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  1. B

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    I agree very much that any nation involved with international affairs, (Canada), needs a fast deployment force to deal with matters not on our own territory. This is one well known aspect of airborne even if they deploy without jumping. THEY GET THERE FAST. Even if they do not get involved with...
  2. B

    Future Armour

    Yes. That's one. Well done finding it. The articulation system is touched in on that webpate with: "erge's design provided this ability through the use of a fully automated transmission and suspension system, which would turn and tilt the tank under gunner control. The gun itself would be...
  3. B

    Future Armour

    To address a few messages regarding the "claymore" style system that wouldn't work on a future armor there would, if it was used, been of course a mounting bracket or location for the charge. It is the bracket that could be reloaded by inserting a fresh charge. The affect on armor is as pointed...
  4. B

    Future Armour

    It may have been the same vehicle and its name escapes me at the moment. It was Swedish IIRC, maybe Swiss... one of the small European powers. A tank with a fixed gun. The tracks had an unusual suspension system that allowed it to angle the whole vehicle, and thus the fixed gun. Lacking any...
  5. B

    Infantry of Tomorrow

    Catching up on this long and informitative thread. I have some questions that expand on indeas already briefly touched on. With the ongoing reduction of the sizes of electronic devices* there are numerous possibilities that the Infantry of Tomorrow might carry. There is though little change in...
  6. B

    Allien abductions

    Area 51 is where they took my profile ;D :D
  7. B

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    Thank you for a good post. Its discussions like yours Michael that are part of why I took the time to participate in army.ca.
  8. B

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    Rather hope we can get back on topic shortly. The army.ca privacy statement clearly states the profile information is optional. An option to leave blank IS being taken. I dont consider it any fault of mine to refuse demands on optional material.
  9. B

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    Seriously, it was a sincere offer to clarify. How it was considered something else is baffling. My apologizes for not protraying the sincerity.
  10. B

    stories about your first car

    1986 Plymouth Omni. Had a nice simple 4-cylinder engine with easy maintenance. With the old style "steel" the modern cars went crunch in fender benders leaving my own untouched. Took a van coming through a red light to stop the wee-beasty, and I was the THIRD car in our lane to enter the...
  11. B

    Future Armour

    There was some mention in the thread about the need for a machince gun. Earlier tankers once tried out one without it and they quickly went back to it. There where tanks/SPG created in the WW2 that lacked a machince gun. German Elefant IIRC. The result of them going into combat was that this...
  12. B

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    Rather vague. Which matter/paragraph are you refering to? If its just a matter of disagreeing thats fine.
  13. B

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    and was given the requested information. ;)
  14. B

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    That would be the thread where multiple persons where so blaringly rude over a simple book recommendation. It speaks volumes that the moderator stepped in and locked the thread. I support the moderators decision and have moved on. It would do as all good for any others stuck back there to also...
  15. B

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    On infantry doing airbase defense: The original post in the thread wanted non-WW2 information in which there where several examples of regular infantry defending airbases. One post-WW2 on infantry formations defending an air base includes the French and Vietnamese (not yet split North/South)...
  16. B

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    ;D I cant help but keep chuckling over the vision of the same prone positions when going on smooth terrain... nice little nappy time beds for the foot soldier. Imagine the squad running to remount and someone shouting "dibs on the top bunk!". :blotto: Wonder if they would SOP who it should go...
  17. B

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    In regards to the carrier in Mech Inf: The worlds infrastructure is based around the width of a pair of horses. The roads that where wagon trails, with more than two horses being done in pairs sets of pairs, became our roads. This influence affect the design of the space shuttle as the rocket...
  18. B

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    Which reminds me... two "lightly equipped infantry on foot" scenarious I forgot where mountain, espically where caves are present, and huminatarian aide (tanks dont do so well and handing out foods though they do tend to keep the roads clear of fallen trees).
  19. B

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    Interesting. Wasnt aware of that. I will look into that. Thanks. This type of "strategic" mobility I had heard about but as you say, not into a fight. Couldnt recall off the top of my head who.
  20. B

    "Light Infantry/Airborne Capability" & "Canadian Airborne - a waste of $$$?"

    Will you, or are you permitted, to share these views? I am interested in what your view is.