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Search results

  1. combatbuddha

    Looking For: Special Edition EME or RCEME prints, perhaps Artist

    I am unaware of Mr Hodges whereabouts. I know some other artists have tried to imitate them, but the names escape me. You may want to inquire to the RCEME website the link is http://rceme.com/ I used to have picture files of the original Earl Hodges drawings, but have since misplaced them. If...
  2. combatbuddha

    What Veh is this?

    Good one http://www.army-technology.com/projects/pandur/
  3. combatbuddha

    British REME Warrant Officer Class 1 hoping to enlist - any advice?

    Unfortunately the Veh tech trade is extremely short at the Cfn/ Cpl level, and I doubt you are willing to start right back at the bottom, especially after many long years of exemplary service. Who knows, they may offer you a comission, part of the Comissioning from the Ranks Program. Taking the...
  4. combatbuddha

    Government finds new ways to screw soldiers in the name of saving money: door-to-door move policy

    That policy is awesome. Now if I happen to go and purchase a substandard house primarily because it is the only one with a closing date that would accomodate the travel time and closing date fo the residence I am disposing to ensure a door to door move, I could possibly have reason to claim...
  5. combatbuddha

    GIs hit by "laser friendly fire" in Iraq

    Three simple words- Education, Training and Diligence. (for and by all)
  6. combatbuddha


    Remember currently it's not the fact that one is one PCat or TCat, it is the MEL that is assigned to it, as stated in sub-para b in the quoted post. There are hundreds of serving members on both TCat and PCats that do not exclude them from deploying operationally. The hiccup right now is that...
  7. combatbuddha


    There is no blame, only the result. Another check in the box during the form filling and subsequent interviews would have been nice, rather than an 11th hour e-mail stating that all T and PCats were under review for entitlement. Seems kinda dodgey, But hey, it'll just accumulate from here, right?
  8. combatbuddha


    Mid April for us. However, It was just deemed by some clerk in Western area that anyone on PCat or TCat will NOT have their LDA submitted until a review has been done. No names, no pack drill. I am on TCat, but with no restrictions. I am fit field and operationally deployable. The nature of the...
  9. combatbuddha


    Whatever. 1 CMBG has done their homework and is getting it on time.
  10. combatbuddha


    Actually we were told to leave the clerks alone wrt this issue unless we wanted a size 6 combat boot placed in one of our more intimate places...lol. Apparently for 1 CMBG the money will be in the bank mid April...I saw the e-mail chain to prove it...
  11. combatbuddha


    Your clerks will have to do a historical check on you. Question everything with them. I did and it got me a few extra points that put me in the next bracket now, rather than later.
  12. combatbuddha

    Single Quarters & Rations (R&Q) [MERGED]

    Shacks in Borden are always an issue, and not a particularly good one. It would be nice if the shacks were given back to the schools to control. A147 used to be CFSEME Art Coy, and the shacks just across the street belonged to CFSATE. I think Borden was one of those bases that felt the worst...
  13. combatbuddha

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    You had to be there. To protect the innocent I can't go into detail. Lets just say something funny, yet inappropriate was being done by someone completely ut of their league....
  14. combatbuddha

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Regiment, Atten-tion!
  15. combatbuddha

    Need advice for a friend who is getting no answers on house selling for QL3,QL5

    This is probably the one time I 100% agree with Vern. The calender has already been marked with a smiley. I would tell the guy to sell the house and eat the fees himself, which in the long run will save him money. Hell, besides his actual "personal" items, I would sell the place furnished or...
  16. combatbuddha

    Need advice for a friend who is getting no answers on house selling for QL3,QL5

    Questions to help with answers are Where is the house? When did he buy it? Did IRP authorize help him buy it or did he do it privately? One suggestion could be that the member sells the house privately puts his F&E in to storage at his own expense and then move into quarters. It has to be...