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Series, The Walking Dead

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kkwd said:
The entire first season is being shown again on AMC on Friday March 4th starting at 8 Eastern. The new season should follow shortly after that, maybe.

Unfortunately, it says on this website it won't come back until Fall 2011: http://screenrant.com/the-walking-dead-season-2-premiere-date-aco-87948/

However, this new season consists of 13 episodes which is double and a bit what the first season had [I'm guessing they only had 6 episodes in the first season to make sure there was an interest in the show...akin to the how The Office did the same].

Anyways, where do you think those survivors are headed for the start of the 2nd season? Maybe a rendevous with the black man and his child?
"Anyways, where do you think those survivors are headed for the start of the 2nd season? Maybe a rendevous with the black man and his child?"

The first season took a major departure from the books when they went to the CDC in Atlanta.

My theory is that it was written that way in case the ratings were low -it would have given the producers an option for a plausible ending in case the whole thing had been cancelled.

As it happens, the ratings surpassed everyone's expectations.
That being the case, I'd bet they'll be staying closer to the original storyline (for now at least).

If so, expect some wandering and starving in the wilderness for a while and then the discovery of a rather unusual place to fort up... 
Bass ackwards said:
"Anyways, where do you think those survivors are headed for the start of the 2nd season? Maybe a rendevous with the black man and his child?"

The first season took a major departure from the books when they went to the CDC in Atlanta.

My theory is that it was written that way in case the ratings were low -it would have given the producers an option for a plausible ending in case the whole thing had been cancelled.

As it happens, the ratings surpassed everyone's expectations.
That being the case, I'd bet they'll be staying closer to the original storyline (for now at least).

If so, expect some wandering and starving in the wilderness for a while and then the discovery of a rather unusual place to fort up...

Ah interesting. How were the books by the way - do you recommend them?
Am I the only one that thinks they had a better chance at surviving by staying with the gangsters guarding the old folks home?

Secondly, I was a bit disappointed that he didn't drive out of the mob in the tank.  :-[
dangles said:
Ah interesting. How were the books by the way - do you recommend them?

I have to admit to having mixed feelings when my friend first suggested them to me (comic books -at my age??!) but I am a real sucker for post-apocalyptic stories and I did find the writing and story line pretty compelling.

Unlike movies made from novels -which invariably wind up cutting material from the books- the TV series had to actually add characters and events (the street gang/seniors home were also not part of the books).

I think, so far they've done a pretty good job of it. And yes, I'd recommend having a look at the books. 
HavokFour said:
Am I the only one that thinks they had a better chance at surviving by staying with the gangsters guarding the old folks home?

Secondly, I was a bit disappointed that he didn't drive out of the mob in the tank.  :-[

No I don't think so. They had too many people living there [would need more food for everyone, more of everything basically], and there was no trust between the two parties. Regardless, there were tons of zombies already in the city and they had to leave to get back to the camp with their friends/family anyway.

I hate to be a downer for zombie movies, but wouldn't the smartest thing to do just be to raid a fishing  to steal the necessary fishing supplies and then steal a boat? You could just lounge all day, and catch what you need for dinner. Also, I have never seen/heard of zombies being able to swim and I don't think the virus can contaminate the water...although I am ignorant to that detail.

If that couldn't happen though I'd try and get into the country as fast as possible, to hell with the big city!

Bass ackwards said:
I have to admit to having mixed feelings when my friend first suggested them to me (comic books -at my age??!) but I am a real sucker for post-apocalyptic stories and I did find the writing and story line pretty compelling.

Unlike movies made from novels -which invariably wind up cutting material from the books- the TV series had to actually add characters and events (the street gang/seniors home were also not part of the books).

I think, so far they've done a pretty good job of it. And yes, I'd recommend having a look at the books.

Thanks for the heads up.
Love the series but here's the thing... Rant-on;
They're all driving shitty old trucks etc (an open jeep! come-on!) when they could take any veh they wanted from any dealership!  Why were they living in tents and a beat-up old-assed Winnebago when they could have hopped into any one of a few thousand brand spankin' new $250K motor homes????  Why did they search and search for a rad hose when the area around Atlanta has several dozen RV dealers?? Oh and what about having to go into the city to get the bag of guns?!?!?! I'm sure there are several gun shops in and around Georgia they could have had their pick from.
Rant off.
I do love the series and find it very watchable.  Can't wait for the second season.
dangles said:
No I don't think so. They had too many people living there [would need more food for everyone, more of everything basically], and there was no trust between the two parties. Regardless, there were tons of zombies already in the city and they had to leave to get back to the camp with their friends/family anyway.

