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Need advice for a friend who is getting no answers on house selling for QL3,QL5

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Well im posting this for a friend he is realy not getting no advice or answers from his chain of command. I am trying to help him calm his nerves.

Here is scenario

He was brought in the military over a year now as a skilled vtech. He was given the rank of CPL B.

He did his basic and SQ already and was in Borden on pr etc awaiting courses. He has done his EME common core training. He then put a request to go on OJT which was granted and he is at his OJT learning. Now he has a house and they put restriction on it stating he can not sell his house till he completes his QL3QL5 military familiarization course.

Now he just found out today the course is in month and so forth.

Problem is in Borden they are making him pay rations but not quarters. He has submited memo's asking if he can sell his house and no one can give him a straight answer.

Problem lies here he is paying house, heat,hydro,taxes and what not for this house and no one is living there at all. So he will have to pay someone $XX amount to go there to flush his toilets to keep septic field active and cut his grass and snow blow his driveway.

So all in all with the house payments and insurance and paying someone to maintain it and also pay ratios he is left in the minus. He will have to put $300 a month on his credit card plus what ever spending money per month just to survive this course for 9 months.

I am pretty sure a single member with a house for one does not have to pay rations nor quarters.

Can anyone lend a hand on some advice.

So, just to clarify, is he looking for permission to sell his house, or is he looking for authority to sell his house with full CF benefits (i.e., legal and real estate reimbursement)?
Questions to help with answers are

Where is the house?
When did he buy it?
Did IRP authorize help him buy it or did he do it privately?

One suggestion could be that the member sells the house privately puts his F&E in to storage at his own expense and then move into quarters. It has to be cheaper than his mortgage, bills and maintenance....
Sorry he had the house prior to joining the military.

He wants to sell the house this summer and get rid of the burden. But they are not lifting the restrictions on him selling it. So basically he could sell it but would have to take the re listate fees and lawyers and move and storage fees.

Which is not right.
trencher said:
Sorry he had the house prior to joining the military.

He wants to sell the house this summer and get rid of the burden. But they are not lifting the restrictions on him selling it. So basically he could sell it but would have to take the re listate fees and lawyers and move and storage fees.

Which is not right.

Well no, he becomes entitled to re-imbursement of those fees upon his 1st posting. That's the rules. He sells before that ... he covers the costs. He's simply not entitled to move or real estate costs until the CF actually POSTS him somewhere.

Burden? Why?

He's paying for his mortgage ... the CF is paying for his quarters while he's on course. No extra cost to him there over what he was paying when he joined the CF.

The CF isn't paying his rations while he's on course - he is. No extra cost there for him either since his joining the CF. He's single you said. He's not therefore paying for food etc for anyone (NOK) in that purchased residence. He's only paying his food costs, the same as if he were still living in his house.

He's paying to heat, insure his house etc. Exactly the same as he was when he joined. Why is this the CFs "burden" all of a sudden? Please don't talk "pay-cut" to jojn the CF. He knew what the pay scale was when he VOLUNTEERED to serve.

I fail to see what the problem is.
This is probably the one time I 100% agree with Vern. The calender has already been marked with a smiley.

I would tell the guy to sell the house and eat the fees himself, which in the long run will save him money. Hell, besides his actual "personal" items, I would sell the place furnished or have one hell of a garage sale. Good time to start fresh.
trencher said:
Which is not right.

I assure you, as mentioned by Vern, that is indeed quite proper. I have sold a house prior to a posting based on personal reasons and had to bear the full cost of the process. I knew it too.

Thats what i thought here lies the problem.

He does not pay quarters yet he is still paying rations.

Is there any CFAO that states member with a house shall not pay ration nor quarters. I know the guys here have houses back home and they are not paying neither.
trencher said:
I know the guys here have houses back home and they are not paying neither.

Are these "guys" married?  The only reason you won't pay R&Q is if you are posted somewhere while your dependents are elsewhere or if you are on TD on course somewhere.
I agree with Zoomie.  If thie guy is not married and has no dependents, then he must pay for rations as he is not paying for them anywhere else.  I can understand his getting the quarters for free as he is maintaining a home elsewhere.
So basicly he is screwed ??

I think that paying rations on a QL3 course is BS. It should be paid for once you are posted then you should pay rations.

Ive been on courses and it makes no sense. If a soldier has a gf or wife in a apt or pmq on the same base. they get Ration and quarters paid and also seperation and also a room at the shacks and a free ration card.

But this can be debated for hours and it will go no where.

Fact of the matter is they would not let him sell it cause they had no clue how long he would be in borden for so they would not allow him to sell his house till he is posted. It has now been over a year now and he has been stuck with making all these payments on house and rations that he has been living off a credit card. I feel this is going to push him out of the cf.

So what people are saying his options are to sell the house pay for all the fees and take the loss ? Basicly go fly a kite cpl.
trencher said:
I think that paying rations on a QL3 course is BS. It should be paid for once you are posted then you should pay rations.

WOW!  You are a regular little Socialist, aren't you?  I take it you feel all people on Crse should get Free Rations and Quarters?  Where are all these "Defence Dollars" coming from to do this?

The CF is not a Charity, nor another form of Welfare.

In this case a person has found himself in an unusual circumstance of his own construction.  It is not the CF, nor any organization's, policy to compensate people for their personal responsibilities.  If the CF posts this person, then they will have the full support of the CF and the Government in the administration required for the sale of his home and purchase of one in his new posting.  Until such time, however, he is, by his own choice, a home owner.  That was not the CF's choice.
So what people are saying his options are to sell the house pay for all the fees and take the loss ? Basicly go fly a kite cpl.

No, a number of very knowledgeable people took the time to answer your question.  Your "friend" is entitled in Rations and not Quarters while on restricted posting.  He can do whatever he wants with the house- sell it, rent it, burn it down... but until the military lifts the restriction on his posting, he will not get any funding from the Crown to pay for any sales expense.

But, you didn't like the answer you got, so you thought you would throw a temper tantrum in the hopes of what...someone would give you answer you liked better?  What are you, 12?  Grow up- you are adult and so is your "buddy".
trencher said:
Fact of the matter is they would not let him sell it cause they had no clue how long he would be in borden for so they would not allow him to sell his house till he is posted.

I am pretty sure it's not that they aren't letting him sell it that is "wrong" in your eyes but more the fact that they won't offer to pay all the fees involved for him.

As Vern so succinctly put it earlier, he was already "stuck" with paying for the house before he got in the military.  What's changed?  He's still paying the same bills he had before he got in.  Did he make a better salary prior to joining?  Yep, sucks to be him.  As has been stated, the CF will not pay for real estate fees, etc until the member is posted.  At least he's not paying for quarters.  I'm sure there are some in the same boat who are.

I'm on IR and still have to pay for internet, etc, even though I already pay it at home.  Whatever shall I do??  Maybe I'll go down to 101 and throw a tantrum.  ::)

Just kidding!
If he can't get it, after being told the same thing a half a dozen times, he won't get it after a dozen.


Sorry if you don't think it's fair. Life ain't fair, wear a helmet.


Milnet.ca Staff
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