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  1. L

    Google Maps - take a look

    Is there anyway to Save a satellite image, or is that a copywrite issue??
  2. L

    Google Maps - take a look

    That's wild!  I can even make out my stone patio in the Petawawa Q's!
  3. L


    So RadOp, your guys brushing up on their telephone answering and photocopying skills?
  4. L

    HF - Lost art or Lost Cause

    There was supposed to be a cell system in TCCCS, it was one of the options we didn't buy.   SCRA, I think it was called... you remember that RadOp?
  5. L

    Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)

    A conversion course doesn't "convert" you from just knowing generally how to drive to being a specific type of vehicle driver.  It converts you from being qualified on a certain vehicle to the vehicle that either replaces it, or is of a similar type.  For example, if you were qualified on the 5...
  6. L

    MOZART: MOC to MOSID (Merged Topics)

    CFPAS tells me now that I'm a 00329-001 Sig Op.  Anyone else have their new MOSID yet?
  7. L

    Signal Operators?

    Check the date of that post about the SQ.   It was last summer, I know because I taught on it!   ...Just busting your b@lls, it's Ian.   Things in Pet are good, do you miss it yet?   How are you enjoying RDS (Relaxed Deployment Squadron)?  
  8. L

    Full Kit? looks like more than full kit lol.......

    Never mind, http://www.ontarioknife.com/
  9. L

    Full Kit? looks like more than full kit lol.......

    ...M9 Ontario Knife Co. USA??? Is there an Ontario Knife Co. in the USA, or is it an export from Canada?
  10. L

    Why Not Canadian Amphib/Marine Capability? (merged)

    Pugil, I'm sorry but I take exception to your comment about 3VP in Kandahar: We sent a battalion group as part of a US led coalition brigade, not an independent Canadian formation.   It was that brigade's job to provide transport for its soldiers because aviation is a brigade/division...
  11. L

    Tactics used today that were devised by Canadian soldiers

    Regarding the Signals corps, Canada was actually the first COMMONWEALTH country to have one.  The Confederate and Union armies organized theirs during the civil war, which predates Col Carruthers' organization by more than 40 years. ...But we still beat the brits to it!! Ref...
  12. L

    Replacing the M109s

    Not really related... but with a posting coming up, any one give me a heads up about what to expect in sigs pl/tp????? (@ 2horse, of course)
  13. L

    The History of Majestic French Military Victories

    I‘m sure you guys all saw this one, from the gallery; http://army.ca/cgi-bin/album.pl?photo=Humour/pod.jpg
  14. L

    Redcoat dress uniforms

    Mike, you got it, that‘s the busby(2nd pic)I think the RMC hat is the Kepis (pillbox)... Btw, don‘t the RCR‘s wear the same helmet as you show in that pic?
  15. L

    Redcoat dress uniforms

    I think Light Infantry Soldier had it right but maybe it‘s the "Kepis" like in the civil war... The Busby is completely different, if you all don‘t mind ‘till after block leave I‘ll get a digital pic and post it, it‘s not the same hat as RMC wears, they might call it the busby, but it‘s not the...
  16. L

    Redcoat dress uniforms

    Maybe they‘re (the Strats) who was thinking of instead of the RCD‘s.
  17. L

    Redcoat dress uniforms

    it came to me in a dream... I‘m a light sleeper I guess, the "Busby" is what i was thinking of, a ridiculous looking hat, literally shaped like a furry bucket. It‘s different from the winter RMC hat, that would be the furry wallet, and their dress uniform headdress you‘re thinking of is alot...
  18. L

    Redcoat dress uniforms

    Crap! now that I think of it, the Signals traditonal uniform is the scalets too! Thanks to Mr. Bruce Carruthers and his cavalry heritage. All topped off with the black bucket, I forget the real name, maybe Padraid Ocinnead could help me out here...
  19. L

    Redcoat dress uniforms

    You‘re right muskrat89, atleast 1RNBR wears the scarlets (with white pith helmet and blue ribbon) as part of summer guard in F‘town... I‘m not sure about 2nd Bn, but I‘m sure they have it, or maybe even some of them come down the river for summer guard. And I think I‘ve seen the RCD‘s wear...
  20. L

    MOC training

    Oilers who?? How ‘bout ‘dem Flames??????