I hate to be a downer for zombie movies, but wouldn't the smartest thing to do just be to raid a fishing  to steal the necessary fishing supplies and then steal a boat? You could just lounge all day, and catch what you need for dinner. Also, I have never seen/heard of zombies being able to swim and I don't think the virus can contaminate the water...although I am ignorant to that detail.

If that couldn't happen though I'd try and get into the country as fast as possible, to hell with the big city!

Thanks for the heads up.

Zombies travel under water and during their decay they float to the surface/bloat. They also pile on top of each other and getting out off the shore is difficult with all the hidden sunken zombies. World War Z talks about it quite a bit.

Floating around eating raw fish doesnt sound very inviting.
The majority of the Earth population lives on coasts, and that is the first place everyone will run to and therefore will be where most zombies will be. A smart person goes into the middle of a country.
I don't know I am not convinced by either argument. I mean I am not worried about a zombie travelling 400 feet below me, or becoming bloated and rising to the surface. What's it gonna do? The only way I'd be worried is if it contaminated the fish. [and this is assuming I make it out to the lake/ocean to begin with]. And I mean I guess floating around eating fish isn't ideal, it's more ideal to me than a lot of situations that would arise on land.

At least I guess for me I would want to have access to a boat in case things got a little hairy.

Also, as ideal as making it to the 'middle of the country' sounds, usually the reason why there is less people there is because there is less of everything there. Less stores to raid etc. So yeah you might not be surrounded by zombies but what are you going to do when the wildlife disappears [assuming you have the knowledge/expertise/tools for killing wildlife].

As much as I am a fan of the show, There are some pretty glaring logic errors, but we couldn't have a group of surivors batting a thousand... that would get boring in a hurry. However, the geek inside me can't help but be critical (in all fairness, not everybody thinks in my direction):

- I've seen a total of four heavy machine guns lying out in the open, complete with ammo. One of them was pedastal mounted for poop sakes!! On a frikken humvee even! I'd definitely make increasing my firepower a fairly high priority. A good field of fire from two guns would turn a group of zombies into pureed salsa with the right crews.... So what if they're amateurs, the zombies are amatuers too! And it's not like they try to evade fire with any enthusiasm......meanwhile your guys with the rifles can pick off the elite commando zombies :threat:

- I would have shot Merle dead, he's a douchebag and a huge liability. His brother too. Now that organized law enforcement is gone, my tolerance for bigoted, emotionally unstable jerks has disappeared completely.

- How the zombies snuck through the brush to ambush people is ridiculous. Why would you encamp were you couldnt provide overwatch in the first place? You're telling me that almost two dozen undead, stumbling like drunks through the woods made almost no noise until the last few seconds? At lest they killed the wifebeater, I enjoyed watching him get eaten alive. Poetic justice at it's finest!

- Zombies (realizing this is just a fictional context) might be persistent and numerous, but they're kinda dumb. In a wooded area, a series of triplines at various heights would wreak havoc on any group of zombie attempting to traverse the area, unlike live people they would continue to blunder into the same obstacles. It would actually be funny to watch....

- The old folks home: Where the heck are they getting enough food and water for that many people???.... that stuff adds up pretty damned quick! Plus all the man hours spent taking care of the old folks, which would significantly impact their ability to supply and defend. Not that they aren't good guys for doing it, cause they are. But getting the hundreds of pounds of supplies they'd need to keep that place afloat for even a few days. And that's just the bare essentials...

I suppose you really have to be thinking in a certain direction to be that picky, but I still enjoy the show for what it is. Hollywood does rely a bit on people letting go of rigid logic systems in order to be entertained.
nuclearzombies said:
- How the zombies snuck through the brush to ambush people is ridiculous. Why would you encamp were you couldnt provide overwatch in the first place? You're telling me that almost two dozen undead, stumbling like drunks through the woods made almost no noise until the last few seconds? At lest they killed the wifebeater, I enjoyed watching him get eaten alive. Poetic justice at it's finest!

If I remember correctly, for a few seconds in one episode they showed noise makers were strung around the camp. Maybe Merle had something to do with the zombies attacking?
They had those cans on strings the one time, which worked out pretty darned good. That was when a fairly small group wandered by the camp... the time I was referring to was the night attack, it just seemed kind of silly to me that they would be so lax given the circumstances, and considering precautions they had taken previously.

Hey, if a zombie apocalypse ever hits Canada, make your way to my place in Calgary. I have guns, beer, plywood, and a box of deck screws.
nuclearzombies said:
Hey, if a zombie apocalypse ever hits Canada, make your way to my place in Calgary. I have guns, beer, plywood, and a box of deck screws.

