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Search results

  1. Navy_Blue

    $$HMCS Whitehorse Hits Bottom??$$

    You know the public wants us to be out doing useful things.  Charting the uncharted kinda implies we might find things were not expecting.  So 50,000$$ too 200,000$$ could almost be considered a cost of doing business.  It should be expected we would loose or damage a percentage of our gear any...
  2. Navy_Blue

    Canadian AFG War "Resister"

    Just saw him on CTV newsnet tonight it just sickens me that he is getting this much play.  :threat:
  3. Navy_Blue

    transfering from Army (reserves) to Navy

    I did the same thing you are doing almost five years ago now.  My Res basic and battle school wrote off my need to do a Reg basic.  What ever MOC you go for be sure its what you want and not what they want you in.  A good chunk of the trades good and bad are crying for bodies.  Good luck in...
  4. Navy_Blue

    Ban on Sunday shopping in Nova Scotia lifted

    The only reason we didn't have sunday shopping earlyer is because the vast majority of people 18 to 30 don't vote.  Most of the people who do vote are our parents and grandparents, retired church going resistive to change kinda people.  All the polls in Halifax before the plebiscite were for...
  5. Navy_Blue

    Life at sea videos....

    For those who didn't see it when navymich posted it in the Freddy thread, here is one with the Zoomies doing there stuff. Enjoy. http://youtube.com/watch?v=lzAP7WK4iG8 :cdn:
  6. Navy_Blue

    Life at sea videos....

    Here's one a friend of mine made on his lap top back in 18 mess.  Its not real rough but a stern sea for 5 or 6 days can get really old.  Especially if your on the top bunk.  Its not seen here but through the night the waves bent the STBD side nets on the fight deck. I guess Mr Neptune saw our...
  7. Navy_Blue

    Life at sea videos....

    This one isn't mine but I saw it on Youtube and thought it was cool.  When we did it in the gulf we bought some old fishing boats to fill full of holes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3a8i5hbzEiU Anyone who has some good stuff feel free to add to this  :) :cdn: Side note when I say "we" I...
  8. Navy_Blue

    Life at sea videos....

    Works now... :) :cdn:
  9. Navy_Blue

    Life at sea videos....

    If you guys like this I will upload some of my other Videos to Youtube and post the links here. This is the last AMR party we had on HMCS Montreal before the end of our NATO in 2005.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxMClWhWS2U Cheers :cdn:
  10. Navy_Blue

    USN Eliminating Frigates?

    "A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet" A Frigate by any other name is still a frigate. 378ft is kinda in the realm of a small frigate.  :cdn:
  11. Navy_Blue

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

    They are all in Canada.  From Thunderbay Ontario originally but live in Brockville Ontario now.  There is a place in Thunderbay called the Fin Bin.  Thunderbay is the place most of the Finnish that immigrated to Canada settled.  You know any Pohjolainens?? No its not Nijmegen then.  I have no...
  12. Navy_Blue

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

    Finnish!! That just makes you crazy  ;D  Some of my best friends are Finnish.  Very cool though. All the best too you. :cdn:
  13. Navy_Blue

    YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

    So are we talking about the Nijmegen March here??  Still kinda lost as to (WTF) Anna is on about.  Ref 150KM march?? (thought it was canceled) Would explain allot and it would make her Dutch possibly??  Naturally crazy and bread to love Canucks. God Bless you honey  :salute: :cdn:
  14. Navy_Blue

    Cape Breton to infinity and beyond

    Cape Breton to infinity and beyond.  I was just watching CTV and from the sounds of it Cape Breton is going to be the site of a brand new private orbital launch facility.  There goal is to produce a crew and cargo shuttle for NASA to ferry crew and equipment to the ISS.  Not really DND related...
  15. Navy_Blue

    Does anyone have information on recent European JSS style ship?

    See you have to agree on some points of that sfu article.  Purpose built Oilers and transports make sense.  All round a fleet like that is more flexable.  How do you move your equipment if you tie up the JSS in a task group fueling or acting as a Command ship??  However I think we're past...
  16. Navy_Blue

    Does anyone have information on recent European JSS style ship?

    Seems like allot of people are jumping on the JSS band wagon. I wonder if they are being smart and putting the JLSS on an Enforcer hull??  They seem to be doing allot with that design. :cdn:
  17. Navy_Blue

    Cdn. Forces to accelerate enlistment of recruits

    When I did a component transfer in 2001 it took 3 months for the recruiting center to get my paperwork.   I was with the Camron Highlanders of Ottawa.  You can spit on NDHQ from the front door of Cartier Square and the CFRC is a two minute walk.  I was ridding these people hard because I was...
  18. Navy_Blue

    Does anyone have information on recent European JSS style ship?

    The Danish have the HDMS ABSALON and her sister ship ESBERN SNARE.  They have RO-RO and space for helos but lack the RAS gear we are looking for.  The Danish call them support ships but they look pretty mean.  The Dutch have the Rotterdam but again no RAS capability.  Correct me if I'm wrong...
  19. Navy_Blue

    ORCA has passed her first test!

    Its one thing to take advantage of drinking at sea and another to have a beer after supper in the mess.  If your getting loaded everynight at see there is something wrong.
  20. Navy_Blue

    What's Your Favourite Mess?

    HMCS Montreal has a nice Jr's mess.  The real attraction is 1$ beer and cheap booze ;D  It has the down side of being on a ship though. :cdn: