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V for Vendetta

  • Thread starter Thread starter cameron_highlander
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So who's seen it? Thoughts (I'm looking at my fellow libertarian minded folks here)?

Personally, I think the directors tin foil hat may have been on a little tight and he had an axe to grind with President Bush.

However, it raises some interesting questions considering the way our world is going (national ID cards, disarming citizens for example). How much freedom are we willing to trade for gov't security....and more importantly, what is one willing to do when that freedom is lost?
V is for Viddy!

ok, ok ya it looks like a wicked film, i plan on droping some hard earned dough.  Produced by wachowski brothers ? (guys behind tthe matrix flicks)


Personal opinion = best movie of the year. See it. If you can see it in IMAX where you are, even better  :dontpanic:
My personal opinion:
I thought it was terrible dribble.
There were too many sub-political attacks to bring any one "underlying message" to the surface.
They took 3-4 "hot button" topics from the media today - mixed in the Holocaust and Zorro, and there you have it - V for Vendetta.
Personally, I think it is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

muffin said:
My personal opinion:
I thought it was terrible dribble.
There were too many sub-political attacks to bring any one "underlying message" to the surface.
They took 3-4 "hot button" topics from the media today - mixed in the Holocaust and Zorro, and there you have it - V for Vendetta.
Personally, I think it is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.


Well it's no team america  :P

It's nice to see a 1984 scenario that doesn't end tragically for once. Only part that bugged me was the alliteration in V's opening monologue.
Well, i just saw it tonight and it was fantastic, only because it's a refreshing take on film.  Not your typical goodguy/badguy in it's usual sense.  thumbs up.


muffin said:
My personal opinion:
I thought it was terrible dribble.
There were too many sub-political attacks to bring any one "underlying message" to the surface.
They took 3-4 "hot button" topics from the media today - mixed in the Holocaust and Zorro, and there you have it - V for Vendetta.
Personally, I think it is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.



muffin said:
My personal opinion:
I thought it was terrible dribble.
There were too many sub-political attacks to bring any one "underlying message" to the surface.
They took 3-4 "hot button" topics from the media today - mixed in the Holocaust and Zorro, and there you have it - V for Vendetta.
Personally, I think it is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.


Yeah but what about the sweet fight scenes?

I mean come on... if you use that evaluation guideline then 2 of the three matrix movies totally blew as well.... way too many biblical references.. but like the first one, the SFX and fight scenes were kick ass!
I might see it for the special effect but that's it but I'm 100% with muffin, actually I think he reads WIRED ;)


hell even the original creator of the caracter refused to be in the credits cause he was ashamed of the waste of film
I thought it was an outstanding movie. Natalie Portman gave an amazing performance.
Equilibrium is another similar movie which is pretty thought provoking.