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Are there snipers in the reserves?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pugnacious
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This question came up in the middle of another thread.

My extra questions are...Do they exist in the reserves?
And are the snipers coming from the Regs, or are the reservists trained as Snipers?

I'm trying to join the reserves out here in BC, and would be interested in this field.



Sniper Article  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/2018.0
Becoming a Sniper  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/2009.0
PPCLI Snipers in Afghanistan  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/1846.0
Legit question about snipers  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/1982.0
Snipers in the reserves?  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/1994.0
.50 cal sniper rifle  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/1809.0

More specifically-http://army.ca/forums/threads/1994.0

Wow looks like I shook the answer tree when the fruit was ripe.
Thanx MJP ;D

Pugnacious said:
I'm trying to join the reserves out here in BC, and would be interested in this field.


A word to the wise - when you go to talk to the recruiters, make sure you make your desire to be a sniper very clear to them; it will probably expedite the process and ensure they know exactly how to place you.  If you have to mention two or three times how badly you want to be a sniper, it will pay dividends.
Hey  Pugnacious,

You want be a Ninja Sniper? PM me if you think you got what it takes.  :blotto:

There are no snipers in the reserves, Don't ask my MCpl. We got a big speech about it! (LMAO)

But if you go regs and want to be a sniper you have to have alot of tought ( I mean tough ) courses.

My Mcpl also told us how snipers have a sick sense of humor.

*Story time*

In vietnam there was a VC sniper who saw a lone Allie truck going down a road. So the sniper Shoots out the front wheel. Unkown to the allie truck they get out and repair the flat tire. So they get going down the road about 50 feet and the sniper shoots out the front tire again. Pissed off the G.I's shoot into the the surrounding land at anger. They fix the tire and get about another 50 feet and the sniper shoots out the front tire again. The G.I. steps out in a rage and the sniper shoots him in the head.

Good advice Mike.  

When I talked to a recruter today I made sure to mention my interests in Sniper work, and also saying in the same breath, 'and no I'm not some nut job.' ;D 
Hey said that there are some snipers in the reserve units in our area. 
I think he said some come from the Regs.

Who knows maybe I'm a bad shot, but I won't know 'till I'm there.
At least it is a thought that will get me through basic.

Pugnacious said:
Good advice Mike. 

When I talked to a recruter today I made sure to mention my interests in Sniper work, and also saying in the same breath, 'and no I'm not some nut job.' ;D 
Hey said that there are some snipers in the reserve units in our area. 
I think he said some come from the Regs.

Who knows maybe I'm a bad shot, but I won't know 'till I'm there.
At least it is a thought that will get me through basic.


At your next recruiting interview, you should probably wear a complete uniform - see if you can find one at a local surplus store, and sew lots of stripes on the sleeves; they will be impressed by your sense of style and respect for the uniform.
You know, I defy anyone to name me a reserve sniper who trained as a reservist and was tasked in a reserve sniper cell as a reservist. Never have I heard anything other than complete heresay or the "friend of a friend" story, but no one has any real proof that any reservist in the entire CF is a serving sniper. There is no position for it, there is no allotment for it and there's no funding for it. Reserve units do not have Recce platoons to attach to Rifle Battalions which would necessitate the presence of a single sniper det. No matter what kind of hot shot you may think you are with a rifle, you might as well be praying to be a Pathfinder or JTF assaulter in the reserves. Also, you need to tell whatever recruiter you spoke to to give their head a shake, because they're so full of $hit that their eyes must be brown. Why in the name of God would a reservist be filling a sniper task when the guys in the Regs are falling over themselves to get on the course to occupy the 4 sniper positions per battalion in the regs.

Yes, if you do the math - 4 snipers per battalion times 9 infantry battalions in the Regs = 36 soldiers in the entire CF who are occupying sniper positions. You might as well buy a lottery ticket and stand out in Stanley Park with a lightning rod, because you have a better chance of winning the lottery and being hit by lightning than being a sniper in the reserves.
Speaking of brown eyes...  
Yah sure Mike. Hahahaha.

And why not dress up as a Ninja, and slither into the office whirling foam nunchucks while I'm at it?  :dontpanic:


There are more than four sniper positions in the Bn right now.  But they are also in the process of revamping the sniper cells within each Bn(at least here), and the total numbers are a getting up there.  We've heard whispers of 17 man cells but again take it for whats it's worth from the grapevine.  But I digress and will stop taking this thread off topic :)

combat_medic said:
No matter what kind of hot shot you may think you are with a rifle, you might as well be praying to be a Pathfinder or JTF assaulter in the reserves.

Actually The Maple Leaf has some articles about Reservist attending and passing Pathfinder.  The QOR have two spots for the course in Nov
Pugnacious said:
Speaking of brown eyes...
Yah sure Mike. Hahahaha.

And why not dress up as a Ninja, and slither into the office whirling foam nunchucks while I'm at it?  :dontpanic:


You magnificent bastard, that's what I was going to do!  Would suck if we showed up at the recruiters wearing the same outfit.
Hatchet: Yeah, I heard about that lone Pathfinder reservist. However, as far as I understand, he's had at least a good decade behind his belt with a myriad of reg force courses, including Para, Recce, LZ/DZ and Mil Freefall. In any case, I think Pugnacious, short of spending the rest of his career with the QoR and NOT in BC as he stated, has as high a chance of being a pathfinder as being a sniper.

MJP: When did they chance that? Last organizational chart I saw shows 1 Sniper det per Bn in Recce Pl. Is that just a trial, or are they changing SOPs/Bn Organizations?
It's been in for a while...your chart probably showed mortars too eh? :)

I checked today and I was off by one the sniper cell/section for the Bn is 18 pers.
I'll find out when I get there.
And if I can do it I will. ;D

While the desire to eventually be trained as a sniper or pathfinder is admirable, looking for means to set the conditions to achieve that goal while in the recruiting process is futile. Other than processing you for the infantry, no recruiter has the influence to improve your chances of either of those specialties, or any others in the trade. Once you are trade qualified for the infantry and posted to a unit, the unit you have been placed in will dictate your training opportunities and your performance and personal attributes will be the primary factor that influences those choices.

As for Pathfinders or Snipers in the Reserve, I know of no units with establishments for either. While some units may be gaining Recce Platoon tasks under the Reserve Restructure, I have not yet seen any indication that those platoon establishments include hard sniper positions. The Regular Force exerts considerable effort to select, prepare and train soldiers for the sniper positions in the line battalions. It is unlikely there is any plan to diversify valuable space on such a course to reserve units when the training is costly (from a Reserve unit perspective) to maintain and would be little or never used.

As for the QOR Pathfinder, that would be a Reserve Soldier who happened to get a Pathfinder course (which makes him probably one out of 5000 or so Reserve Infantry personnel), not a unit with a Pathfinder task and entitlements to regular course vacancies (someone can correct me if I am mistaken). I expect it came about more though the QOR affiliation with CPC, which allowed them to fill a short-notice vacancy, rather than any other means. A known soldier who was already on tasking with CPC at the time perhaps?

And with the Regular battalions, even at 18 hard sniper positions each, that only means 162 positions and probably not many Privates among them. Once established they'll probably have about a 25% turnover annually for all causes (remusters, releases, promotions to appointments back in rifle companies, etc). That means the Battalion may need about 5 new snipers each year out of the 300+ soldiers in the rifle companies. With the reduction of the Combat Support companies, there are fewer jobs outside the rifle companies for all soldiers to desire and pursue, so competition will be strong.
This is kind of on subject with snipers, I was wondering, does Canada have any "designated marksman" like the US Army and Marines.
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