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  1. W

    Michael Coren: "Caring for Karine"

    Loachman, Very wisely & eloquently stated. Your comment is impressive. Thank you. Walt
  2. W

    Video Remember Canada's Fallen at Christmas

    Thank you for the reminder. It literally made me cry. Merry Christmas to Everyone!
  3. W

    help on lawfull vs unlafull combatant

    Ark, Great reference....succint.....exactly what was asked for! SS Max, With all due respect Sir, Google is not always "your friend". 1,160,000 for "geneva convention". Cheers, Walt
  4. W

    Griffon Helicopters, INGRESS and Kandahar [Udate: Deployment officially announced!]

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medtech, I agree.......that would be awesome. Kilgore: "We'll come in low out of the rising sun and about a mile out we'll put on the music." Lance: "Music?" Kilgore: Yah. I use Wagner.  It scares the hell out...
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    Was I the youngest instructor ever in the Armed Forces?

    Seen & known. Still not appropriate. Public "bashing", in this case, is not professional. Walt
  6. W

    Was I the youngest instructor ever in the Armed Forces?

    I can't believe the criticism & negative responses to this question, especially from one of the moderators, namely "CDN AVIATOR". If you can't provide positive re-inforcement, or constructive criticism, then keep your hands off the key board. Walt
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    Question regarding undress ribbons

    Journeyman, Right you are......thanks for solving the mystery and setting me straight. Cheers, Walt
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    Question regarding undress ribbons

    The insignia he is wearing on the right breast pocket is the NORAD command badge (North American Aerospace Defence Command). Cheers, Walt
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    "C" Company, Royal Hamilton Light Infantry
  10. W

    Re Photo Submission Brit Girl I'm with Stupid T-shirt

    I wasn't looking for any "outcome" at all. And I didn't realize that was a qualifier for making a post on this site. However in the future I will refrain from making any comments on funny t-shirts... You obviously excelled in "Sh*t disturbing 101".
  11. W

    Canadians in Vietnam

    The following is a link to a website which provides various statistics regarding Canadians who served with the US forces in the Vietnam war: http://www.mystae.com/reflections/vietnam/canada.html Cheers, Walt
  12. W


    Kyle, The best person to guide you in your research is a retired Canadian sailor by the name of Ed. He is the author & webmaster of the wonderful website "ED'S MESS". http://members.shaw.ca/jollytar/ If you would like to contact Ed directly, his e-mail address is JOLLYTAR@SHAW.CA. Good luck...
  13. W

    117th Eastern Townships Overseas Battalion CEF

    The attestation papers can be accessed on-line through the National Archives at the following link: http://www.collectionscanada.ca/02/02010602_e.html By entering the regimental number, you should be able to obtain scans of the documents for most of the battalion members. Cheers, Walt
  14. W

    Lieutenant Pronunciation

    Found this on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lieutenant The British pronunciation of lieutenant is prevalent during 14th and 15th centuries with the word being variously spelled as lieftenant, lyeftenant or luftenant. It may have originated from a mistaken reading of the 'u' as a 'v', lev-tenant...
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    According to CFAO 49-8, the Supplementary Reserve is still an active sub-component of the Primary Reserve. The following link refers: http://www.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/cfao/049-08_e.asp Cheers, Walt
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    Buying/selling Medals Superthread [merged]

    Many valid points have been presented in this thread, both pro & con. Consider this issue from another perspective. The fate of a veteran's medals should remain their personal decision. I have had the pleasure to know many vets over the years, some of whom were family members. Sadly, all have...