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Search results

  1. scm77

    Op Apollo Video

    PM your email address and I'll send it to you. Edit:  Your email address was in your profile.  You should recieve it soon.  :) If anyone else wants it post here or PM me.
  2. scm77

    On Call in Hell - The Story of a US Navy Doctor in Fallujah

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11787394/site/newsweek/ The story of a US Navy doctor who has been awarded a Bronze Star for his actions during the battle for Fallujah in November '04. Outstanding article about an outstanding man.  :salute:
  3. scm77

    Helmet Camera

    Have you seen these ones? http://www.helmetcamera.com/
  4. scm77

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_PrintFriendly&c=Article&cid=1142291083474 Interesting how many people still believe the "We shouldn't be in Afghanistan because we are peacekeepers" theory.
  5. scm77

    Royal Marine Recruiting Video

    I sent a message to a British member of another forum I visit.  He'll probably have it.  I'll post it up here if I get it. :)
  6. scm77

    Would the BBC have broadcast the date of D-Day to the Nazis?

    No important technical details??  It describes exactly how the vehicle neutralizes IED's. The article says the "JIN" destroyed 90% of IEDs during testing.  It what President Bush said in his speech is true ("Within five days of the publication, using details from that article, the enemy had...
  7. scm77

    Well, the PM went to the 'Wild West'

    Read other Canadians opinions of Harper's trip  here. http://www.cbc.ca/news/viewpoint/yourspace/harper_afghan.html Some like this Other ones like this But I think this one takes the cake. :o If you are interested in adding your comments scroll to the very bottom and there is a space to...
  8. scm77

    General Hillier needs a lesson in democracy a la Pike

    Doesn't that violate the Conduct Guidlines? I'm with CFL.  :)
  9. scm77

    Well, the PM went to the 'Wild West'

    Here is an audio file of the Prime Minister's speech in Kandahar http://www.stephentaylor.ca/audio/Stephen-Harper-Kandahar-Afghanistan.mp3
  10. scm77

    CADPAT desktop?

    Nope.  Just did a google image search for "cadpat" and it was the third picture that came up.
  11. scm77

    CADPAT desktop?

    How's this? http://www.mcaroy.com/camo/cadpat001.JPG
  12. scm77

    Well, the PM went to the 'Wild West'

    They have a little picture slideshow of his visit here. http://www.cbc.ca/news/photogalleries/flash/afghan_harper.html?gallery=afghan_harper Go to see the Prime Minister showing our soldiers the support they deserve.  :salute:
  13. scm77

    Hummers and Apachies

  14. scm77

    The Capt. Trevor Greene Thread

    Is Afghanistan Canada's Iraq? The confusion surrounding the mission — one day to kill, the next to build — has blurred lines Mar. 6, 2006. 01:00 AM Axe attack March 5. The "raw brutality" of the axe attack on Canadian soldier Lieut. Trevor Greene in Afghanistan, carried out by a teenager...
  15. scm77

    Fallen soldiers video montage - Afghanistan

    Great video. Here's the link for anyone who wants to save it. http://x402.putfile.com/videos/a6-2115565854.wmv
  16. scm77

    Common acronyms & phrases used on Army.ca for newbies

    IMHO using acronyms to save time is ok. bUt I h8 wHeN pEePulL uSe MsN sPeEk, LoL oMg!11 As you can see there is a big difference between using acronyms to abbreviate words, and using "msn speak".  I think Scott put it best when it comes to this site.
  17. scm77

    Support of Capt. Trevor Greene.

    I hope for a speedy recovery to the injured soldier.  :salute:
  18. scm77

    My very First Marine Corps Duty Station

    Congratulations McAllister!
  19. scm77

    Facial Armour... Thoughts?

    US Military has the same thing.