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  1. A

    Cant Wait!!

    Thanks for the all the luck you guys it must have helped because I think that was the best interview I have ever given!  ;D , Probably because its meant to be that way, but I like to think its because I'm awesome :) The med techs did ask me for more info from my doctor which Ive already gotten...
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    Cant Wait!!

    GOt a call this afternoon!  ;D No pre-assessment needed Medical is on Wednesday Nov 12th followed by an interview!
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    Leaving Children For Training, Etc. -Merged

    My 0.02$ Living with her other parents/grandparents your daughter will have a nice change of environment. It will be a chance for her to pick up some more life experience independent of what you've already undoubtedly provided. It might be tough for her but beneficial overall. In the future...
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    Cant Wait!!

    Still waiting for a response on whether or not I need to get pre-screened. Born right here in Edmonton, lived here most of my life, except for 2.5 teenage years I spent with my parents in a present day hotspot. That was 8 years ago, the good folks at the recruiting center were optimistic I...
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    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Sitting in a computer lab: boooooored! Man I hope the recruitment center calls me today!
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    Cant Wait!!

    This was sage advise! Thank you both! I just got back from the center 10mins ago. I was told I did "very good". My recruiter was also optimistic that I would not need to have the security pre-assessment done (fingers crossed). So heres hoping I can get my medical out of the way and sit tight...
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    30 days

    Wow from one pushup to 10 in 30 days? Thats a huge gain. http://hundredpushups.com/ Little push up regime there you might find useful. Even if you dont follow it like canon. It definitely helped me out. I think the formula is something like: Max you can do. 1/2 of max 1/2 of max 1/2 of max...
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    Cant Wait!!

    Got a call! Aptitude test next Tuesday!  ;D
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    My thoughts: The taser is an effective non lethal tool for bringing an assailant under control. But due to the fact that is is generally higher risk then other conflict control tools its use should be considered only after other safer approaches have been ruled out.
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    Cant Wait!!

    Ugh, this wait is killing me! Hopefully my days as a waiter are numbered. Today however, standing behind the bar, I had a wonderful opportunity to talk to a retired seargent. Great guy, served all over the place,  Egypt, Somalia, Bosnia, Iraq (desert storm), Afghanistan (soviet pullout)...
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    The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz

    "Spattered with gore, you stand as a beacon to humanity and woe betide the Zombie that crosses your path.  You are everyone else's best hope for survival, as long as your aggression doesn't get them killed in the process" :warstory:
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    The Khadr Thread

    Uh.. a POW is only required to provide date of birth, rank and serial number in accord with the Geneva conventions. These guys aren't getting POW treatment, if they were it wouldn't be an issue, Omar would have been put in a camp with his peers and he'd be stuck there until someone negotiated...
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    The Khadr Thread

    Ya or worse yet, have been left in Afghanistan to be tried by the new Afghani judicial system. But like you said theres no precedent. Hes almost like a stateless individual. However I do think a 6 year wait for a secret military tribunal is somewhat ridiculous. 6 years in limbo aside. If...
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    Cant Wait!!

    Because I'm lazy and a general slackoff. Jk.  It will just be nice to be able to give/recieve help without thinking of just myself.  :) Hah well, i guess ill just have to watch out for those guys  ;D
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    Cant Wait!!

    Well I hadn't gotten a call yet so I called the ol recruiting center and they forwarded me to a leading seaman who is handling my file. But the computers were down and they were still waiting for an all clear on my criminal record check. But she said I could expect to scheduled for my physical...
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    Cant Wait!!

    Ya I have a degree in .. geophysics.  :-X , and yeap I'm applying as a DEO, I had no idea our basic training was different though. I hope its something like BMQ. Especially the unity/"brotherhood" aspect. From what Ive seen of the forces so far, its not cut throat or overly competitive, which...
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    Cant Wait!!

    I had a moderately tough time narrowing my options down. I put the following three on my app: 1. Marine Systems engineering. 2. Maritime Surface and Subsurface. 3. Air Navigator.
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    Cant Wait!!

    Well I turned in my application at the recruiting center here in Edmonton yesterday... and everything was good until I got home and watched a video of the BMQ. And then it hit me how incredibly excited I was about this and how ridiculously hard it would be to wait for the call ! Just hoping I...