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  1. RogueMedic

    Question about joining as a Medic

    Hey Armymedic.. What's it like to be a medic these days compared to 3 years ago?  Has much changed since then?  I spent my time in 1 Fd Amb and I know Petawawa is different (we almost took DART from you guys  ;) ) and I would like to know what the trade is like now.  Did you ever do time in 1...
  2. RogueMedic

    Question about joining as a Medic

    Hey CosmoK.  I think one of the major downs is doing your time as a QL3 in the cage (Fd Amb) and waiting to get on your QL5 course.  After just under 3 years as a medic (not including time for basic and my medical training in Borden) I was still not slated for mine.  When you start out (most...
  3. RogueMedic

    Armed Medics

    You've brought forward an interesting take on the whole issue and have effectively changed some of my current views on the topic.  I agree with every word that you are saying regarding the set duties of each soldier and if a medic is putting rounds down range then they are not attending to their...
  4. RogueMedic

    Armed Medics

    sqn_medic hit the nail on the head!  The regulation makers need to grasp the concept that is the common view.  Who would you rather to provide medical assistance... a medic or an infanteer.  Likewise who would you feel safer conducting security duty... an infanteer or a medic? This of course...
  5. RogueMedic

    2006 Parliamentary Debate on AFG Mission

    As a former Canadian soldier I am appalled by the suggestion to hold an open debate on whether we should be in Afghanistan or not.  I applaud the Prime Minister for holding steady and not allowing men like Jack Layton to tarnish the honor of the sacrifices made by our fallen soldiers and by the...
  6. RogueMedic

    Armed Medics

    It is a constant fight that all medics face... to do sentry or not to.  Some might feel that a medic is too great a resource to throw on the front whereas others feel the medic should not be exempt from common soldering duty.  My personal feelings to the whole thing is simple...  No I don't...
  7. RogueMedic

    Armed Medics

    I was on ROTO 11 in Bosnia and was armed with a C7 in the cab and pistol on my leg.  We are always told that we are a soldier first no matter what trade and I agree with it.  sqn_medic hits it right on the head when he says win the fire fight.  That extra rifle shooting down range is never a bad...
  8. RogueMedic

    Question about joining as a Medic

    I would recommend anyone wanting to go medic to give it all you got.  I did 3-1/2 years as one and feel I am a better person for doing it.  There were many ups and downs.... but nothing compares to feeling you get when you help someone in need.  Very rewarding experience!
  9. RogueMedic

    All Things Paul Franklin (merged)

    Hey Audra. I served with Franklin in 1 Fd Amb until I released in 2003.  I thought I was going to be sick when I was watching the news the night it was all reported.  You never think it's going to happen to someone you know.  The funny thing about the forces is that once you're in you can never...
  10. RogueMedic

    Medic Pack

    I was lucky enough so scoop a custom pack from another medic who was leaving the CF.  It was stitched by a Mattech and attached to your webbing.  I used it during the G8 summit and it worked awsome.  Best bet... Spread the word around and someone might have something in a barrack box somewhere...