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  1. E


    Thanks. I guess may have to wait to next year for this marathon. Spacelord- was your marathon a good experience? Would you recommend?
  2. E


    Hey, I‘m only a civilian but I looked into this and had heard that because of the military needing only a limited number of lawyers that you have to get your education independly and then apply to the military. I‘m planning on writing my L-SAT at the end of next year. I heard the same deal for MP.
  3. E

    Login Problems

    Hey, it was a few days ago but then it wouldn‘t take her birthday. So I‘ll tell her she‘s the one with the problem. I‘m sure it‘ll work out. Thanks.
  4. E


    I was planning on running a Marathon in September. If I continue my training I will be able to accomplish it. I recently broke my hand but I was up to 4 miles a day. I was wondering if BMQ will keep up my running ability to the same level or intensify it? My question really is how hard is PT...
  5. E

    Login Problems

    Sorry if this is in the wrong forum but my friend keeps trying to sign-up but she can‘t. Is this her problem or the site? Thanks.
  6. E


    Hey, my dad would freak if he thought a dude was making me uncomfortable. It‘s cute though, but that‘s why I had to vent here. If the guys in the army can‘t get over the fact that I‘m female it may end up very uncomfortable, or are females in the...
  7. E


    Hey, that video is funny! and cheered me up. Thanks. I think there are various levels of creepy. Of course there is creepy in the old man hitting on a 12 year old creepy or the creepy brother personality. I‘m attracted to creepy in the sense that a person has varrying hobby‘s. Say a football...
  8. E


    Sorry, I‘m not very articulte. My point was I don‘t understand boys and that you all should be more honest, it would really get you a lot farther!
  9. E


    I‘m not entirely sure this is a good idea but... I don‘t really want advice but more like a place to vent. This one creepy dude has some kind of crush on me. He was drunck or at least tipsy and kept asking me what I did for fun. I didn‘t relise until a few DAYS later that his intention was...
  10. E

    just wondering

    Now boys I don‘t want you getting all upset but... when I first posted here I was amazed at how helpful and friendly ya‘ll were. I said "wow this is the friendliest forum i‘ve ever seen" and "these boys really are a family" and I just wanted to remind you all that you ppl have to remember that...
  11. E

    just wondering

    Hey thanks guys. I feel like I can make a more informed choice about enlisting now. Appreciate it.
  12. E

    just wondering

    Hey, I‘m a worrier who is thinking about enlisting. How is laundry done during basic? What is the male-female ratio? How are the officers for equal rights in practice? (I heard that infantry was esp. sexist.) Thanks.
  13. E

    just wondering

    I‘m a civilian who is only curious to know how like the movies is the military? For example is basic all yelling, swearing, no sleep, up at 4 am, group showers, no privacy or is that all a hollywood image? Thanx.