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  1. K

    Mar 28 Selection Board?

    Hey dan, No word yet...I can only guess that they have been sifting through alot of names. But, hang in there. i know that you've been more than patient.
  2. K

    what career options are available after you complete an Arts degree

    Absolutely. Each occupation has preferred degrees, acceptable degrees and unacceptable ones. AT the end of the day, there is only one way to find out if one will be hired...and that is to apply. :)
  3. K

    Mar 28 Selection Board?

    It's my understanding that there was a selection, but the offers haven't been released yet (I would guess that it takes time to get them all together). I suspect that they should be out soon. But that's just my read on things. :)
  4. K

    Mar 28 Selection Board?

    dan476 Kincanucks said it best. As March 28 is a statutory holiday, I can't see a selction happening, unless people are working on their day off. I think that the last selection was around Feb 17, so if selections are happening every six weeks, then it should be happening this week. Whether it...
  5. K

    Old file. What is reviewed?

    If you had met the cut off score for 043 the first time around, there is no need to re-write the CFAT. There are a number of scenarios where one would re-write, but best not to go down that path on this thread...why complicate things. :) As for the old file, everything is reviewed and updated...
  6. K

    Mar 28 Selection Board?

    Dan476 The point of my post is that not everyone is familiar with your situation, but I suppose that I could have read your previous posts. Okay, thanks for the info...now I see part of your story. Did you ask them why your name was there and then it wasn't? What trade were you going for...
  7. K

    Mar 28 Selection Board?

    Then, if you don't plan on explaining your point (without being banned), why bring it up?   ??? Maybe you should write suspense novels, as you have the technique of providing a "cliffhanger" perfected.
  8. K

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    Ghost, You seem to be content with meeting the bare minimum requirements and somehow feel then that you have done your bit. I'd be curious to hear what others in the Infantry might have to say, but if all you are prepared to do is the bare minimum, you might want to consider another vocation.
  9. K

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    Ghost, " I am talking about the merit list. If you make somebody wait months before you pick them its stupid.   Because if they do get selected then they were obviously good enough in the first place. It was also suggested that I upgrade my education to help improve my chances,   which...
  10. K

    Does every file go to Borden, or to your chosen reserve unit?

    Mike, As mentioned by other posts, the number of people who are released because of a problem with their medical is miniscule when measured against the number of overall files. While this is no consolation to someone who might find themselves in that situation, it would appear to me that it is...
  11. K

    What looks good when you apply?

    Be honest. They are a potential employer like any other employer. They may not have a chance to see you before you start the process, so your application will speak for you. To this end, submit all of your documentation together and not piecemeal. Attach a resume if you like. Do your...
  12. K

    The Depression / Anti Depressants Merged Thread

    You're better off to speak directly with the people in the know. Phone your local recruiting centre and speak with their medical staff. My guess is that when you apply and go through your medical, they will ask for some additonal information (type, duration etc). I'm no healthcare professional...
  13. K

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    " KinCanuck - Are you a Recruiting Officer?  Were you ever a Recruiting Officer?  It would seem you have a great knowledge of Recruiting and the Recruiting system?  Please enlighten some of us whom HAVE actually worked in this system!  Would not post something on this site if I didnt really know...
  14. K

    Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

    Alrighty, Im 17 years old, I am a good student, however I am the typ that doess good in class, but doesnt do any homework. So im taking mostly grade 10 classes atm, since I didnt finish my grade 10s, is there a way i can join without having my grade 10? As long as I pass the test? I plan on...
  15. K

    good things come to those who wait!

    Well said, Buzz.
  16. K

    5000 regular force over 5 years..... just a little question about that

    I don't believe that there is an issue in attracting and processing 5 000 people in whatever time frame. Now, depending on the occupation...that's another story. Also, let's not confuse recruiting challenges with training ones. Standards are too high, standards are too low. Too easy to get in...
  17. K

    what career options are available after you complete an Arts degree

    Mich, Some officer occupations require specific degrees (ie engineering, nursing, etc) while others have preferred and acceptable degrees (ie Logistics, Military Police etc). Your best bet is to call or visit your nearest CFRC and sit down with a recruiter or career counselor. It would be...
  18. K

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    " Contact the Canadian Forces Ombudsman - thats what he is paid for!    For the love of me, in 1979 you would be enrolled, on the bus or train and in boot camp within less than a month - with lesser staff to recruit you!   We complain, nobody listens - is it any wonder young men and women give...
  19. K

    good things come to those who wait!

    How you dress reflects on the level of respect that you have for yourself and your potential employer. Afterall, it boils down to a job interview. present yourself in the best light possible. No need to go out and buy a new suit...just be presentable.
  20. K

    Reapplying again!

    "Yeah, I had my application SENT back to me because there this wrong, and that wrong, and am still wainting for it again. I didn't know it was such a pain in the *** to get into the CF. Do they save the dumbest soldiers for the CFRC? " Okay, let's see if I understand this...you can't fill out...