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  1. cobbler

    Australian Navy "Shuts Down" For Christmas

    In short: No it doesn't
  2. cobbler

    Australian Navy "Shuts Down" For Christmas

    I just responded to this when it was brought up in another thread, so here goes the old cut 'n' paste: ::) I hate the media, I really do. TO CLARIFY THE POINTS IN THOSE ARTICLES The RAN is not "shutting down". There will still be duty watches on every ship and every base, and HQ-JOC, NORCOM...
  3. cobbler

    More sailors needed for Canada's warships

    ::) I hate the media, I really do. TO CLARIFY THE POINTS IN THOSE ARTICLES The RAN is not "shutting down". There will still be duty watches on every ship and every base, and HQ-JOC, NORCOM & AUSFLT watchkeepers will still be going round the clock to support the boys at sea. The guys deployed...
  4. cobbler


    Champagne, a nice meal, and a long sleep in in the morning with her in my arms.
  5. cobbler

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    Oh Hell NO! That is from a man who has flown IN a Super Hornet. I'd be surprised if he had ever actually flown so much as an ultralight or a cessna. Carlo Kopp, aka the sorry excuse for a human who wrote that opinion piece of garbage, is a self-proclaimed defence analyst, in reality, and...
  6. cobbler

    Naval High Collar White Tunic

    In the RAN our Medical, Nursing and Dental Officers have cloth between the stripes, but with those exceptions thats it these days. Unless the CF is different then there is no shirt underneath. Just tunic on skin. And its pretty bloody comfortable. Unless you opted to wear a plain white t-shirt...
  7. cobbler

    M-hull assault ship

    Actually Multi-Hull are proven in a couple of areas. 1. They are horrible in any sort of sea state, I was in company with Triton in a cyclone and it looked anything but comfortable/safe, we were freaked just looking at them, I'm quite sure the guys onboard her were saying prayers. Honestly...
  8. cobbler

    Navy launches song competition

    Whats wrong with the classics? http://youtube.com/watch?v=sody4Fl8CJE
  9. cobbler

    AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)

    Yeah from all I' ve heard shes going great. No problems onboard and no complaints from her receiver ships in RASs. But she is just a tanker. She can take huge amounts of liquids and transfer them pretty bloody quickly. But she is very limited in replenishment of stores. Unlike SUCCESS and I...
  10. cobbler

    AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)

    you see the scrapping of plans to purchase some highly stupid ship designs as having a NEGATIVE impact on navy capability and RISKING sailors lives? Other way around mate. JSS was a god-awful idea. better to wait a few years and get some proper ships. Not rush in to get the multi-billion...
  11. cobbler

    Civilians - coming onboard or leaving Canadian warship -

    Correct. When crossing an RAN brow in civilian clothing it is customary to salute.
  12. cobbler

    Civilians - coming onboard or leaving Canadian warship -

    Interesting. In the Aussie Navy, military personnel salute the gangway regardless. Whether you be in S1 ceromonials, or if you are drunk as a skunk returning from a big run ashore in some pretty grotty civvies. Aussies, Kiwis, I would have thought the Poms, dont turn. Just keep walking and...
  13. cobbler

    Pics of today's Brisbane Welcome Home (from Iraq) Parade

    Most of the media have forgotten to mention that we still have guys and gals over there and who will be there for the long haul.
  14. cobbler

    Curious about Australian Air Force entry requirements

    You dont need a degree to be a warfare or admin area type Officer in Australia. I'm a 19 year old OOW/OOD onboard a ship. The catch is you cannot go past Lieutenant Commander (or equivalent) without going on to get a degree. Whether by distance ed, or studying full/part time.
  15. cobbler

    The Most unbelievable thing ever heard on a Parade...

    sounds like a friendly joke to me. In Australia I wouldn't be surprised to hear a reviewing officer from New South Wales say to a bunch of Queenslanders "of course the best soldiers are in Queensland, but you guys are a close second". A harmless joke, a pretty poor one, but nothing to get your...
  16. cobbler

    Article on Morale problems with Aussie Infantry

    How some bloody idiots in the media sleep at night, I will never know. But I'd love to give some of them a spraying with some of my mind.
  17. cobbler

    Tanya Zaetta 'sex' romp with Australian SASR in Agfhanistan A Must Read

    Seems to me that the leak somewhere from the Department up along the line to the Defence Minister's office should be of more concern than whether or not a b-grade celebrity put a smile on the face of a few of our boys.
  18. cobbler

    What's in a name?

    Nope in wouldnt/didnt effect my choice. I'm the MARS equivalent in the RAN, known as a "Seaman" Officer. Hard to live that one down with your mates when I was going through the recruitment porcess, "In the Navy" sexual connotations and all that jazz. Whilst it didn't deter me, it may have...
  19. cobbler

    Dateline: Australia - The stupid things politicans do - Chairsniffers Annon :)

    Liberal has a different meaning in Australian politics. The Australian Liberal party is the moderate conservative party. The Australian Labor party is the "liberal" party.
  20. cobbler

    Australian army

    for overseas applicants: http://www.defencejobs.gov.au/recruitmentcentre/overseasApplicants/