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  1. nuclearzombies

    Word association (just for fun)

    Stimulation  :-X
  2. nuclearzombies

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    Been on a metal kick myself, Mr Newf...... here's one for ya: The Crown - Death is the Hunter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDoSYsCsvcY And something a bit lighter, these boys are from Da Rock apparently, and very, very Ozzy: Sheavy - Gemini http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cE5Q2bbzWA
  3. nuclearzombies

    Turmoil in Libya (2011) and post-Gaddafi blowback

    Hmmmmm, I wonder what criteria  must be satisfied in order to call a spade a spade here.  ??? - not enough forces involved? - death toll not high enough? - lack of intervention on the ground? Has "war" become a dirty word, now we have to cover it with clever euphamism? I must say though...
  4. nuclearzombies

    Westboro Baptist Church Plans to Protest Elizabeth Taylor's Funeral

    I'm quite surprised that somebody (or somebodies as the case may be) hasn't made a more concerted effort to rub them out. Not that I agree with bomb attacks, I just wouldn't be all that distressed if they got an early flight to hell (where they would likely end up). Picketing a soldier's funeral...
  5. nuclearzombies

    Reservist probed for 'racist activity' as police prepare for white pride rally

    Agree. I'm outta here, the mods sould just slay this thread and be done with it :bla-bla:
  6. nuclearzombies

    Reservist probed for 'racist activity' as police prepare for white pride rally

    Because bloodstains are easier to conceal on black clothing, and white shirts simply don't go well with a shiner and a fat lip? :argument:
  7. nuclearzombies

    Reservist probed for 'racist activity' as police prepare for white pride rally

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72Csdi0nfwQ Video of CPS arresting an ARA member, only 2 people were arrested and both of them were ARA. Of course, the police were picking on them, because all ARA members are pillars of morality ::)
  8. nuclearzombies

    Turmoil in Libya (2011) and post-Gaddafi blowback

    Is it really feasible to take action in all these places at once? Seems to me that Quack-daffi is by far the bigger fire burning at the moment. Might as well put him down first and see where we're at after.... 
  9. nuclearzombies

    Reservist probed for 'racist activity' as police prepare for white pride rally

    The guy that made that statment (forgot his name) was convicted in '08, '09, and '10 (a hat trick!) for assault, all three on persons of ethnicity other than caucsian. The fat guy standing next to him is John Marleau, who threatened a Calgary Transit operator with a knife and ended up being...
  10. nuclearzombies

    Reservist probed for 'racist activity' as police prepare for white pride rally

    http://www.calgarysun.com/news/alberta/2011/03/19/17685181.html Looks like the Calgary Police Service owned the show in Calgary on saturday..... I took MWO Seggie's suggestion and decied not to attend, true to fashion the ARA/anarchist types wore their silly masks and *tried* to manouver around...
  11. nuclearzombies

    Reservist probed for 'racist activity' as police prepare for white pride rally

    Agree 200% Oddly, and this comes as a result of direct experience with the local Nazi wannabes, and participating in mainstream community efforts aimed at addressing the problem; - not only do many of them consider themselves soldiers, they also believe they are currently "at war" - their...
  12. nuclearzombies

    Turmoil in Libya (2011) and post-Gaddafi blowback

    S-crew the Libyan loyalists. I'm sending cash to the rebels to help them. Go Libyan rebels Go!
  13. nuclearzombies

    Reservist probed for 'racist activity' as police prepare for white pride rally

    It did in fact become violent in '09 - there was somwhat of a running street fight between 40-50 boneheads, and hundreds of angry protesters. I have to compliment the Calgary Police Service  for their professional response, they ultimately comandeered a Calgary Transit bus to evacuate the...
  14. nuclearzombies

    Turmoil in Libya (2011) and post-Gaddafi blowback

    http://ca.news.yahoo.com/u-pushing-air-strikes-no-fly-zone-libya-20110317-100831-148.html A change of tune: US now pushing for a no fly zone, and airstrikes on Ghadaffi's forces.. This ought to be interesting,  :pop:
  15. nuclearzombies

    Reservist probed for 'racist activity' as police prepare for white pride rally

    This monday will be fun for sure. I have attended the March 21 rally since '07, and I hope the nazis show up this year so we can let them know their filth isnt weclome. Oddly, this is not the first time a CF member has been accused of such. A group called Anti-Racist Canada (a better cut of...
  16. nuclearzombies

    More and more funnies.. vol: something...

    Well, I got hammered this weekend. :blotto: Really hammered :blotto:. I even fell asleep on my watch, which is kinda dangerous because my magazine fed, lever action nerf gun doesn't have a safety!
  17. nuclearzombies

    Series, The Walking Dead

    Good point. There's a fella I know on youtube that did a neat expiriment with 4l milk jugs vs different calibers, from .380 up to 12ga 00.... He also explained the difference between shooting outdoors, and discharging in confined areas like ranges, etc..... needless to say, the .357 made one...
  18. nuclearzombies

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    Yeah man, I like this 8)..... the Tiesto mix isnt bad either, but it drags on a bit......
  19. nuclearzombies

    Series, The Walking Dead

    They had those cans on strings the one time, which worked out pretty darned good. That was when a fairly small group wandered by the camp... the time I was referring to was the night attack, it just seemed kind of silly to me that they would be so lax given the circumstances, and considering...