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Life at sea videos....

Nice vid; now I'm assuming you guys were inside a ship correct; I'm still new to the Navy but will be submitting my ct pretty soon.
This one isn't mine but I saw it on Youtube and thought it was cool.  When we did it in the gulf we bought some old fishing boats to fill full of holes.


Anyone who has some good stuff feel free to add to this  :)


Side note when I say "we" I mean the ship not me.  ET's don't get to shoot much.  Great to watch up close though...
Awsome vid; what I would give to shoot one of those badboys  :fifty:
SoF said:
...what I would give to shoot one of those badboys.

You're out of luck as a comm for that SoF.  However, if you stay reserve, you may get the opportunity on the MCDVs to be a loader for them.
Here's one a friend of mine made on his lap top back in 18 mess.  Its not real rough but a stern sea for 5 or 6 days can get really old.  Especially if your on the top bunk.  Its not seen here but through the night the waves bent the STBD side nets on the fight deck. I guess Mr Neptune saw our BarBQ ($$$ It was really nice and only used twice  :-[) strapped down on top part, it was gone shortly there after.


Hope you enjoy


Look at that!  It was so rough it knocked down all the guardrails on the foc'sle!


Yeah, that wasn't so much fun...
