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  1. pbi

    Ontario Politics in 2018

  2. pbi

    Stephen Hawking dead at 76

    My first exposure to him (I'm somewhat ashamed to admit...) was hearing his voice track in the Pink Floyd song Keep Talking, which appeared on the album Division Bell in 1994: "For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our...
  3. pbi

    Politics in 2018

    IMHO this lies at the heart of the issue. If we all have an inalienable  right not to be offended, there is no meaningful possibility of free speech. Unless you are just talking about the weather (and even then...), you are at risk of offending somebody. Any meaningful statement of principles...
  4. pbi

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    I agree that the Tories in Ontario will do well in rural ridings and in smaller centres, but I think they could make surprising gains in urban ridings too. As Ford Nation demonstrated, cities are not monolithic blocs of centrist voters, or "lefties". There are all sorts of fracture lines on...
  5. pbi

    North Korea (Superthread)

    On most grounds I have little time for Trump, but in this case I wish wholeheartedly for his success. A successful reduction of tensions in that part of the world could have interesting second and third order effects. The big question in my mind is the role of China. How will they view a course...
  6. pbi

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    That might be quite risky for them. As noted earlier, we like living in a democracy but we don't like elections. And we really don't like them too close together. Whoever provokes that might get punished.
  7. pbi

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    Yes. I am beginning to think that is what I want too.  Liberals out, but Ford's more extreme base factions tempered by the need to secure sufficient votes in the Legislature. Hopefully this does not see the NDP as kingmakers, but if the Liberals crash and burn, that may be the  case.
  8. pbi

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    Maybe. And certainly all institutions need scrutiny and a periodic overhaul. And the Liberals have very clearly fallen prey to "second-term-itis". But I would much prefer that scrutiny and overhaul were done in a logical, measured and intelligent way (you know..."conservative") which examines...
  9. pbi

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    Toronto is a very diverse electorate. Really "left leaning" voters are probably quite few, and tend to be concentrated in the former City of Toronto. The old suburbs, such as the former Etobicoke, Scarborough and North York are more mixed and contain more socially conservative or right of centre...
  10. pbi

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    Actually, the "MSM" is a pretty big tent, at least in Canada. At one end it contains the National Post and the Sun Chain, at the middle the Globe and Mail, and at the other The Toronto Star. The CBC (if you read/listen/watch it objectively, as opposed to cherry-picking it), also comes in around...
  11. pbi

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    Here is what I was hoping to see: a chance for people to express what they are afraid of without being stereotyped as "racists" or "gun freaks". http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/rcmp-rural-crime-town-hall-purdue-saskatchewan-1.4570920 I don't agree with using deadly force to protect...
  12. pbi

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    Well...he might take it with a plurality, given our first past the post system and the fact that there are three parties of consequence in the running. As we often hear levelled against the Trudeau Liberals, they "won" but most votes were not cast for them. But then FPTP is what we've always...
  13. pbi

    Ontario Politics in 2018

    This was not what I wanted, but it was what I was very sure would happen. Ford is not my idea of conservatism: he represents a kind of ignorant, blustering populism that in my opinion often draws energy from factions I would rather not see anywhere near the levers of power. He will win the...
  14. pbi

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    Well said. This is pretty much how I see it. We need to get reasonable people (ie: those closer to the centre part of the political spectrum) to come together for a reasonable solution. As in most things, we need to tune out the pot-banging bumper-sticker thinkers who lie farther out on the...
  15. pbi

    How will USA respond to Canada's terrible NAFTA demands? (split fm CF-188 Replacement)

    My assessment also. He is astute, though, in that he knows how well the Big Lie theory works. I have come to believe that no matter what rubbish was to come out of his mouth, a large slice of the US population would believe him because he "says it like it is", which actually means he says it...
  16. pbi

    How will USA respond to Canada's terrible NAFTA demands? (split fm CF-188 Replacement)

    What I should have said, is Gary Cohn, the Chief Economic Advisor. Who, one would have thought, as "Chief" was the primary source of economic advice.
  17. pbi

    Politics in 2018

    I agree with you. And, as we have both noted, we both know people in the LGBTQ community, whom we treat well and decently, so I doubt we are LGBTQ-phobic. As a caveat, though, I would say that you can "harm" a person without violence: denying them a job, not promoting them, or firing them...
  18. pbi

    Royal Canadian Air Force headed to mission in Africa ‘very soon’: top general

    Not a completely accurate assessment. I was in Colombia last fall for some work with regional armed forces. I got to know a Colombian Arty Col quite well, and we discussed the history and current situation at length. He had extensive experience in COIN ops, both in the "traditional" gunner role...
  19. pbi

    How will USA respond to Canada's terrible NAFTA demands? (split fm CF-188 Replacement)

    Interesting to see that Trump's economic advisor just quit. It must have been a very frustrating job. Trump never really seemed to pay any attention to any differing points of view on the US economy: he twice made wrong claims about the US-Canada trade surplus, which he could have corrected by...
  20. pbi

    Politics in 2018

    Good question. Hopefully, it can be left as a matter of  politeness and consideration, and maybe even logic. To a certain extent, I can see  the concern transgender people might have. I see it like this. If your name was Bob, but you decide to have it legally changed to "Bill", why would...