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Google Maps - take a look

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Been following the development of this for a month or two, similar to mapquest but way better IMO, pretty cool stuff so take a look for yourself...


Not all rural areas have been covered but most of the major cities have, some pretty good detail on the satellite views as well (*click on the satellite link in the top right)

Works best in IE on a PC. From what i can tell they keep adding to the data so hopefully they'll contine on with what they are doing.

Now that's something I can spend a few hours doing.
I'm looking at me...looking at a map of me...looking at me...

Not too shabby, missing some key street info though, like my girlfriends street...... :rage:
condor888000 said:
Not too shabby, missing some key street info though, like my girlfriends street...... :rage:

...wait a minute, who's car is that out front of her house! ;D
yukon said:
...wait a minute, who's car is that out front of her house! ;D

As the great 21st Century Philosopher "Shaggy" once said: "Wasn't me!"
wow...I love it! They've got my area down to the parking lot!
Nifty, i looked up Halifax and I can see Canadian Navy vessles parked in thier ports. I can even see the green helicopter landing pads on a couple of the ships.
Wow.. that's an intense map utility. What's next? Google-voyuer. G-peek.

The Calgary images seem to be at least six months old, perhaps even as much as two years - but very impressive nonetheless.  Too bad nothing west of SAIT is in the system yet!
That's wild!  I can even make out my stone patio in the Petawawa Q's!
Pretty impresive, I can see the US Navy barge that I stayed on not to long ago in San Diego.
Is there anyway to Save a satellite image, or is that a copywrite issue??
Luck881 said:
Is there anyway to Save a satellite image, or is that a copywrite issue??

The only way i've found so far is to do a screen capture, unfortunately it will also grab all the browser toolbars etc. I don't think doing this for personal use would be a copyright issue as the image is watermarked anyways.

Try this link though - http://imageatlas.globexplorer.com/ ...it's using the same GIS data sets but you can purchase digital images that don't have the watermark.

you can tell these are not updated pictures. if you go to toronto and look at Ontario place they still have the Haida
-Hutch- said:
you can tell these are not updated pictures. if you go to toronto and look at Ontario place they still have the Haida

Duh really.  Call the CIA I am sure they will send you an up-to-date satellite image of Toronto.
hey buddy calm down. what climbed up your but and died? i was just saying that they weren't up to date. i never said i wanted a up to date photo. although you know it may help since that area of the city is changing like crazy. god some people annoy the heck out of me.
Yeah the images are kinda out of date, like Pearson's new terminal is still under construction, and if you look at Arlington, Virginia you can see the repairs being made to the Pentagon (so definitely post 9/11) my guess summer 2002 for this particular set of photos.
Still cool none the less.
