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Allien abductions

  • Thread starter Thread starter aesop081
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I don't know about you guys but this whole alien thing is creeping me out.  Sometimes though,
there are logical explanations.  This is a true story.

A few years ago, I had to repair a television transmitter.  I took off the top, looked down,
and saw bread crust wedged in the corner of the unit.  The bread crust was a fragging peanut butter
sandwich dehydrated to shite with a bite taken out of it.  The date on the calibration sticker was
approximately five years prior.  I'm thinking to myself that some ITT tech, working on the
transmitter, left and forgot his peanut butter sandwich in the guts of the transmitter.  It
happens.  The unit came from a dry area and so I found the sandwich in near perfect
dehydrated shape.

Probably the tech, many years in the past now, spent a good afternoon looking for his sandwich
blaming  everyone from his co-workers to aliens for the sandwich's apparent abduction.  Case

Island Rhyno, buddy, you're behind the times...

Technology has moved on! The old "tin foil hat" simply doesn't offer the best protection anymore. Now THIS - it's state of the art:


Velostat anti-static sheeting - the wave of the future! Incidentally, only TWO people using this technology have EVER been abducted by aliens. It must work! ;D

Muh ha ha ha, I say wear one over the other, muh ha ha ha.   ;D

modified for grammar
infantrygf said:
  They did a study on people who say they have been abducted on several occasions. It turns out that most people who are abducted have relay experienced a waking dream, which is when you wake up inside your dream and it seems so real. You can smell and do everything you would be able to do in the real world, when you wake up you think that it is something that actually happend.   People have also been visited and tacked to by Satan and other demonic beings, inside their waking dreams.

I've had quite a few of those. Fairly disturbing, at least most that I've experienced, although some were kinda cool. Haven't seen Satan, though. An alien, however? Yes, followed one around, which was neat. It tried to show me something in the woods. It was very hospitable. One thing that I've noticed in the dreams though, is that familiar areas are altered (buildings have different layouts, streets different houses, vegetation, people have different personalities, etc.). Only topography remains the same. The uniting factor in each one is that they have been an ideal - like if it were to happen, this would be perhaps the best situation, or personal ideal (feats of strength, savvy, etc). I believe it's all just a reflection of what I feel, or what I'm thinking (especially the latter).

On another note, my grandfather saw a UFO in Edmonton in 1947 (I believe that was the year I was told), and my father saw a ghost when he was a janitor. And a cousin is an occultist. So to say the least, my family has an interest in these matters. For the record, I've never worn a tinfoil hat.
I suppose it is kind of a typical human arrogance to assume that we are the only "intelligent" (and I use the term loosely  ;D) life form in this neck of the stars.  There are stories even in the Bible (read about Ezekiel) of weird things floating/flying in the sky.  Though there is an odd twist to the abduction theme - different cultures describe different beings.  North Americans and Northern Europeans describe the "greys" - stubby, fetal like people with huge noggins and big black eyes, where as South Americans/Asians describe tall, skinny dudes/ettes, sometimes with or without helmets.

On a creepier note, I saw somethng odd in Victoria one night - thought I must have sniffed too much model glue (hey, I was 13) until I noticed some other people staring at the same piece of sky as me.

I can't beleive that it has come to this.  Do you people have no sense of haha ?  This was started as an inside joke, people made funny posts and now this is turning into an debate on " are we alone ?"

WOW......... ::)
They did a study on people who say they have been abducted on several occasions. It turns out that most people who are abducted have relay experienced a waking dream, which is when you wake up inside your dream and it seems so real. You can smell and do everything you would be able to do in the real world, when you wake up you think that it is something that actually happend.   People have also been visited and tacked to by Satan and other demonic beings, inside their waking dreams.

It is called sleep paralysis, and accounts for a very large percentage of reported alien abduction cases. During sleep, you body will turn off signals to your spinal cord to prevent you from thrashing around in your sleep while you dream. Sleep paralysis is when you wake up, but your body forgets to turn the signals to your spinal cord back on. You are not fully conscious during this time and will still dream, hence people often dream about demons and aleins coming into their room, pressing on their chest, or doing other strange things.   What is strange is most people dream similar things in this state.

There is the oppostite condition in some people, where the body will not turn off signals to the spinal cord. And for example if they dream that they are going for a run they will be lying in bed and moving their arms and legs like they are running.

I guess this thread explains why most "abductions" are from West Virginia, Kentucky and other places similar ;) ;D
medicineman said:
North Americans and Northern Europeans describe the "greys" - stubby, fetal like people with huge noggins and big black eyes.

One day while I was researching mythical creatures at school, I came across a description of the elves from Danish mythology. They were described as being short, of light skin, with large eyes and heads, and rather long limbs. On a darker note, there is the reference from German mythology regarding elves: "the creatures of nightmares".
Zartan said:
One day while I was researching mythical creatures at school, I came across a description of the elves from Danish mythology. They were described as being short, of light skin, with large eyes and heads, and rather long limbs. On a darker note, there is the reference from German mythology regarding elves: "the creatures of nightmares".
also describes a girl I knew in high school. Thank Heaven for whiskey!
paracowboy said:
Thank Heaven for whiskey!

On a similar note, I wonder how much alcohol and drug induced hallucinations play into the sightings?
I hope this doesn't turn in to a "what is really going on in Area 51" conversation ???