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  1. artfuldodga

    Cannot clean shave for Medical Reasons, What Steps do I take?

    Well, thanks for the suggestions. I'll prob drop by the hospital tomorrow do a little show and tell and hopefully get it sorted out for the time being. Edit: Walk in Clinic perhaps but no Family Doctors are available to take anyone new on it seems, not anywhere near myself anyway :)
  2. artfuldodga

    Cannot clean shave for Medical Reasons, What Steps do I take?

    I'll see what I can do, was thinking Dermatologist but getting an appointment can take months apparently & before that you must see a family doctor for a referral to see a Dermatologist. That or wait around for a day in a hospital to see someone, gotta love Canadas Health Care System. Wouuld...
  3. artfuldodga

    Cannot clean shave for Medical Reasons, What Steps do I take?

    I've been clean shavin throughout my military career but with that gone through a lot of annoying discomfort doing so, now thinking enough is enough I want to see a doc about clearing me of this problem. Who do I see about this issue, being a reservist I do not have access to an MIR and it would...
  4. artfuldodga

    "Men's"/whatever "Christmas"/whatever Dinner (merged)

    actually, when i got in.. i believe it was a Troop Christmas Dinner :) or something along thos lines. we had no Guests for our dinners, we usually allow guests afterwards though.
  5. artfuldodga

    "Men's"/whatever "Christmas"/whatever Dinner (merged)

    My Units 'Mens Christmas Dinner' was fun again this year, besides having to wake up at 0700 the next day to work (we were able to sleep in, woo) Dinner of course served by Senior NCO's & Officers which has always been the case since i've been in. We were kind of joking around that one day Mens...
  6. artfuldodga

    What is your military status?

    Joined the Reserves / 031 in 1999 / 2RNFLDR Just finished helping out with EX Maple Guardian, worked as Field Support Troop / Transport (every so often) Thinking of going Reg soon, we shall see :)
  7. artfuldodga

    Instructor language at BMQ

    Any complaint someone can come up with these days it seems.
  8. artfuldodga

    Instructor language at BMQ

    The Army has changed quite a bit in the last 7+ years. For the most part, not alot of yelling at specific individuals, unless these individuals screw up on something as serious as securing kit, etc. I never notice a persons personal kit being touched by Staff anymore. Physical Training was alot...
  9. artfuldodga

    When's ARCON?

    usually aug 18th+ depending if you are on an advance party, same as most past years i would imagine i have to find out myself! i haven't heard much on it, i believe my name is in for it *scratch head*
  10. artfuldodga

    Reserve Call Outs/Employment Full Time

    GAP: if i don't speak correctly, simply ignore any of my future posts :)
  11. artfuldodga

    Reserve Call Outs/Employment Full Time

    job protection would be nice. should be some kind of law that prevents employers from giving away your full time job somewhere just because you were on tour a few times...  i mean, employers could hire part time workers to fill your position while your gone, im sure thos part timers understand...
  12. artfuldodga

    Canadian Army videos

    not sure if this was posted anywhere before, but here you go :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNZW4XVg77A i took part in all of that :P
  13. artfuldodga

    Royal Newfoundland Regiment Parades at Beaumont-Hamel, France (Link to Photo)

    they were all standing pretty proud, i can tell you that :)
  14. artfuldodga

    Royal Newfoundland Regiment Parades at Beaumont-Hamel, France (Link to Photo)

    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v219/_rockie/blog/parade010.jpg Photo was actually taken July 1st :) don't mind the time stamp! you can crop that out :P Oh and go to the image location if you want to see a larger image...