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Trolling in Israel Hits U.N. Post

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I see a few people who have had verbal warnings and even been banned outright because they had strong opinions on this matter? Who is regulating this, the Israeli Defence Forces?
chupracabra said:
I see a few people who have had verbal warnings and even been banned outright because they had strong opinions on this matter? Who is regulating this, the Israeli Defence Forces?

It's not the opinions, it's the way the opinions are expressed. We have bridges, we have trolls under those bridges, strangely they never fill out their profile, and come here insert inflammatory rhetoric to start a food fight. Somebody has to clean up the gremlins, I think they do a good job of it.

Was there a point to your post?
chupracabra said:
I see a few people who have had verbal warnings and even been banned outright because they had strong opinions on this matter? Who is regulating this, the Israeli Defence Forces?

If you don't like the way the site is run, you're always free to leave.
chupracabra said:
I see a few people who have had verbal warnings and even been banned outright because they had strong opinions on this matter? Who is regulating this, the Israeli Defence Forces?

It is called Neo Conservatives and Angelican Christians. It is as bad as the Muslim Extremists in the aim of world domination under the cover of democracy & peace, readup boy! There are some good folks here though, don't be discouraged and make your voice heard!
sigh  :(  another bridge, another troll  ::)
tamouh said:
It is called Neo Conservatives and Angelican Christians. It is as bad as the Muslim Extremists in the aim of world domination under the cover of democracy & peace, readup boy! There are some good folks here though, don't be discouraged and make your voice heard!

Are you implying that Angelcans are extremists?
Well Trinity seems pretty extremist to me, what with his preaching on Sundays to people in his church, I hear he does it every week too...talk about extreme, I mean come on once a month I could see but every week?

Wow Tamouh I can't even saying anything bad, you almost have me speechless....almost.

Tamouh you constantly amaze me that no matter what side we pick in any debate you will invariably choose the opposite and claim your just representing the other side... Fine I give up, here choose the opposite side of this.

The Earth is flat!
OK, Mods, reference Tamouh, permission to engage with PAR (Personal Attack Remarks) ammunition?
chupracabra, Tamouh, er....Yardbirds:

Quit trolling or be banned for trolling.

Is that clear enough for you or do you need some read only time to let it sink in?

You are both becoming a burden to the site and if I were to take action against you it would be for this behavior, not because of your opinion. Go bleat somewhere else.

Final warning.

Personal attacks lower you to their level, don't bother, they're just nimrods looking for something to do.
chupracabra said:
I see a few people who have had verbal warnings and even been banned outright because they had strong opinions on this matter? Who is regulating this, the Israeli Defence Forces?

No, it is a pretty open forum.  I got my warning for saying something considered racial. Fair is Fair.
By the way GAP I'm not a troll
Now if you excuse me, its back to the corner I go.
career_radio-checker said:
By the way GAP I'm not a troll

Not since you competed your profile. thanks by the way.  :)
Yowza, a warned member defending the Staff. I am feeling faint, need Squenchers....

Seriously, radio checker, thanks for that, I appreciate it when people can just be mature about being warned and move on. BTW, I am not familiar with your circumstances and am making no comment about them, just saying thanks for taking it like a pro.

Perhaps some others in this thread might take that advice.
As a church-going Anglican, I am offended at your comments regarding me and the Zionist-Crusader conspiracy. Everyone who is a Protestant Christian knows that Anglicans are so doctrinally relaxed that it's practically impossible for us to believe in anything with any form of organization...

Hehehe. Trinity, how are you? I haven't hit the sundial in awhile...
GAP said:
sigh  :(  another bridge, another troll   ::)

No mate, another turd someone forgot to flush. That guy is on borrowed time. As I have said in the past give him enough rope, and he'll swing on his own.


Or as Tess would say, let the meltdown begin!

Anyways, my leave ends today, its just before 0530 here on a rainy Friday, and I got go get ready for work. . Now for 20 days straight of more training. Not a day off now til the 17th of August.



Warnings are given out for conduct contrary to the guidelines, as you are now fully aware. There was no need for this thread in the beginning, and no need for it to continue. Further attempts to slander the Staff, no matter how coyly you try to put it, will be met with another step up the ladder.
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