Winnipeg. Its freakin cold here and zombies freeze in the winter. Simply walking around crushing skulls, collecting the bodies and burning them in the winter is a good solution.
I think the Zombie Survival Guide best explains that while the coast would be a very bad place to be, an oil platform is ideal for surviving the initial outbreak. After that, I'd be looking to somewhere in the American South West. You're looking for long sight lines so zombies can't sneak up on you and few people there to become infected.
nuclearzombies said:
- I've seen a total of four heavy machine guns lying out in the open, complete with ammo. One of them was pedastal mounted for poop sakes!!

Did you happen to notice, in the episode where they arrive at the CDC, a Russian DShK in a sandbagged emplacement ?
(actually, according to the IMFDB, it's a Browning .50 tarted up to look like the Russian weapon)

It begs the question: Why ?
Sure the DShK might look a bit more "sexy" than the good old Browning but I thought the series armourer had been doing a pretty good job of realism so far* and that's a pretty glaring error in an age where us gun-guys are always nitpicking movies to death over such things.

*  Note the scene where Rick touches off that big Colt Python inside a tank -I laughed out loud at that. Not many film offerings take into account the sheer bloody noise that most guns make -especially .357's.
Bass ackwards said:
*  Note the scene where Rick touches off that big Colt Python inside a tank -I laughed out loud at that. Not many film offerings take into account the sheer bloody noise that most guns make -especially .357's.

Good point. There's a fella I know on youtube that did a neat expiriment with 4l milk jugs vs different calibers, from .380 up to 12ga 00.... He also explained the difference between shooting outdoors, and discharging in confined areas like ranges, etc..... needless to say, the .357 made one hell of a mess.... the guy is FPSRUSSIA if you're interested....

I also had to watch the second last episode for the DSHK..... good call.  :salute: I don't know enough about Russian gear other than to say that it looks a little out of place. If you're more aware of how things should be, that is.
Bass ackwards said:
Did you happen to notice, in the episode where they arrive at the CDC, a Russian DShK in a sandbagged emplacement ?
(actually, according to the IMFDB, it's a Browning .50 tarted up to look like the Russian weapon)

Interesting! In The Beast of War they souped up a few Browning's to look like DShK's. Maybe it was a subtle way of implying that what was going on at the CDC was a global effort?

EDIT: I know nothing of the comic series, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility.
Shared with the usual caveats.  Photo's at story link below.  Also, noted it said April 2011 on the poster too.  :nod:

Now that IS product placement! Billboard for zombie show The Walking Dead posted on side of a FUNERAL PARLOUR 

An advertising firm has been blasted after a billboard for The Walking Dead was put on the wall of a funeral parlour in Consett, County Durham.  An apology has been issued after the ad for The Walking Dead appeared on the side of The Co-operative Funeralcare. 

Susan Jones, from the Willow Burn Hospice, in nearby Lanchester, said that while some people may see the funny side, others would not.  She said: 'There must be somewhere else they could put it that would have shown a degree of insight and sensitivity.'  Mrs Jones said grieving families could be upset by seeing the advert for the Channel 5 drama, starring British actor Andrew Lincoln, which features hordes of zombies chasing a group of survivors.  She said: 'Emotions can be pretty raw when people are recently bereaved. Words like 'death' and 'dead' can be very difficult.  'If you encounter this just as you are going to the funeral service to make arrangements for a loved one, it could be upsetting.  'People of a certain age group could find it particularly challenging.'

Web designer Greg Coltman, 35, who is from the area, said: 'At first I  thought it was quite funny, but when I thought about it I realised some people could take offence.'  Councillor Owen Temple, who represents the Consett area on Durham County  Council, said he was aware of the billboard, but had not received any complaints.  He said: 'Some will be amused, but others may be offended. It left me unmoved.'

A spokesman for the Co-operative Funeralcare said its premises in Consett were  leased.  He said: 'It is disappointing that we were not consulted as this advert could cause unnecessary distress.  'When the billboard site was erected, we were assured that no insensitive adverts would be featured.'  The company responsible, Clear Channel, has agreed the advert is inappropriate and an alternative has since been pasted in its place.

A spokesman said: 'Clear Channel apologises for any offence caused by the  unfortunate juxtaposition of this advertisement, which was certainly not intended. We  arranged to have it removed right away and it has since come down.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1376415/In-bad-taste-Billboard-horror-The-Walking-Dead-posted-funeral-parlour.html#ixzz1JQsrSLKg