change. If anything like its two predecessors, it should make for some...
  18. Griffin

    Old Jack Layton - Thoughts from a Soldier

    The following is reposted with permission from the CCS21 site - www.ccs21.org -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The NDP, the War, and the Americans Jack Granatstein, October 11, 2006 New...
  19. Griffin

    Humour: Name for a new Canadian Tank IF we got one

    How about calling a new Leopard IIA6 - MPURS - for Multi-Purposed Urban and Rural Solution.  Doesn't that just give you that touchy feel good feeling all over Mr. Layton? ;D http://www.army-technology.com/projects/leopard/leopard1.html
  20. Griffin

    Humour: Name for a new Canadian Tank IF we got one

    How true to form for Jack and the Peace Bunny :rofl: