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  1. The_Falcon

    Speeding / Traffic tickets during application [Merged]

    Last one for the dogpile then I am locking this. If you have unpaid fines, and believe you merit special dispensation, then the correct course of action is to ADDRESS IT THROUGH THE COURTS, LIKE AN ADULT.  Suck it up and make an appointment with the local prosecutor and/or JP and deal with YOUR...
  2. The_Falcon

    Military Injury ( Compartment Syndromes)

    "Becoming a Supple Leopard" By Kelly Starett
  3. The_Falcon

    Military Injury ( Compartment Syndromes)

    I still get pain from time to time as everything stretches out.  And this is 10 years later almost.  1 year out and having pain seems normal.  Quite a bit of tissue will have been affected.  If you can, I would suggest going to a physio/athletic therapist and work on your ankle...
  4. The_Falcon

    Freeman on the Land?

    Absolutely.  I don't think the "freeman" movement is an organized entity in any sort (that would seem to run counter to their beliefs at any rate).  But the "freemen"  do seem to follow the same "script" as it were when dealing with LE (ie, your aren't in uniform unless you have your business...
  5. The_Falcon

    Freeman on the Land?

    There have already been plenty of incidents where "freemen" have shown a disposition towards violent behaviour when dealing with law enforcement.  Most haven't made the news, but youtube is full of examples.
  6. The_Falcon

    Odd question about...On base parking!

    http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/C.R.C.,_c._887/ http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/G-6/page-1.html And since it's pertinent, the saying "ignorance is no excuse" well that is actually codified into the NDA http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/N-5/page-25.html#h-51
  7. The_Falcon

    Odd question about...On base parking!

    What you are describing is discretion.  To infer that such discretion is universal and will always occur is misleading.
  8. The_Falcon

    Odd question about...On base parking!

    Incorrect.  All that needs to be proven (for strict liablity offences, which parking infractions are) is that a regulation/law/order (civy or military) exists, and was valid/in force at the time of the infraction, and that the person commited the requisite act for the infraction.  Whether or not...
  9. The_Falcon

    Politics in 2014

    Adam Vaughn is no longer a Toronto City Councillor.  A liberal win or not, this makes me happy.  It will be interesting to see the two egos (vaughn and trudeau) clash though. 
  10. The_Falcon

    JeffL - What should I do knowing that it's ultimately up to me?

    Your thread still exists, and I locked it for a reason.  And I am locking this one as well.  We aren't in the habit of indulging unknown Xbox warrior wannabes, or molly coddling the indecisive. There is a TON of information available here and elsewhere on the internet.  Do some research and pick...
  11. The_Falcon

    Alarming number of Mounties facing disciplinary action- June 2014 report

    Digging into the actual report, one of the members who committed fraud, was ordered to resign (or be terminated), and was facing criminal charges as well.  Not exactly a slap on the wrist, and belies the notion that criminal charges for misconduct aren't put forward. And to comment on the...
  12. The_Falcon

    Alarming number of Mounties facing disciplinary action- June 2014 report

    Oh I get that, I was just highlighting for Schindler (and others) that some of those people were in fact charged criminally, and that for those RM's who weren't, one possible reason is the higher burden of proof required to sustain the charge.  Also, just because they weren't charged criminally...
  13. The_Falcon

    Alarming number of Mounties facing disciplinary action- June 2014 report

    From the article "Some also faced criminal charges for more serious offences including assault and impaired driving." "One corporal with 22 years on the job was reprimanded and docked 10 days' pay for impaired driving in an unmarked cruiser and attempting to use his RCMP status to avoid...
  14. The_Falcon

    Speeding / Traffic tickets during application [Merged]

    Your credit will be reviewed as part of the process, unpaid fines don't tend to be positive things in this regard. Your personal character will be assessed.  Failing to address a matter, that is pretty easy to address, shows lack of responsibilty and maturity. People who don't have these...
  15. The_Falcon

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    Most occupations have their own sub-forums, go look in them and you will find your answers.
  16. The_Falcon

    Looking for advice/input on balancing a civilian life and a military career

    Interesting choice of words yours Ops WO used.  It only works on new guys for a reason.  >:D
  17. The_Falcon

    Alarming number of Mounties facing disciplinary action- June 2014 report

    Can't ever satisfy the media (CBC in particular).  First it was the RCMP are undisciplined, so they start cracking down...surprise surprise, number of people getting disciplined goes up. And out of a Sworn membership of 18690 http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/about-ausujet/organi-eng.htm, 144 facing...
  18. The_Falcon

    JeffL - What should I do knowing that it's ultimately up to me?

    Agreed, if you can't figure out your own life, and have to ask random strangers on the internet to do it for you, NONE of those things you listed are suitable for you. Locked. Hatchet Man.
  19. The_Falcon

    Initiall Processing

    Relaying personal experience is fine.  Offering opinions and advice, without appropriate EXPERIENCE and KNOWLEDGE, is not.  This is a common theme around here, and consider this your freebie. Hatchet Man Staff
  20. The_Falcon

    Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

    https://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/022/f2/022-909.007-e.pdf According to that if they served after 1998, you send a request to DAIP, 1919-1997 you need their permission first.