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  1. brandon_g

    Packing a Ruck

    im doing my bmq right now in borde, and we "had" a reservist with our platoon, but hes gone now.  Our rucks our at least 50 pds, and we never started at 20 pds.
  2. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    OH WOW, Its almost here, i just have to get through tonight and off i go. I bought everything today! even my shoes haha Good Luck EVERYONE!!!! Pte.Gallagher
  3. brandon_g

    22 Min BMQ Video @ St Jean

    Does anyone know or have a video of SQ or MOC?
  4. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    Hey does anyone know if I can bring a mini soccerball along? Its not regular size, just one of those mini ones, about the size of a babies head. Or will it be taken away?
  5. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    My flight shows up at 14:45 april 1
  6. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    Who is arriving at Borden on April 1st?  Hopefully we can meet up and go together.  :salute: 4 DAYS!!!
  7. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    Cool man, see you there  :salute:
  8. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    Congrats also. I'll see you there too.
  9. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    UPDATE: Well, today I just swore in and its very interesting.  Recruiters took us in one by one and asked us if any of our information was changed since the last visit. For example address, drugs, illegal activity.... Then we all went into a board room where we signed a few papers, received...
  10. brandon_g

    V for Vendetta

    Hey piper, I'm thinking about seeing it, is it worth it?
  11. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    Does anyone know if theres like paintball near Borden that we could go?
  12. brandon_g

    The 911 Conspiracy Theory thread

    LOL, but the videos were pretty convincing.  I dont care who did it...there is still terrorists in Iraq/Afgan.
  13. brandon_g

    The 911 Conspiracy Theory thread

    That film boggles your mind.  I thought for sure that this was a terrorist act by Al Quida (spelling might be wrong), but after seeing this video makes me think twice.  I always knew that a plane didn't hit the pentagon, from watching other videos, but flight 93....voice fakes....I want to know...
  14. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    I fly out April 1st. I guess I'm in the basic course a week before you.
  15. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    Reg. Force Infantry PPCLI.  What platoon are you in, and are you regular force or reservers? Whens your basic? Mine is April 3.
  16. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    I've been training since November for this experience.  But I took the two weeks off my job before April 1, so the 18 is my last day of work, and I'm training everyday, except sundays, before I leave. I'm going to run 5-10 km per day, depending on how I feel, and doing upper body strength...
  17. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    Brandon Gallagher
  18. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    Ahh, this waiting is taking forever. My swearing in is March 22 and it has seemed like I have waited a month already since my call. After my swearing in, I dont want to even think about how long the wait will be until I leave on April 1.---->April fools day! haha. I wonder if all the recruits...
  19. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    i think its june 19 man.
  20. brandon_g

    BMQ April 3

    Well if BMQ is 11 weeks to the day, the last day, which is probably graduation ceremony and all, would be on my 19th birthday!! That would be the best birthday ever.  If not, and its longer, thats fine too. I'm thinking it is 11 weeks, just because thats what it said on my preparation sheet that...