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Search results

  1. B

    Vehicles in Gagetown

    So I'll be in Gagetown for the summer, and having been there before, I know what it's like to not have a vehicle. I can't drive mine out there, so I was hoping I could get some help with info about insurance and dealerships in the Oromocto area. What is insurance worth (not teenager with a clean...
  2. B

    New RMC duty dress?

    And I'd like to tell ALL students to stop complaning. You (we) all chose to be where you are, you know that university (civvie or RMC) is an investment that requires some hardship but has a good payoff in the end. Suck it up. If you don't want to suffer through the long commute or the crappy...
  3. B

    Pilotless drones eyed to replace CF-18s

    UAVs and UCAVs have another benefit that hasn't been mentioned yet.. With the current political climate in the US, the government might see a great advantage in having pilot-less drones. If their children aren't dying in a war thousands of kilometers away, citizens might be more willing to...
  4. B

    Construction Technician (merged)

    Last time I was in Alert was 2000, and the buildings were fine.. Things are getting a little old, so being a carpenter in Alert does give you some benefits like putting new carpet in your room, new clean ceilling tiles and new paint on the walls.. But otherwise fine. I've also got a friend up...
  5. B

    Your Body Weight

    If you really care to find out how BMQ shapes you up, take a picture of yourself in your underwear, then take a tape measure and measure your chest and waist and thights and biceps, etc etc, and use these to see if you have firmed up any or have gained some muscle mass in those areas after your...
  6. B

    What is your military status?

    Hehe yeah the one who looks like an older Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle?
  7. B

    Wars you were unaware of

    It seems that last paragraph of mine wasn't clear. Yes, the Zero was captured early on in the war, and while the Hellcat wasn't entirely based on this plane, it did give US engineers something to work with to improve their own design. And I should have specified that it was the US Army's (not...
  8. B

    Wars you were unaware of

    Actually, Kiska was the last island to be invaded, and yes, it was a *bust*, as the 5200 Japanese had retreated days before by submarine. 35000 Allied troops invaded Kiska expecting action, with 5300 Canadians as part of the invasion force: members of the Rocky Mountain Rangers, Winnipeg...
  9. B

    Wars you were unaware of

    I know this is technically part of WWII but the invasion of the Aleutian Islands by the Japanese in 1942. What a brutal place to fight a campaign. Read the history in "The Thousand Mile War" by Brian Garfield.. The mistakes made by the Japanese in this campaign could have cost them the war, even...
  10. B

    Flying out to St. Jean - Apparel Question..

    The joining instructions I got ahold of wanted dress pants, dress shoes, and a dress shirt, preferably with tie, and maybe even jacket.. I showed up in dress pants with a golf shirt, figuring I might get yelled at a bit but it wouldn't be a big deal.. When I got there people were showing up in...
  11. B

    Component Transfer Pay question

    Just to add to that, it's interesting to read that UTPNCM is now open to the PRes side, although I am unsure if those of us who came from the PRes NCM side to the RegF Officer side are going to be switched as well. It's looking good for the reserves anyways, hopefully clearing up a lot of the...
  12. B

    Army.ca Ideology -- what is it?

    I'm not saying we have to be sycophantic to anyone, and I've been pulled off a dog and pony because I opened my mouth when I should have just stood there (feels like years since the last time I was threatened with jailtime). As for dealing with the laziness of not searching, or the JTF sniper...
  13. B

    Army.ca Ideology -- what is it?

    I agree wholeheartedly with statements made about newbies that don't use the search function, or who start their own threads on a topic when their questions weren't answered to their satisfaction, or newbies that use rank or unit insignia without earning them (pet peeve of mine).. But back to...
  14. B

    Ship's Divers

    Just hoping someone out there can fill me in on the ship's diver course held in Esquimalt. I've heard a lot of heresay but I can't seem to get any straight answers out of people. 1. How long is the course? I've been told 6 weeks. 2. I've heard that it's pretty physically intensive, but...
  15. B

    Army.ca Ideology -- what is it?

    Maybe I'm stirring the pot here but what happened to the guidelines?  ;D Quoted from the guidelines: Expectation of Respect between Users All visitors, regardless of age, rank or experience are to be treated as equal unless their conduct dictates otherwise. That means the veteran...
  16. B

    St Jean, needs changes?

    This is interesting, but if they want the OCdts to be patrolling or running section attacks then there is a lot of work to be done. CAP covers that for OCdts that need it, why bother with it for the hard Air and Navy trades that will never see it again? By the time they're done revamping the...
  17. B

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    It was hinted to me that one of the reasons I was made to release and re-enroll is so that there is no more vested right to pay. Therefore they pay OCdt wages instead of what you used to make. Not first hand info mind you but it makes sense.
  18. B

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    See at my university, I pay by the course, and it was the same way when I was at college a few years ago. I can't speak for all schools but that's two that go by the course. What if your program requires you to register in 5 courses per semester, and you have taken all the required courses and...
  19. B

    Sunglass recommendations?

    He's right though. Think of it this way. Light passing through polarized lenses is filtered so that only the wavelengths that "line up" with the polarizing filter will pass through. Put another polarizing filter at 90 degrees to that, and it will block out all the light. Same principle LCDs work...
  20. B

    St Jean, needs changes?

    I'm going to have to back up what Glorified Ape said (since I'm pretty sure I know who you are, and no you won't fight me).. My time at St Jean was not great, but it could have been much worse (the leadership portion seemed like a cut-down version of that taught on the PLQ). Our instructors...