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  1. Jacky Tar

    Word association (just for fun)

  2. Jacky Tar

    AWOL Charge

    Same here. To quote from my (mis-spent) youth, there's "more than meets the eye!"
  3. Jacky Tar

    Reserve Infantry to Reg. Navy: Trng/Logistics?

    Generally, for hard sea trades, the ideal is to have you do NETP first, followed by QL3. However, with Log I'm not sure; it's entirely possible you'll go to CFSAL in Borden first. The thing is, even though you're putting on a Navy uniform, you're becoming a purple trade and you could wind up...
  4. Jacky Tar

    Will i have time to continue training my Martial Arts?

    I'll ditto what Precept said and add that when you finish Basic and go to your trade training, ask your instructors. Many/most units have a form you fill out to state that you do "x" activity for physical fitness - martial arts, kayaking, biking to/from your place of duty, etc. When that form is...
  5. Jacky Tar

    Word association (just for fun)

  6. Jacky Tar

    Canadians Unaware of our Navy

    I thought the AF promoted Timmies?  ;D
  7. Jacky Tar

    Looking for advice for a Career in the Forces.

    As Robert0288 said, it's called an occupational transfer, or OT. Asking to change trades is a voluntary OT, or VOT. Being told you must change trades is a compulsory OT, or COT. Generally, a COT would be if you failed part of your training and the review board figures you'd do better in a...
  8. Jacky Tar

    Dredged up from old files...

    True. And honesty compels me to admit I've seen storsies sitting the mids in HQ1, too. Sometimes with feet up on the console, breaking the buttons for me.* :) * Okay, once.
  9. Jacky Tar

    AWOL Charge

    I'm with you there, Halifax. I get the feeling she lives outside Halifax proper, so I could see it taking time to get into Stad. But if that's indeed the case, I don't get where the disobedience and AWOL charges come from. There's got to be more to it than this - or else her div chain needs to...
  10. Jacky Tar

    Looking for advice for a Career in the Forces.

    http://www.forces.ca/en/home/ There's a streamer on the page listing which trades have openings; Aerospace Control Op is the only one of the three you've listed in that streamer. That's not to say other trades are guaranteed to be closed, but you should be able to get the info from the RC...
  11. Jacky Tar

    Dredged up from old files...

    ... came across this which I'd saved from the mists of prehistory a while ago on the sadly now-defunct CAN_MILITARY echo on FIDONET and thought I'd share. Still relevant today, IMNSHO. Ode to the Dayworkers The men down in the spaces Their lonely vigil keep, Alert and ever watchful, While all...
  12. Jacky Tar

    Canadians Unaware of our Navy

    Yep - I was out there a few years back for 6B. Coming up from dockyard, I was asked for help by someone who was convinced that was a Coast Guard base. Go figure...
  13. Jacky Tar

    What book are you reading now?

    Re-reading Clarke's "Glide Path", his one and only non-science fiction novel. It's a fictionalized account of the development of ground-controlled approach systems based on his own experiences as an RAF radar officer during WWII. Well worth the read, too.
  14. Jacky Tar

    World War II’s Strangest Battle: When Americans and Germans Fought Together

    Thanks for the heads-up; this definitely sounds like a "must read".
  15. Jacky Tar

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    Since I'm on my DNET acct at the moment, CFSO 49-4 says: '19. When a member of the rank of Cpl or above who is eligible for promotion is assigned a temporary medical category that is lower than the minimum required for the member's MOC, promotion shall be deferred. Reinstatement of the member...
  16. Jacky Tar

    RCN, USN warships open to public in Vancouver before EX TRIDENT FURY '13

    Damn, I do miss the 'Gonk sometimes... then I get better :)
  17. Jacky Tar

    Canadians Unaware of our Navy

    Heck, even *in* Slackers or Squiggley I've met people who don't know our navy exists. So I'm not surprised that people in the middle bits of the country don't know either. One way to help correct the general issue of visibility, of course, would be to require folks to wear uniform to/from their...
  18. Jacky Tar

    Fitness for Operational Requirements of CAF Employment ( FORCE )

    I don't think anyone who's in hasn't seen this by now, but for those who are contemplating joining, here's what's coming down the pipe regarding physical fitness testing and standards: https://www.cfpsa.com/en/AboutUs/PSP/DFIT/Fitness/FORCEprogram/Pages/default.aspx I know a couple of stokers...
  19. Jacky Tar

    Relax and Chill out!

    It's been a while since I taught at CFLRS, but in '06, there was no requirement to pass a swim test. I remember thinking that was more than a little ridculous, too. From your replie to kawal, I gather passing the swim test is mandatory once again?
  20. Jacky Tar


    Everyone else seems to have spoken pretty well to the questions raised so far, so I'll just add this general advice, both for the would-be MP and the med tech: If at all possible, ask around among your friends and acquaintances and see if anyone knows someone in the military in those trades...