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  1. The_Falcon

    The Khadr Thread

    Doubtful, I am willing to bet if the plaintiffs do try to seek compensation, Khadr's sympathizers (ie alot of public unions) will rally to his cause.
  2. The_Falcon

    Ordered to work on days off?

    Interesting that you mention that, as it's akin to something Timothy Feriss talks about in his book "The Four Hour Work Week"  He actually devotes an entire section about how most emails, meetings etc. are fluff, and as way of being more efficient (in the early steps), you let everyone know, you...
  3. The_Falcon

    Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

    If you have already found and read the existing threads, then you have your answer already. locked.
  4. The_Falcon

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    I would caution against using that document as reference since it was put out 9 YEARS ago.  Recruiting regularly updates their documents...Webmasters for Reserve unit websites....not so much. And since the OP asked for and received a reply in the Ask a Recruiter section, this thread is...
  5. The_Falcon

    The Depression / Anti Depressants Merged Thread

    also friendly reminder, if you are NOT CAF medical staff, then you should not be offering your OPINION on what may not happen, medical wise during the recruiting process.
  6. The_Falcon

    Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

    Reference the bolded part, you mean just like Christianity and Judaism which both have different branch and sub-branches, and which don't always play nice with each other.
  7. The_Falcon

    Islam and Western Society

    I just asked the Jordanian's that I work with about this, and they confirmed this.  They think it's pretty funny actually.
  8. The_Falcon

    Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

    Quite a few media outlets, and LE are describing it as an "isolated incident of workplace violence"  ::)
  9. The_Falcon

    Fingerprints/youth criminal record

    The only thing that can be disclosed is that there is a youth record.  The details are not asked for, and if you try to offer details, you will be cut off mid sentence.
  10. The_Falcon

    kadeenUsaf's Question Thread

    You didn't receive an answer because foreign credentials are assessed on a individual case by case basis. Once you apply you will be given instructions on what information you need to provide to the recruiting staff, so your education can be properly assessed.  As well even with Canadian...
  11. The_Falcon

    Fingerprints/youth criminal record

    Sorry I made a grammatical error, HQ will advise the centre in the email, whether they can proceed processing or stop.  Either way, you won't get answer until you actually start the process.
  12. The_Falcon

    How to recind or dispose of a military qualification

    Perhaps the OP is the only in his unit with a particular qualification, and that in turn has meant that's all they do now.  I kinda felt the same way after getting my driver quals (especially on specialty vehicles), because for awhile I was one of maybe 2 or 3 with those quals, so guess what I...
  13. The_Falcon

    Fingerprints/youth criminal record

    Unless things have changed, the recruiting centre you are dealing with doesn't see the charges.  They are just sent a secure email from Recruiting HQ, saying you have a youth record, and they can either proceed with processing or cease processing.
  14. The_Falcon

    Is there a difference between Corporal and Private?

    I posted that, because I found that incident amusing (never thought an MP would actually ever use that line in real life).  But it is sort of related to this thread, albeit in a narrower scope. The judge in his decision highlighted the issue of rank vs authority (or in the OP's case subject...
  15. The_Falcon

    Is there a difference between Corporal and Private?

    Funny you should say that, as I read a recent Courts Martial decision (yes I get that bored), where an MP actually used that (in)famous line "Don't confuse your rank, for my authority", needless to say the Judge, was not impressed by this conduct...
  16. The_Falcon

    Is there a difference between Corporal and Private?

    It was like this when I got to the recruiting centre.  We had two Pte(R)s who got hurt in St. Jean, and were sent to the RC to work while they rehabed.  Obviously they knew more than I did when I got there.  As well, while one was always used rank and proper military protocol, the other did not...
  17. The_Falcon

    Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

    I find it interesting (but not surprising), the massive amount of spin in that article.
  18. The_Falcon

    Is there a difference between Corporal and Private?

    Lecture/Lesson is one thing, running an OR or something similar for a week, especially if there seems to be very little adherence to the rank structure, seems like a recipe for problems.  Although...(and if this sounds like a smart ass response, it is), go to that Pte for every little decision...
  19. The_Falcon

    Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

    You answered your own question, knowingly allowing "Canadians" to go and participate in this brutality is morally and ethically wrong.  As well, 1) we don't want "Canadians" acting as mouth pieces over there and legitimizing them or their cause, in the minds of impressionable people back here. ...
  20. The_Falcon

    NON-Recruiters posting in this Sub-Forum

    I will make the posting guidelines more deliberate, since some people can not follow directions. Who CAN post here: 1)People wanting to ask CAF Recruiting folks questions, in accordance with the guidelines mentioned here http://army.ca/forums/threads/115341.0.html 2) CAF Recruiting Staff 3)...