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  1. xFusilier

    US Army Probes POW Abuse - Video

    Perhaps, on the other hand a synonym for Iraqi Governing Council is "American Apointed Puppet Government". Don‘t forget that a guy named Petain was very supportive of the people that gave him his job, that didn‘t make him right. All in all at best he‘s probably about as credible as Al-Jazeera...
  2. xFusilier

    The RPG-7

    Infanteer, Check this out: Panzerfaust 3 Sorry the page is in deutsch but it‘s basically an improved RPG.
  3. xFusilier

    CFRC Not updateing??

    Large amounts of anal probing, why do you ask?
  4. xFusilier

    drill movements

    I remember one Res QL2 package that had something like 32 Drill EO‘s, including For Inspection Examine Arms, and Ease Springs. I can now say that the only thing that is worse than doing drill for 8 hours a day, is teaching it 8 hours a day.
  5. xFusilier

    Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

    What can I say, You‘re just fortunate that Chocolate Thunder, Green Eggs and Ham, or Warrant Surley are no longer around. They would have gone down to the RQ drawn a large magnet and removed them for you. The PLO sure ain‘t what it used to be.
  6. xFusilier

    Last Canadian Combat Action

    Look for 25 Canadian Infantry Brigade and 1st Commonwealth Division.
  7. xFusilier

    Bill O‘Reilly (oh pulease)

    Yeah, cause between Ollie North (We don‘ need no stinkin Boland Amendment), and Bill O‘Reilly (It was a Polk Award, no a Peabody Award), faux news is a real bastion of integrity. Besides, aren‘t you tired of getting told what to think by an Australian? :)
  8. xFusilier

    Competition out of limits?

    Agreed that a degree does not make you a better platoon commander or company commander, although I do remember a guy on my ISCC who had the troops shout "cogito ergo su" as they fell in for battle, but I digress. Where education does come into play is that both civillians and military personnel...
  9. xFusilier

    Intelligence branch..

    C‘mon though you got to admit for socialist propaganda it had a much more catchier beat than say, the Internationale
  10. xFusilier

    Interview on may 11, will i make it for summer?

    Very simple: because you are too bone idle to even bother to press the SHIFT key at the begining of a sentence. Nothing pisses soldiers off more than people that cannot be bothered to put forth the required amount of effort.
  11. xFusilier

    Joining CSR or 11 Field hospital (reserve, Infantry/Combat Medic) w/o losing my job?

    If you work for the government of Canada there is a TB directive mandating time off for reserve service.
  12. xFusilier

    Army Reserve Website

    Oooo.....oooh...from a guy with a 12RBC capbadge...that... doesn‘t.... really smart at all :p
  13. xFusilier

    The Merged Maher Arar Thread

    What the entire Anzar family is asking for is $400 million. 70 mil from Anzar and than 30 for each of the family members. Not that they‘ll ever get it because of the limits of Canadian Tort law.
  14. xFusilier

    Italian hostage who screamed "Now I‘ll show you how an Italian dies."

    The reason that the Isrealis get raked over the coals for it, is that the policy of targeted killings runs contrary to international law. Furthermore, if an Israeli helicopter fires a hellfire missle and kills 1 terrorist and 25 innocents, are they not as dead as the 25 Israelis killed in the...
  15. xFusilier

    Italian hostage who screamed "Now I‘ll show you how an Italian dies."

    Perhaps the reason that Israel gets held to a higher standard is the fact that it is a free and democratic nation, and free and democratic nations are expected to have higher moral standards than tinpot dictators. There will be no peace in Israel until the Likud party realizes that terrorism is...
  16. xFusilier

    CDN Army Ceremonial Swords

    Swords are only carried in No.1 Order of dress which includes white belts, gloves and medals. Officers, IIRC only carry swords when the formed body of troops are armed. Warrant officers (WO-CWO) may carry swords or sabres depending on the customs and traditions of their corps/regiment. In the...
  17. xFusilier

    Italian hostage who screamed "Now I‘ll show you how an Italian dies."

    As Nietzche once said: He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster Pretty hard to claim to have the moral high ground when you are willing to kill thousands of innocents to avenge the death of less than a hundered.
  18. xFusilier

    The Queen‘s Golden Jubilee Medal

    Recce41, Not as many as there used to be though. You don‘t know how many stories I heard growing up that started with, this one time we were out in PV, or I remember going to Wainwright in a 3/4 ton with no heat in March in a Blizzard stories. Anyhow, what‘s that line, Old Cavalrymen never...
  19. xFusilier

    I‘m leavin early May and have to ask???

    You will probably be in a different serial than those people leaving in April. I can‘t say for sure because I don‘t work for CFLRS. They stagger these dates so that resources are available throughout the training cycle (pool, range, confidence course etc). It also allows them to course load...
  20. xFusilier

    More "Army" in Army Cadets (combat training, etc.)

    Gee, what about all the other contributing members of society who never touched an FN as an adolescent. Bit of a straw man there me thinks. As our resident SME Itchyscratchywoolenkit has stated the concept of "combat training" for Cadets is a red herring. Does anyone really think that the...