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Cannot clean shave for Medical Reasons, What Steps do I take?

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I've been clean shavin throughout my military career but with that gone through a lot of annoying discomfort doing so, now thinking enough is enough I want to see a doc about clearing me of this problem. Who do I see about this issue, being a reservist I do not have access to an MIR and it would probably take a while to get a appointment with military doctors, that and I would have to be paid a few days pay to even see any military doctor and that would have to be cleared also.

What to do. :)
Simple, You go see a Civilian Doctor. When you see the doctor you ask the doctor to write you a note excusing you from shaving. But this note MUST contain why, how long will this medical reason last if there is a certain time on it, what the medical condition is.

Ask the doctor to give you that and professionally inform your chain of command. Make a photocopy of the paper before handing it to your Chain of Command. Remember, Since you cant have a clean shave ensure its pretty damn tidy by trimming it.
I'll see what I can do, was thinking Dermatologist but getting an appointment can take months apparently & before that you must see a family doctor for a referral to see a Dermatologist. That or wait around for a day in a hospital to see someone, gotta love Canadas Health Care System.

Wouuld getting a note from a regular doctor be fine for now as a temp measure, I don't see how they would know anything about skin conditions though.
artfuldodga said:
That or wait around for a day in a hospital to see someone, gotta love Canadas Health Care System.

Well, I'm sure you're more than welcome to try another country's health care system that would find you paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for a hospital visit or stay.
I know the ER staff will love you if you go to emergency for a shaving chit.  ::)

artfuldodga said:
Wouuld getting a note from a regular doctor be fine for now as a temp measure, I don't see how they would know anything about skin conditions though.

General practitioners tend to be familiar with a lot of different medical issues.  They have to be.
Well, thanks for the suggestions. I'll prob drop by the hospital tomorrow do a little show and tell and hopefully get it sorted out for the time being.

Edit: Walk in Clinic perhaps but no Family Doctors are available to take anyone new on it seems, not anywhere near myself anyway :)
Why don't you go to a walk in clinic or your family doctor instead of going to the hospital.  Going to Emerg for a shaving chit is unnecessary.
Like the posts said, go see a doctor and get a chit with the info in slomode's post, take it to your unit and go from there.

Next time try do a search. This has been done to death.


Milnet.ca Staff
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