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  1. tamouh

    A scary strategic problem - no oil

    This is an interesting article on how to build 6,000 nuclear reactors by 2050: http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Articles%202005/Nuclear2050.pdf Interesting things (if proven true), China is planning to build 32 nuclear reactors.
  2. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Any regime change in ANY Arab government ANY where in the ME will produce (if democratic) an Islamist government. If a puppet regime is installed that does not abide to the people's and armed forces well, it will be toppled in few years. This had happened before during the colonial wars of 1920s...
  3. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    It will be baseless since Syria had already made more important things like fighting terrorism, sharing intelligence. Still the current US administration is unable to envision Syria as a major player in the ME. They thought they could by pass Syria, work with Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq, yet we've...
  4. tamouh

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Well written article. Syria has been on and off with Washington for decades, yet, the relations between Syria and the US never reached this level of isolation before. I believe the current US administration has put itself at a great disadvantage by distancing Syria in a time where the US is...
  5. tamouh

    Lebanon (Superthread)

    According to Reuters: http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=TopNews&storyID=2006-08-02T041321Z_01_L30823603_RTRUKOC_0_US-MIDEAST.xml&WTmodLoc=Home-C1-TopStories-TopNews-2 I know the Arab media is stating the raid was an attempt to capture a wounded senior Hezbollah member...
  6. tamouh

    Re: Israel Hits U.N. Post

    There is no point of arguing further here as you seem to have made your mind that firing on the UN is OK against all rules and regulations. gggg....I wonder if the Lebanese were returning IDF artillery fire and mistakenly hit the UN post, how different this post will be !! I'm not gonna argue...
  7. tamouh

    Re: Israel Hits U.N. Post

    The Point is: Bombing a UN observation post from ANYONE at ANYTIME is WRONG and PROHIBITED. Israel or others are no exceptions. CanadaPhil: Lets leave speculations aside, until what you're saying is confirmed and valid report then we need not to make up stuff. What you're saying amounts to...
  8. tamouh

    Re: Israel Hits U.N. Post

    CanadaPhil: yes I read the last lines, did you read the few last lines in my post ? obviously me is not implying that IDF is wasting 1,000lb bombs to just flatten the ground. However, there is good possibility the IDF suspects Hezbollah bunkers in, around the UN post. GAP: Agreed as I said...
  9. tamouh

    Re: Israel Hits U.N. Post

    Quagmire: This is the email, and there is NO mention of Hezbollah being close to their position, however, he rather indicated the bombing is NOT deliberate rather tactical. In other reports it mentions the UN post called the IDF several times to stop bombing close to the observation post (* need...
  10. tamouh

    Re: Israel Hits U.N. Post

    CanadaPhill: merci! couldn't resist being away! I'm in no way defending Hezbollah, read my posts again. You can go and talk about them all you want. All I know about them is they're putting up sure amount of resistant that IDF hadn't anticipated. Not sure for how long they're going to last...
  11. tamouh

    Re: Israel Hits U.N. Post

    Bravo Israel....use Canadian passports to move their spies, infiltrate the US defense , their greatest allie with a spy agents then when caught denounce the agent, fire upon UN observers, bomb canadians on vacation, and not hesitate once to put its allies at risk for the selfish purpose of...
  12. tamouh

    Major Paeta Hess-Von Kruedener

    My deepest condolences to his family and wife. I'm thankful for his service and his courage.
  13. tamouh

    Trolling in Israel Hits U.N. Post

    It is called Neo Conservatives and Angelican Christians. It is as bad as the Muslim Extremists in the aim of world domination under the cover of democracy & peace, readup boy! There are some good folks here though, don't be discouraged and make your voice heard!
  14. tamouh

    Discussion on Israeli Strategy

    a_majoor: Israel probably has better democracy than most of the mid-east, yet, they continue an aggressive and racist agenda against their counter part Israeli Arabs and even further to Eastern European Jews who immigrated after 80s: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=293813...
  15. tamouh

    Discussion on Israeli Strategy

    Wes: Unfortunate if proved true, yet not an execuse to bomb mosques, churches and other infrastructures. ArmyRick: Whatever makes you happy, just don't come after to blame the Arabs for suicide bombing!!! Blackshirt: while true, so is the Israelis with their 4 class citizenens, and supreme...
  16. tamouh

    Discussion on Israeli Strategy

    Kirkhill: I love your piece. I think if the 'street' had to choose , they'd have chosen continuous war with no end. That is why I believe Israel has a better chance now of making peace with the governments because sooner or later that whole area will be ran by the people. Geneva convention...
  17. tamouh

    Discussion on Israeli Strategy

    Edward: I agree with your comments, though we're missing the point, if we agree Lebanese government could not disarm Hezbollah prior to the Israeli invasion, then Israel has no right to bomb Lebanon infrastructure. I also agree Israel is surrounded by their enemies who wish to erase it off...
  18. tamouh

    Discussion on Israeli Strategy

    von Garvin : I understand your point. However, take into account, Lebanon has NO ARMY. Literally, Lebanon's army is more of a police force than an army. If Lebanese government wanted to dismantle Hezbollah by force, there will be one of these two outcomes: 1) Civli War (yet again!)  2) Hezbollah...
  19. tamouh

    Discussion on Israeli Strategy

    Congrats! Great for you.....I support you and many do on your missions. What that has to do with Israel ? Are you going to Afghanistan to defend Israel ????!!
  20. tamouh

    Discussion on Israeli Strategy

    They're trully then the champion of these tactics.....lets give them the thumbs up for a job well done!!!!! Lebanon has nothing to do with this, and that is what has been said since day 1. If Israel wants to go after Hezbollah after these attacks, they were welcome to do so......they'd at...