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  1. Huzzah

    Penticton Reservist (?): "It's time to end Afghanistan war"

    I can see it now,this guy comes up on charges...and Bob Rae and all the other defenders of our "US War Resisters in Canada" come charging to the rescue... :(
  2. Huzzah

    Penticton Reservist (?): "It's time to end Afghanistan war"

      He sounds more like a British Columbia Poltroon.
  3. Huzzah

    Penticton Reservist (?): "It's time to end Afghanistan war"

    It certainly sounds like the standard,factless,brain-dead drivel that the Peace Activists, Jack Layton, his merry band of lefty loons are famous for. Where does the Toronto Star fit in with all this,how deeply did they investigate this whole story before eagerly printing it?
  4. Huzzah

    Penticton Reservist (?): "It's time to end Afghanistan war"

    Cpl Paul Demetrick,      You sir are an ignorant as s.
  5. Huzzah

    What One General Hopes For from Media

      A media which would print half-truths,disinformation/lies,about their own Military in a time of war...I think the word "traitor" would apply.
  6. Huzzah

    What One General Hopes For from Media

    To expect truthful,unbiased reporting from the majority of North American MSM is a waste of time.They are leftist for the most part,and completely biased.   I think they are also ignorant.Don't know if my next statement is correct or not,but I've heard that credits in subjects such as History...
  7. Huzzah

    Afghan Detainee Mega Thread

    Anybody think that Attaran will now admit that he was wrong,etc.?...don't think we should hold our breath while we're waiting.   He'll now have to move on to some other issue,real or invented,to try and further his career.
  8. Huzzah

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    Another goof-ball ruling,by another goof-ball judge...the system is chock-full of 'em.The left is so open-minded that their brains fell out years ago.
  9. Huzzah

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    "Guts" is one of the things that these deserters don't have.I could maybe give them a small bit of respect if they went home to state their beliefs/case in a court. While others from their Units are serving overseas,these people don't even have the courage to stand up for their beliefs in their...
  10. Huzzah

    Three soldiers die in Afghan roadside blast

    When I've learned of previous Canadian casualties in Afghanistan,it deeply affected me.These are great people and I'm moved by their commitment and self-sacrifice.   I'm also angered by the ignorant ramblings of what seems to be a large percentage of the Canadian public.A public being catered to...
  11. Huzzah

    The "Diefenbreaker"

    Hi MarkOttawa,   Personally,I'm not a "leftie-Arrowhead".I vote Conservative.The Americans are our Allies,and we are at war.(no anti-Americanism here either).I'm not convinced that the cancellation of the Arrow was of any benefit to Canada though.
  12. Huzzah

    The "Diefenbreaker"

    The cancellation of the Avro Arrow was incredibly stupid.Diefenbaker destroyed a cutting edge Aviation Industry.Those great minds went elsewhere,the United States,NASA.The ship deserves a better name.
  13. Huzzah

    CTV's stupidity or bias?

    Maybe it's all part of the moral relativism or political correctness that permeates this culture. It's now too offensive to call a murderer... a murderer.No,now he's an executioner... "way cool",and nobody's feelings get hurt...except maybe the victim's.
  14. Huzzah

    CTV's stupidity or bias?

    Winnipeg_007,   That your dictionary includes murder under its' definitions of "execute" I have no doubt. My New Websters only carries the definition for "execute"...put to death,according to law. I'm old enough,however,to remember when the word was used exclusively to refer to the application...
  15. Huzzah

    CTV's stupidity or bias?

    I'm really fed up with CTV's talking heads reporting that the taliban "executed" two South Korean Missionaries.They did not "execute" them,they MURDERED them.CTV's use of the term "executed",is either a case of stupidity on their part,or yet another example of their twisted world view.I think...
  16. Huzzah

    Taliban Jack

    Hi Tow Tripod,I received exactly  the same email form letter from Layton after sending him an email.In my email I wrote..."Dear Sir,if you wish to negotiate with the taliban,book your flight immediately.The first thing you might want to discuss is whether they will kill you before,during,or...