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  1. Righty

    Equipment info!

    I just did the co-op program... You start using the C7 in about the third week, and once you hit SQ expect to learn on three kick @ss weapons (i think my course was the last to train on the 84mm so you might not learn on it till your 3's) and the M67 nade. You seem pretty gun-ho about the...
  2. Righty

    Favorite Military Film

    I meant you have no lives because you were correcting me on when it came out.... but its nice to know people will demote you with one little comment... This is such a awesome forum!
  3. Righty

    Favorite Military Film

    whats with you people... do you have no lives
  4. Righty

    Favorite Military Film

    Wow thanks for pointing out the movie was realeased in 1988. I'm sure we already knew that... ^-^
  5. Righty

    Favorite Military Film

    I swear to god this is true! On BMQ we had this guy who knew every one liner to every war movie. This guy could recite anything, AND he would do it in the voice of that character (and pretty good too). So one night just making our bunks and polishing our boots he starts reciting the beginning...
  6. Righty

    My chest rig

    Ahhh...  ^-^
  7. Righty

    My chest rig

    tacsit i don't know what type of job(s) you have but this is what i'm thinking... "Your an international hitman, and can be deployed anywhere in the world within 48 hours. So you get a call from an unknown man saying that a billionaire oil tycon in texas needs to be taken out. He is vactioning...
  8. Righty

    Are there snipers in the reserves?

    There are no snipers in the reserves, Don't ask my MCpl. We got a big speech about it! (LMAO) But if you go regs and want to be a sniper you have to have alot of tought ( I mean tough ) courses. My Mcpl also told us how snipers have a sick sense of humor. *Story time* In vietnam there was...
  9. Righty

    BMQ/SQ grad etc

    have fun on your ex... and since your doing it where i did... watch out for ordanance laying around (there's lots of it, most of them exploded but yah never know) And since shilo is mostly sand your trench will likely cave in a couple of times before you get your corrugated metal up. other...
  10. Righty

    SAR Tech

    geez... I met a couple SAR techs at an air show when i was 13. I thought to myself how cool would that be to parachute in remote locations to rescue people! I thought i would join as a AVN tech becaome a Cpl and go thru my chain of command to apply. But i've realized that the recruiting process...
  11. Righty

    Left-hand shooter question

    You should only close the eye your not using to aim just for a second or two to aquire your target then open it so both eyes are open. That way the target is not blurry. it takes a while to get used to.
  12. Righty

    Becoming an officer

    Could you tell me what trade your going to? what degree you have? any other tid bits about the DEO plan.
  13. Righty

    Becoming an officer

    Hi everyone, I have always wnted to join the airforce but my problem is I do not think my marks are up to military par but I could get into civi university. I was wondering if I could go to a civi university and then become an officer after getting my degree. Is this possible? Any help is...
  14. Righty

    whats your favorite gun??

    My C7
  15. Righty

    Reserve Co-op enrollment 2014-2017

    Im doing the Co-op program right now (just got back from my BMQ ftx). At the end of the program you will have made about $3300.00 . I make $35.31 every half day, and something like $73.35 every full day.
  16. Righty

    Mock Tower Wings

    Hey Matt... Have some respect! this isn‘t grade 2 here. at least some people are going out to get expeireince and try new things. is that not what cadets is all about? it‘s people like you who get "jacked up" in the regs cause your a jack***.
  17. Righty

    Updated Video Journals

    it says i dint have quicktime 6.....but i do
  18. Righty


    ahhh.... The SAT trainer... The first time they brought us in there our sgt‘s, and MCpl‘s gave us a demo and had an actual simulated attack... every second thing outta there mouths was "DIE F&%&^%S".....that was fun
  19. Righty

    Updated Video Journals

    I downloaded quicktime and I still cannot watch the video‘s...
  20. Righty

    Pay Freeze

    I started on Feb 7.... Didn‘t get paid until Mar 15