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Canadians Unaware of our Navy

Colin P said:
Ask the average person how their Japanese car or Asian made TV got here, I have had people tell me "By train or truck" If they can't visualize container ships, chances are they won't be able to grasp navy vessels.

Very few people realize that the vast majority of our possessions, including some of our food, arrives by sea.
Rest assured that this is an internation problem. 

I have an American coworker that witnessed a member of their Coast Guard being asked to leave a NOFORN briefing because the speaker thought he was in the Canadian Navy.  ;D  And no, the request did not go over well.
I was on my flight to Victoria a few years back when I first graduated from BMQ and we had a 5 hour layover in Edmonton, my home town.
We were travelling in our 1A's and me and a fellow sailor went outside the airport for a smoke where we met two civilian electricians visiting
home from work up north. They asked if we were pilots and we laughed and chatted with these guys for awhile. After going back inside one
of the navy boys from our sister platoon saluted an airline pilot because he thought he was a 4-ringer.... hilarity ensued.
Sailor01 said:
After going back inside one of the navy boys from our sister platoon saluted an airline pilot because he thought he was a 4-ringer.... hilarity ensued.

;D  That's funny!
Heck, even *in* Slackers or Squiggley I've met people who don't know our navy exists. So I'm not surprised that people in the middle bits of the country don't know either.

One way to help correct the general issue of visibility, of course, would be to require folks to wear uniform to/from their place of duty, but the Treasury Board scotched that one a while back.
Jacky Tar said:
Heck, even *in* Slackers or Squiggley I've met people who don't know our navy exists. So I'm not surprised that people in the middle bits of the country don't know either.

One way to help correct the general issue of visibility, of course, would be to require folks to wear uniform to/from their place of duty, but the Treasury Board scotched that one a while back.

I can *almost* understand it in Victoria, where Esquimalt is tucked away from downtown.  Since the USN also transits through the SJDF to its bases in Puget Sound, I can again *almost* see how some would just think that the gray ships that stop in are actually USN. 

But Halifax?  Where Stadacona is essentially right downtown (or at least visible from....everywhere)?
Dimsum said:
I can *almost* understand it in Victoria, where Esquimalt is tucked away from downtown.  Since the USN also transits through the SJDF to its bases in Puget Sound, I can again *almost* see how some would just think that the gray ships that stop in are actually USN. 

But Halifax?  Where Stadacona is essentially right downtown (or at least visible from....everywhere)?

Yep - I was out there a few years back for 6B. Coming up from dockyard, I was asked for help by someone who was convinced that was a Coast Guard base. Go figure...
Journeyman said:
OK, but neither have I seen Army displays at camping or gun shows, or the Airforce at.....at.....hotel and resort shows.

HEY, someone has to promote those Hotels, they are not going to do it on their own..LMAO

Well thanks to the CBC story about AB Deyoung, plenty of folks have been hearing about the RCN.  Too bad it's a negative introduction to the organization.
jollyjacktar said:
Well thanks to the CBC story about AB Deyoung, plenty of folks have been hearing about the RCN.  Too bad it's a negative introduction to the organization.

Bring out the lash and march the guilty B*st*rd in...is what that CBC "news" report wants the public to think.